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Junior Member
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I dont expect you to know thousands year of Arab history but atleast look carefully at things that are right in front you for things that really counts in post 1991 world when US really become sole SuperPower and it was Arabs and there alliance with Israel that really made things worse. who do you think is Iran largest trading partner to keep that system afloat including access to Western products and tech?. Houthis are Arabs and so does Omani and that Iraqi Army that melt into ISIS and fought US and all the rest of Afghans that follow Arabic ideology.

This is how Putin met former head of Tatarstan that retired 15 years ago and close to 90 years age and Putin wants Tu-160 after his name. there is alot behind it but what you see the world most effective Airforce is Tatarstan. and that goes from using Tu-214R in Syrian experience to transform into something else. that is Russian engineering not the left over A-50 from Soviets.
and yes Putin used word Pig to describe some things in front of followers of Arabic ideology a few years before Ukraine. and its Arab financial system, Arab ideology and Arab aviation that keep Russia in this fight. certain things are visible like you can see in this girl cloths but it is invisible part that is much larger that is ensuring Russia is de westernized in mindset.
Indeed I know Arabic history.

But the glorious time of Arabic countries ended hundreds years ago.

Fighting against U.S. and western colonialism is a matter of the 20th century.

As for the financial system is a Islamic financial system

I respect Arabs, as I respect all cultures. But they have been allies of western imperialism more than fighters against it.

Iran is other topic and the Arabs fighters you speak are allies of Iran more than allies of the gulf monarchies.


Senior Member
Registered Member
I am starting to think that you are a western troll trying to discredit China.

Either that or you are very far away from the reality of the world.

Paying tribute is not something esoterical that is done for a country being “arrogant”.

Africa pays tribute across post colonial outlets present in those countries, financial trickery and corrupt local elites (comprador class).

China don’t have any of those post colonial outlets and moreover build infrastructure and give credits without interest to African countries.

But here you are pretending that China is the same than people that enslaved and genocided hundreds of thousands like Belgium, UK, France…

It is unbelievable …
Not to mention.

A lot of the time, the trade and stuff that countries, tribes etc. got from trading with China outweighed what they gave in tribute (by a lot).


Registered Member
Indeed I know Arabic history.

But the glorious time of Arabic countries ended hundreds years ago.
Gulf countries are the world richest and have unlimited Soft Power. they are second to none.
Fighting against U.S. and western colonialism is a matter of the 20th century.
yup only Arabs have directly fought Israeli Jews the world foremost Scientific power of past 200 years. Look at Academia of Top universities.
As for the financial system is a Islamic financial system
Its Saudi King that turn down Bush plea to lower oil prices in 2008 that led to that financial collapse. This Arabic financial system that is flying.

I respect Arabs, as I respect all cultures. But they have been allies of western imperialism more than fighters against it.

Iran is other topic and the Arabs fighters you speak are allies of Iran more than allies of the gulf monarchies.
you keep bringing Iran and not realizing its Iran that facilitate US much more than Arabs. and Its the same Arabs that keep Iran afloat.
and its the Arabs who can break the durand line and make Afghans 100m and they will eat Iran alive. Gulf Arabs not have the same negative thinking otherwise Kurds, Baluch and every one of there favorites will get there homeland and the whole Africa dump on Europe. they have very restraining influence on major powers.


Junior Member
Registered Member
Gulf countries are the world richest and have unlimited Soft Power. they are second to none.

yup only Arabs have directly fought Israeli Jews the world foremost Scientific power of past 200 years. Look at Academia of Top universities.

Its Saudi King that turn down Bush plea to lower oil prices in 2008 that led to that financial collapse. This Arabic financial system that is flying.
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you keep bringing Iran and not realizing its Iran that facilitate US much more than Arabs. and Its the same Arabs that keep Iran afloat.
and its the Arabs who can break the durand line and make Afghans 100m and they will eat Iran alive. Gulf Arabs not have the same negative thinking otherwise Kurds, Baluch and every one of there favorites will get there homeland and the whole Africa dump on Europe. they have very restraining influence on major powers.
In my opinion you seems to be a pretty out of reality, but maybe you are right. Who knows?

I don’t know how to you think Arabs can make Afganistán break the Durand line when Pakistan is a nuclear power with support of China and strongest forces that any Arab country

I don’t know how do you think Arabs countries can force anything into Iran when Iran can destroy the very source of the Arabic wealth in seconds just shooting everything in the Hormuth strait.
And not even talking of the impossibility of taking Iran due to its geography and the massive amount of ballistic missiles that Iran can launch towards the gulf monarchies.

Abouf Gulf monarchies having soft power I also disagree.
Gulf monarchies are positioning themselves as a kind of modern Switzerland. A neutral place for interchange of information and ideas.
But if you think about it Switzerland does not have soft power in itself. Simply gives forum to others and earn from it.

Gulf countries are not a military power, they command of the rest of Arabic world is non existent. Egypt Siria and others don’t give a fuck about the gulf minaexhies

Again, maybe you are right. But I think you are trying to see something that does not exist.
Pan Arabism is nowadays as non existence as pan hispanism for say something.


Registered Member
Correct, what some people seem to forget is the primary purpose of the UN in the first place. It’s not there for equality or fairness or representation or similar woke revisionist nonsense. The purpose of the UN is to prevent a repeat of the two world wars.

The P5 got their vetos not because the ‘deserved it’ or similar revisionist BS, they got the veto because they had raw hard power that demanded respect and accommodation. The Korea War is a case in point in both why the veto is important and also why the PRC got the veto in place of the RoC.

In their arrogance, the Americans and their lackeys forgot what the primary reason and point of the UN was and used gamesmanship to put UN boots on the ground in Korea when the USSR boycotted the UN for the RoC continuing to squat in China’s seat. The result is that rather than let the PRC cast a Veto on paper to stop something it will not tolerate, the PRC sent an army to stop and reversed it on the battlefield.

That, is the ultimate reason as to why the 5 hold vetos, if you fuck around with their core interests, then be prepared to find out.

There is certainly legitimate questions to be asked to as to whether the UK and France still qualify for this elite club, but that’s an argument for removing them, not replacing them with India. Even in their current diminished state, both could singlehandedly wreck India. They might not be able to March into Delhi like they used to, but they can erase the Indian navy and starve India into submission.

India hasn’t done a single thing to warrant entry to the world’s top table. They can’t even make a play as the token diversity hire since their ruling elites are indispensable from the Anglos in their attitudes, entitlement and arrogance. Their single greatest collective achievement is in spawning a billion hungry mouths. If that is sufficient ‘justification’ we might as well replace Little Britain with plantain.
TFW Indian government is trying to do the Indian Cisco/Oracle/ corporate strategy of powerplaying their way into the C suite/ P5.

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Russia has proven itself as A worthy protector against NATO with the victory in Adviika.
Armenia signed its own death warrant when it exited CSTO. They really should lynch Pashinyan for this.


Registered Member
That's not what I said. You think China got rich by itself? You think China is producing goods solely from materials it sources from its soil? How many Chinese workers are paid building infrastructure outside China's borders? Who is China selling it's goods too? Again, China has done well but China needs the world.
Yes? China is self sufficient, and what it buys are paid fairly unlike colonialists. You talk as if China got things for free. That is real entitlement right here.

Vast majority of economy is internal. Trade are mostly to AESAN(neighbors), US, EU. Global South dont contribute much to China economically. Hell, if every country disappear, China can still live nicely.

From what I can see, global south is the overlord here. China is the vassal paying tribute with interest free loan and debt cancelation.


Staff member
Super Moderator
I am starting to think that you are a western troll trying to discredit China.

Either that or you are very far away from the reality of the world.

Paying tribute is not something esoterical that is done for a country being “arrogant”.

Africa pays tribute across post colonial outlets present in those countries, financial trickery and corrupt local elites (comprador class).

China don’t have any of those post colonial outlets and moreover build infrastructure and give credits without interest to African countries.

But here you are pretending that China is the same than people that enslaved and genocided hundreds of thousands like Belgium, UK, France…

It is unbelievable …

He doesn’t know that tribute to Imperial China is actually reciprocated, usually with goods of much higher value to demonstrate the wealth of the empire. As a result not very many countries are allowed to pay tribute to China and some of them actually exploit the system to their advantage by trying to pay tribute multiple times a year.


Senior Member
Registered Member
In my opinion you seems to be a pretty out of reality, but maybe you are right. Who knows?

I don’t know how to you think Arabs can make Afganistán break the Durand line when Pakistan is a nuclear power with support of China and strongest forces that any Arab country

I don’t know how do you think Arabs countries can force anything into Iran when Iran can destroy the very source of the Arabic wealth in seconds just shooting everything in the Hormuth strait.
And not even talking of the impossibility of taking Iran due to its geography and the massive amount of ballistic missiles that Iran can launch towards the gulf monarchies.

Abouf Gulf monarchies having soft power I also disagree.
Gulf monarchies are positioning themselves as a kind of modern Switzerland. A neutral place for interchange of information and ideas.
But if you think about it Switzerland does not have soft power in itself. Simply gives forum to others and earn from it.

Gulf countries are not a military power, they command of the rest of Arabic world is non existent. Egypt Siria and others don’t give a fuck about the gulf minaexhies

Again, maybe you are right. But I think you are trying to see something that does not exist.
Pan Arabism is nowadays as non existence as pan hispanism for say something.
Basically, this. Arab Gulf states have extremely limited soft and hard powers of their own - yes, they have massive oil and gas deposits but they are completely dependent on the USD system meaning that all their wealth can evaporate overnight just like the Russian wealth fund if the US decides it. Their militaries are weak even with all the toys they constantly buy from the US - Houthis were regularly embarassing Saudis despite the technological advantage and information from the US intelligence agencies - this creates another major source of dependence on the US for defence. That kind of economic and military dependence means that there're hard limits in what they can do outside of the framework allowed by Americans without taking massive hits. Previously, this kind of dependence was somewhat balanced out by the reciprocal US dependence on the energy sourced from this region but the US is now energy-independent from them.

The only remaining independent source of power they have is Islam but most of the other Muslim states are moving towards becoming more & more secular, so this front is also weakening especially after everyone became alert of the radical Wahhabi Islam the Saudis were trying to shove.