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If the anglos destroy TSMC and Taiwan, we destroy Australia, it is only fair.
Plus it removes that annoying apartheid state from Asiaq permanently.
Lol, if the target is Canberra, by all means most of the leaders there are useless as hell, at least avoid Victoria (cause I live there lol) but I reckon it would be better to direct the wrath at the UK, it’s a much more significant target and will have a far greater impact to the world at large, and by taking out all those elites there, I reckon many more nations would be happier since those leaders won’t stop causing problems everywhere until they are removed by force.
Although to be honest, the likely chance of the anglos destroying Taiwan is not very likely given the fact that Taiwan is not as stupid as Ukraine that literallly fights to the death against a rain of shells when common logic would much prefer surrender when faced against that, something I reckon my Taiwanese would easily go for given the anglos tendencies to f&ck off when things don’t go their way and Quite frankly are a bunch of pussies to be extremely honest
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Junior Member
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Yes? China is self sufficient, and what it buys are paid fairly unlike colonialists. You talk as if China got things for free. That is real entitlement right here.

Vast majority of economy is internal. Trade are mostly to AESAN(neighbors), US, EU. Global South dont contribute much to China economically. Hell, if every country disappear, China can still live nicely.

From what I can see, global south is the overlord here. China is the vassal paying tribute with interest free loan and debt cancelation.
LOL! Some of you guys are delusional.
LOL shut the hell up dude. You do not speak for Africa. You are just one tiny morsel speck of a person that holds a ridiculous opinion on geopolitics, history, and China. What nonsense did I utter? It's you BLEEP that should not take China for granted with your arrogant take when you are in no position to dictate terms from your non-existent power. There's no doubt that there are SOME African people that hold the same opinion you have but that does not mean MOST OF AFRICANS. You're one delusional man. Jai Hind. LOL
Like I said, say what you say in front of Africans, lol. Personally, I won't recommend you do. Stay humble.


Junior Member
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So a couple of things about what you're saying, not in this post in particular but overall:

1. You want China to respect the global south.
There are different types of respect. One type is respecting that you have your basic rights and they are not to be violated. You have this from us. China does not violate and colonize people like the West does. However, the second type of respect is viewing someone as your own equal or near equal. This you cannot have, or ask for, from anyone. This type of respect is only earned by your own power and competence and it is given to you automatically, regardless of alliance, based on your achievements.

2. You don't want the new boss to be like the old boss.
Yeah, but you do still have to realize they're both bosses. China can be a kinder boss who does not violate your rights or exploit you and even helps you out but you are not your boss's equal and do not confuse his kindness with him being on the same level as you. "Balance" doesn't mean that that power is distributed evenly regardless of national power. And unlike your old boss, this new boss can afford to not exploit you precisely because China gets our power from within and have plenty to dig from while the old one needs to suck power exogenously to make up for his own weaknesses.

3. China needs the world so don't waste the good will.
Whatever China gets from the world, we do not get it from their goodwill or because they support us in our rise. We deal for the things we get and we pay for them. We got them because we were the highest bidder and they were acting in their own interests to sell to the highest bidder. It is not uncommon that we need to be the highest bidder by a large margin to compensate for their fear of ending up in America's crosshairs for dealing with us. Oftentimes, we give freebies to the global south, never the other way around. And you traded these things to us for the benefits that we respond to you with. Don't make this sound like we got strong from your charity and support and now we're being arrogant and not acknowledging it. We rose on our own power and gave a bunch of you guys lifts up too on the way. If we're arrogant, it's because we achieved everything we got from our own power and we're achieving more than ever.

To end, I don't believe in forcing the weak to serve us; that is clearly evil colonialism. I believe in strongly rewarding those who support us and building mutually beneficial relationships with them so they can far outgrow and outstrip those who are stubbornly against us. Getting left back will be their punishment.
Fair enough. Just don't like the arrogance displayed by a few, most Chinese are cool though.


Registered Member
LOL! Some of you guys are delusional.

Like I said, say what you say in front of Africans, lol. Personally, I won't recommend you do. Stay humble.
Hey these are facts. A quick glance on public economic data will tell you. We are very humble considering all the name calling you do and still not banned. Chinese are very tolerant. Act like this in US as a black man you wont last long.


Junior Member
Registered Member
Hey these are facts. A quick glance on public economic data will tell you. We are very humble considering all the name calling you do and still not banned. Chinese are very tolerant. Act like this in US as a black man you wont last long.
Cute, but I don't name call China, only arrogant clowns. They don't speak for China. Like I said, stay humble. We're done here.


Registered Member
If you don't think I speak for Africa then go to any African forum or walk up to any group of African and say the nonsense you're saying and watch their reaction. You know nothing about Africa or Africans. We respect China but don't take it for granted.
No, you don't speak for Africa. Just like I don't speak for Asia. Your opinion is just a drop in the bucket. Similar to Africa, here in Asia, there are people who love China, hate China, or are neutral. Often times they exist within the same nation. In my opinion, you come across as shallow, arrogant, and entitled. The types of people comparable to you are the Jai Hinds, Ukrainian nationalists, HK roaches, and other types of losers who only know how to demand and throw tantrums, but don't know how to contribute constructively.

China never came to Africa to colonize the continent. Africa has resources that China desires, and China is willing to make a fair deal to get those resources. Either through generous cash payments, or infrastructure deals. That does not mean that African countries have power over China. You have no divine right to blackmail China. There were numerous Global South nations including African nations who had refused to do business with China. And China just walks away. These nations still continue to enjoy subjugating themselves to Western colonialism, and are oftentimes, proud to be colonies of the West. Pathetic, and very much deserving of their fates.

You think the Global South holds some kind of divine power, just because most of humanity is there? Wrong. The Global South was the most of humanity in the 18th-19th century, yet they were practically fully colonized by the Europeans. Your opinions and outrage didn't matter in the face of ruthless European military power. When "decolonisation" occurred after WW2, the majority of the Global South didn't even fight for their independence. Most of them were "given" their independence by their Western colonial masters. Many are even artificial nations, born out from of the maps drawn by Western colonial powers. Hence that colonial servitude to their "former" Western masters still exists, but in a more politically pleasing form.

The Global South has no true loyalty, and more importantly, no unity. When the West was the dominant power, most of them unconditionally looked up to the West, even when under brutal colonial occupation. They rather fight each other than to unite and fight against the West. Allowing for even deeper manipulations by the West. Only in recent years, when the absolute power of the West has been properly challenged, that the Global South finally found their voice to speak up against the West. That is not power, that is opportunity. The Global South didn't make that power shift happen, it was powerful nations like China and Russia. What the Global South are doing, is leveraging on the power of powerful nations to create better opportunities for themselves.

So don't speak as if you, as an African are entitled to make demands and pass judgement on China. You were only leveraging on China's national power to find better opportunities for yourself. China is powerful and your respective country is not even comparable. China has been very generous to Global South countries and does not force it's will onto them like the West. China gives them mutual respect, but that does not mean that they are equal. So don't expect for China to cave into your demands just because it needs your petty approval. You think you have leverage where you have none. Your only true alternative is to return to the West, for more colonial subjugation. You have no power over the great nations. You either cooperate with the more benevolent one, or get eaten by the less benevolent ones.
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Registered Member
No, I don't think you speak for Africa. Just like I don't think I speak for Asia. Your opinion is just a drop in the bucket. Similar to Africa, here in Asia, there are people who love China, hate China, or are neutral. Often times they exist within the same nation. In my opinion, you come across as shallow, arrogant, and entitled. The types of people comparable to you are the Jai Hinds, Ukrainian nationalists, HK roaches, and other types of losers who only know how to demand and throw tantrums, but don't know how to contribute constructively.

China never came to Africa to colonize the continent. Africa has resources that China desires, and China is willing to make a fair deal to get those resources. Either through generous cash payments, or infrastructure deals. That does not mean that African countries have power over China. You have no divine right to blackmail China. There were numerous Global South nations including African nations who refused to do business with China. And China just walks away. These nations still continue to enjoy subjugating themselves to Western colonialism, and are oftentimes, proud to be colonies of the West. Pathetic, and very much deserving of their fates.

You think the Global South holds some kind of divine power, just because most of humanity is there? Wrong. The Global South was the most of humanity in the 18th-19th century, yet they were practically fully colonized by the Europeans. Your opinions and outrage didn't matter in the face of ruthless European military power. When "decolonisation" occurred after WW2, the majority of the Global South didn't even fight for their independence. Most of them were "given" their independence by their Western colonial masters. Many are even artificial nations, born out from of the maps drawn by Western colonial powers. Hence that colonial servitude to their "former" Western masters still exists, but in a more politically pleasing form.

The Global South has no true loyalty, and more importantly, no unity. When the West was the dominant power, most of them unconditionally looked up to the West, even when under brutal colonial occupation. They rather fight each other than to unite and fight against the West. Allowing for even deeper manipulations by the West. Only in recent years, when the absolute power of the West has been properly challenged, that the Global South finally found their voice to speak up against the West. That is not power, that is opportunity. The Global South didn't make that power shift happen, it was powerful nations like China and Russia. What the Global South are doing, is leveraging on the power of powerful nations to create better opportunities for themselves.

So don't speak as if you, as an African are entitled to make demands and pass judgement on China. You were only leveraging on China's national power to find better opportunities for yourself. China is powerful and your respective country is not even comparable. China has been very generous to Global South countries and does not force it's will onto them like the West. China gives them mutual respect, but that does not mean that they are equal. So don't expect for be China to cave into your demands just because it needs your petty approval. You think you have leverage where you have none. Your only true alternative is to return to the West, for more colonial subjugation. You have no power over the great nations. You either cooperate with the more benevolent one, or get eaten by the less benevolent ones.
Is there anything more tragic than being a racist African? It is pathetic enough to be racist. Then it has to deal with being placed at bottom by other racists. Even other racist Africans don't like each other between different cultural-linguistic groups. That is just sad.

The only outlet they have is to act superior on the people who treat them with respect until they don't. Sad!


Registered Member
I can confirm. Had a friend who attended one of the days of trade show. He warned me that the Germans were not allowing Chinese folks or those with mainland Chinese names to go near their aircraft.

Not sure if the same thing happen for the public days, guess I'll find out soon in a few hours. Still I kind of expected the Americans to pull something like this, never the Germans.
The racist discrimination happened during the public days. Also wanwanese were allowed to go in their aircraft.


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I've noticed there seems to be a trend of all these Japanese people larping as Taiwanese and conveniently echoing every US policy like a lapdog.

I wonder where this comes from? For example the VP of the DPP in Taiwan is half Japanese and not even born there. The DPP also seem to have a hand in whitewashing all the Japanese crimes and sucking up to them.

I have no doubt the US is behind this. But I'm just wondering why Japan? Any Taiwanese know about this?

Edit: This person is actually an "aboriginal" but conveniently uses a Japanese name even though Japan hasn't ruled the island since the 1945. I would argue that's actually worse since a Japanese actually has a reason to do stuff for Japan compared to these guys.
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