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China in 1960's and 1970's had higher life expectancy and literacy than India in the 2000's despite China fighting Taiwanese piracy that prevented trade with the rest of the world due to Taiwan hijacking western ships trying to trade with China.

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India can only dream of getting anywhere near the progress that China made in the 1960's and 1970's.

Indians keep bragging that they had $50 more in GDP per capita than China in 1970. Let's just say that was true. So what? Small differences in GDP per capita are meaningless. You look at social indicators and they say that India is basically 1980's China right now. So they went from being 40 years behind in 2000, to still being 40 years behind.

And that 40 years, is not the same as this 40 years. It is much harder for India to go from 1980's China to 2020's China than it was for India to go from 1960's China to 1980's China between 2000 and 2020.
Here's one of the prominent "economic historian, blogger, author, pundit" Adam Tooze on why CHINA was always destined to reach its then untapped potential and the behemoth that is China. Why India will always be a laggard behind China as it has been since the 2 countries became independent.



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You've got an interesting argument. But you're still not gonna gaslight me. I'm not speaking colonial talk. You use that term cheaply. I'm speaking about realism. I know that you don't like the UN, but it's there whether you like it or not. Historically, the only way that we know of so far to create a new UN is to have another world war, and we don't wanna go there don't we.

It is true that the position of the UNSC permanent five have actually become a tool for imperialism. Especially by the US. Yet I still don't want to see the Big 5 expanded, because most nations are only self interested. I don't want any more countries to join...
The only "fair" solution is to abolish the UNSC and veto power. Otherwise, it will always remain a tool for imperialism and oppression. It is essentially an apartheid where UNSC is above the law which it relegates on others. The ability to veto allows SC members to commit any crime they wish without penalty. It's a flawed system.

We've seen it so many times, the results of this flawed system. For example, Israel had recieved more than 650 resolutions against it (since 1948), for it's crimes and UN violations, passed by large majorities of UN members, all of which were negated and vetoed by an extremely tiny minority (US or UK).


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Delete the veto power and what then. Will Russia stop destroying Nazis and let the Nazis kill Russians in Donbas just because majority of countries thousands of km away decide so?

Simply not
Actually yes, they would because the whole world would be bound to the UN decision (if the vote is against Russia). This already happens to non-SC countries in the UN in the form of wars and sanctions. The idea is to compel the recipient. Saddam's Iraq is a good example.


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Influence of Israel over Russia is greatly exaggerated or even directly a fantasy. Nobody in Russia fool themselves with Israel, they know that is a US outlet.
They also know that the European Jewish Question was solved by exporting the Jews out of Europe, a large number of which were Russian. Russian is a major language in Israel with over 1.2 million Israelis of Russian origins. Direct influence? Maybe not. But the bitter truth is that all Europeans (including Russia) have always been uncomfortable with Jews in their country. Therefore, they'd rather protect the Israeli project at any cost than have those Jews return.


Registered Member
The only "fair" solution is to abolish the UNSC and veto power. Otherwise, it will always remain a tool for imperialism and oppression. It is essentially an apartheid where UNSC is above the law which it relegates on others. The ability to veto allows SC members to commit any crime they wish without penalty. It's a flawed system.

We've seen it so many times, the results of this flawed system. For example, Israel had recieved more than 650 resolutions against it (since 1948), for it's crimes and UN violations, passed by large majorities of UN members, all of which were negated and vetoed by an extremely tiny minority (US or UK).
Agreed to all the points you raised with this post. What I simply fail and can't comprehend is the insistence by the boisterous and loquacious India that it must become the next sitting member in the Security council. What has India brought and done to the U.N. that's unique to the world that no other 180 plus or so countries failed to deliver or even imagine? What was India's financial contribution to the U.N. budget? India is not even in the top 5 countries that provide money to the U.N. The top 5 countries contributing the most financial assistance to the UN are the United States, China, Japan, Germany, and the United Kingdom.

India keeps using the Global South as it's tool to support their vacuous argument of their aspirations, yet, when their moment to show that actual leadership to the Global South they are NOWHERE TO BE FOUND in the Palestine vs Israel issue. Instead, they are making a show all about them and their quixotic quest for their supposed glory and place amongst the leader countries of the world. Pathetic. Let's not even talk about their lack of investments to countries in Africa, ASEAN countries and elsewhere. How many countries can even list India as their TOP TRADING COUNTRY? Human Capital of cheap labour? sure, Capital investments, infrastructure development? Where?

If India were at least doing the above things I mentioned, then for sure, India can at least make a very good case for their country and rightfully so. But, India has yet to do all of these things but it's already making demands before it could even realize many of the goals they're trying to fool the world in believing they have already done.


Registered Member
Actually yes, they would because the whole world would be bound to the UN decision (if the vote is against Russia). This already happens to non-SC countries in the UN in the form of wars and sanctions. The idea is to compel the recipient. Saddam's Iraq is a good example.

Actually no. That is completely fantastical. All you create is League of Nations 2.0 because not a single major power is going to keep their membership. Try dictating China sovereignty over Taiwan. Try dictating what US foreign policy is allowed to do. Good luck keeping the Europeans in when the Africans starts dictating European policy because they have the majority vote. Add in Russia/India. Then you end up with a UN consisting of 20% of global GDP and 1% of global military strength.


You and I thought of this same YouTuber @Sardaukar20 I hope this dude isn't imprisoned and his family received unfair and harsh attention from the government and Indians. I have watched a couple of his videos and I am hard pressed as to why he's being deemed as "CHINESE PROPAGANDIST." The man is trying to sow understanding and showcase how China has actually progressed these many decades and has visited places that's been propagandized as dystopian hell holes like Xinjiang, Xizang, and the relatively safety of many major Chinese cities contradicting the western/Indian hype.

It's quite sad to realize that a strong warmongering virtue exists in many people's and spits on the effort of people like this Indian individuals and others like him that just want to foster understanding, dialogue through his videos rather than bombs and bullets.

Lastly, India is showing too much insecurity for a supposed Supapowa. An immature, reckless, unprincipled country does not deserve a place as part of the UN permanent member. They'll only use that position for self-adulation, self-promotion, domination of its neighbors and even justifying the eventual invasion of Pakistan to absorb it in their grandiose vision of a greater Bharat-India

They hate her their guts out:
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Registered Member
They also know that the European Jewish Question was solved by exporting the Jews out of Europe, a large number of which were Russian. Russian is a major language in Israel with over 1.2 million Israelis of Russian origins. Direct influence? Maybe not. But the bitter truth is that all Europeans (including Russia) have always been uncomfortable with Jews in their country. Therefore, they'd rather protect the Israeli project at any cost than have those Jews return.
i think you should look closely to wealthy Arab countries. They certainly want there culture to move North and evict people from there and who knows Israel become there Project now.
Just before press conference about Ukraine Medvedev went to Chechnya. and they published there dream of creating modern Arab cities there. The point is the longer this Ukraine conflict continue the faster De westernization.

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The Kremlin will host an exhibition of the heritage of the Sultans of Oman and Zanzibar
