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Germans discriminated against Chinese people at Singapore Airshow, by kicking them out and banning them from their exhibit. I wonder if a certain SDF mod will go to Zhuhai this year?
I can confirm. Had a friend who attended one of the days of trade show. He warned me that the Germans were not allowing Chinese folks or those with mainland Chinese names to go near their aircraft.

Not sure if the same thing happen for the public days, guess I'll find out soon in a few hours. Still I kind of expected the Americans to pull something like this, never the Germans.


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I'm familiar with what the west does, we're like you; we were at the receiving end of their brutality. China does well to avoid this, fair play. However, I'm talking about a few here who are adopting the wrong attitude. We don't want to meet the new boss who is the same as the old boss, we've had enough of serving. Nobody wants to be a tributary, vassal, or a colony. That time has passed, it's time to treat others with respect, strengthen ties and conduct win-win business deals, everybody goes home happier. This nonsense about the weak serving the strong is dangerous and doesn't do China or anyone any fafavors.
The difference is that when China was strong we didn't do anything like the west either. It's not just that we were on the receiving end of their brutality, it's that when we were the conquerors, we were not as brutal. And the evidence is all around you. Native Americans and most Africans lost their language while minority languages in China are still around.


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He doesn’t know that tribute to Imperial China is actually reciprocated, usually with goods of much higher value to demonstrate the wealth of the empire. As a result not very many countries are allowed to pay tribute to China and some of them actually exploit the system to their advantage by trying to pay tribute multiple times a year.
The burning of Zheng He's treasure fleet and records was an absolute tragedy.


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The difference is that when China was strong we didn't do anything like the west either. It's not just that we were on the receiving end of their brutality, it's that when we were the conquerors, we were not as brutal. And the evidence is all around you. Native Americans and most Africans lost their language while minority languages in China are still around.
Who gives A FLYING TOSS about @Africablack says about China and his BELOVED WEST/INDIA. He does not speak for Africa, he's but A SINGLE PERSON that carries an opinion probably shared by he/himself/they and other pronoun brigades from the human rightist west he loves and loathes so much at the same time.

His understanding of China's history is just beyond PATHETIC its rather pedestrian, and yet, he struts his schtick projecting a very western precept and understanding to China. If China has the genes of WHITE WESTERN COLONIALISTS the preceding and succeeding DYNASTIES WOULDN'T HAVE TO BUILD THOSE DARN WALLS now famously known as the Great Wall of China.


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I can confirm. Had a friend who attended one of the days of trade show. He warned me that the Germans were not allowing Chinese folks or those with mainland Chinese names to go near their aircraft.

Not sure if the same thing happen for the public days, guess I'll find out soon in a few hours. Still I kind of expected the Americans to pull something like this, never the Germans.
Have Chinese Ethnicity friends here in Germany and one got almost kicked out of the army due to his heritage :)


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You're the one talking about the weak serving the strong and you're lecturing me about ego? LOL! I'm flabbergasted. What am I entitled to? I'm talking about respect and you're talking about everyone serving the new Chinese emperors. You're the one with the entitlement my man. China is rising but it's not quite there yet, it still has a uphill task and the west is busy trying to kneecap it so I don't know where the arrogance comes from. The west is already pissed off at China, its neighbors are weary but you think this arrogance isn't going to piss off the world? You think people are somehow beholden to China because its builds infrastructure? Young man, sit down. You're lucky your diplomats don't act like you, nobody is going to serve China or pay it tribute, sorry that era is finished. You can come at us with respect or go away. No more colonial attitude, China of all places should understands this.
LOL! I feel like I'm talking to a Jai Hind already. Thanks for revealing to everyone here what a moron you are.

First of all, China today never demands servitude nor tribute. And I have never advocated for China to do that. You're making stuff up. Because you're being sussed out for being a moron.

Second, dealing with the Global South is not a popularity contest. You're thinking like one of those idiot entitled voters, demanding free handouts for votes. China comes to the Global South for business first. Charity maybe, but always business first. China offers things that the Global South sorely needs like infrastructure, in exchange for cash or natural resources. But to you that's Chinese style neo-colonialism right? No actually, its just business. But if you still don't like it, you can just walk away. China is not gonna force you to take its deal with guns or sanctions. But you said you prefer the West right? You like that good old fashioned colonialism right? Then you must prefer slavery, getting paid in pennies, forced displacement, military occupation, and apartheid. Well, you're still free to ask for more of that from the West. Good luck!

There is no such thing as free lunch. If you insist on wanting free handouts, then you are free go back to begging for free aid from the UN or from charity organisations. If your nation is destitute, you can have dignity, but don't expect greater nations to come down and kiss your ass just because they need your approval. You have no divine right to demand that. China will never beg for your approval, and the West will just hijack your government anyway. Welcome to the real world. You can either make a fair deal with China, or you can always be on the menu for the West.
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In my opinion you seems to be a pretty out of reality, but maybe you are right. Who knows?

I don’t know how to you think Arabs can make Afganistán break the Durand line when Pakistan is a nuclear power with support of China and strongest forces that any Arab country
Arabs have enormous influence inside Pakistan. just because they not demonstrating it publicly does not mean its not there. and they did fund Pakistan like no one else if converted to today dollars it will be much more than Egypt and always saved it from US. and even today without Arab support Pakistan cannot get IMF.
I don’t know how do you think Arabs countries can force anything into Iran when Iran can destroy the very source of the Arabic wealth in seconds just shooting everything in the Hormuth strait.
Arab wealth is stored globally. they can take out Iran and rebuilt Arabia later just like they did with Kuwait. remember they have enormous Soft Power. it is just they dont want to turn into Hard Power.
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And not even talking of the impossibility of taking Iran due to its geography and the massive amount of ballistic missiles that Iran can launch towards the gulf monarchies.
Ballistic missile cannot save Iran from internal collapse. it is just Gulf Arabs not want too Westernized government in Iran. They want Iranian dealings with West to go through Arabs and relegate Iran to stay poor.

Abouf Gulf monarchies having soft power I also disagree.
Gulf monarchies are positioning themselves as a kind of modern Switzerland. A neutral place for interchange of information and ideas.
But if you think about it Switzerland does not have soft power in itself. Simply gives forum to others and earn from it.

Gulf countries are not a military power, they command of the rest of Arabic world is non existent. Egypt Siria and others don’t give a fuck about the gulf minaexhies

Again, maybe you are right. But I think you are trying to see something that does not exist.
Pan Arabism is nowadays as non existence as pan hispanism for say something.
Gulf Monarchies are not military power? some of the largest and latest operating air forces in world are Gulf and they are visited by every one. they have good idea about alot of things.



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The only response to a power elite that obsessed over bloodlines as the Anglo Zionists do, is to safeguard the sphere of Asia from the entities who research bioengineered ethno bombs and viruses targeting specific ethnicities.
The west calling it a menu is too generous because it is more similar to a pack of hyenas.

Actual western diplomat pictured.