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This UN talk is ridiculous. If you are weak, your destiny is to serve the powerful.

If you want to change your destiny, you better roll up your sleeves and work hard to grow powerful instead of talking crap about UN restricting powerful countries lol
If you don't have power to back up your words, you have no sovereignty. The reason the Qing dynasty sounded so stupid towards the end isn't because they said they had all these rights. Its because they said it despite having no power to do so. Im actually amazed how guys Li Hongzhang were still able to get a good deal despite the Qing being a complete joke. Thats how strong Chinese diplomacy can get although it can only go so far.

When people talk about how "might is right" is a bad thing, I wonder are they being disingenuous in an attempt to gaslight us so we lose our might.

Imagine tomorrow some aliens give China some laser beam technology that turns all of the US navy boats, aircraft and even nukes worthless. In contrast the US has nothing to counter China with. All this democracy, human rights, freedom ideals etc collapses overnight coz it turns out the west without sufficient force is nothing. They want to take our assets or use some legal treaty? We just walk in and tear it up and they can't do a thing.


Junior Member
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This UN talk is ridiculous. If you are weak, your destiny is to serve the powerful.

If you want to change your destiny, you better roll up your sleeves and work hard to grow powerful instead of talking crap about UN restricting powerful countries lol
Spoken like a true westoid. Next up you'll advocate China start colonizing for resources to feed its people because these countries are weak and China is strong. What a disgrace. Then you'll start moaning about the west doing the garbage you advocate for.


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If you don't have power to back up your words, you have no sovereignty. The reason the Qing dynasty sounded so stupid towards the end isn't because they said they had all these rights. Its because they said it despite having no power to do so. Im actually amazed how guys Li Hongzhang were still able to get a good deal despite the Qing being a complete joke. Thats how strong Chinese diplomacy can get although it can only go so far.

When people talk about how "might is right" is a bad thing, I wonder are they being disingenuous in an attempt to gaslight us so we lose our might.

Imagine tomorrow some aliens give China some laser beam technology that turns all of the US navy boats, aircraft and even nukes worthless. In contrast the US has nothing to counter China with. All this democracy, human rights, freedom ideals etc collapses overnight coz it turns out the west without sufficient force is nothing. They want to take our assets or use some legal treaty? We just walk in and tear it up and they can't do a thing.
This must have been what the late great Lee Kuan Yew was talking about when he mentioned China's relationship with its neighbors, and its big brother attitude. People of the Global South want a strong China to counter the arrogant west but don't turn into the monster you deride, China's rise is not destiny. China's leaders have done well but I can detect a big of arrogance from the younger generation. Don't take people's support for granted, some people need to tone down that arrogance.


Registered Member
This must have been what the late great Lee Kuan Yew was talking about when he mentioned China's relationship with its neighbors, and its big brother attitude. People of the Global South want a strong China to counter the arrogant west but don't turn into the monster you deride, China's rise is not destiny. China's leaders have done well but I can detect a big of arrogance from the younger generation. Don't take people's support for granted, some people need to tone down that arrogance.
Then you're lucky that China is not a western based democratic system, otherwise those "ARROGAN YOUNG CHINESE" you seem to deride would have a strong advocate in a political system where demands for righting or correcting a wrong from the ACTUAL ARROGANCE OF THE WEST and even from CHINA'S NEIGHBOURS THAT KEEP ON NIBBLING AWAY AT CHINA would have met their comeuppance.

The arrogance you detect from the younger generation of Chinese people is simply based off on the sentiment and realities on the ground. Must Chinese people endure unending attempt of western/vassal actions, infiltrations, and retardations of China and ergo its people? To what extent must China and its people maintain its HIMALAYAN patience that no other STRONG POWER/COUNTRY would even accept let alone tolerate? Would any of your African countries given the same standards of economic strength and power accept the same treatment? Please, don't try to lecture us with your moral aggrandizement and equate China's long historical record to the colonialist genociders that have committed untold misery and injustices to the continent of Africa and the world.


Registered Member
Here's one of the prominent "economic historian, blogger, author, pundit" Adam Tooze on why CHINA was always destined to reach its then untapped potential and the behemoth that is China. Why India will always be a laggard behind China as it has been since the 2 countries became independent.

Strong case made by the current F.A.M. of India of why the world must copy and emulate India's on how to solve pressing issues. I don't know what the important issues India has actually solve, but their arrogance knows no bounds and limit. Perhaps, it's a virtue that U.N. lacks and must have and that's where India comes in.

Addendum: I asked ChatGPT4 these questions and the responses given were abysmal to say the least. The sources provided on one of the answer directs the user to WIKIPEDIA which according to many credible human experts and internet users are not AT ALL RELIABLE. Has ChatGPT4 been modified/algorithm change when it comes to answering questions of certain countries, issues, topics that can be perceived as deleterious to the financial aim, geopolitical objectives of the company and the country of where it originates and operates from which in this case the U.S. If that's the case, then there's no objective truths at all. The holder of history and story can be changed at a whim without any hint and knowledge from many unsuspecting sheeps that readily absorbs information and responses from an entity that's supposed to be A PERFECT GOD: A.I.

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Junior Member
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Strong case made by the current F.A.M. of India of why the world must copy and emulate India's on how to solve pressing issues. I don't know what the important issues India has actually solve, but their arrogance knows no bounds and limit. Perhaps, it's a virtue that U.N. lacks and must have and that's where India comes in.

You see it's 4d chess move India's methods makes the problems worse, By encouraging other countries to copy and make themselves a dumpster fire like India Delhi gets to catch up faster with developed economies

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Junior Member
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Then you're lucky that China is not a western based democratic system, otherwise those "ARROGAN YOUNG CHINESE" you seem to deride would have a strong advocate in a political system where demands for righting or correcting a wrong from the ACTUAL ARROGANCE OF THE WEST and even from CHINA'S NEIGHBOURS THAT KEEP ON NIBBLING AWAY AT CHINA would have met their comeuppance.

The arrogance you detect from the younger generation of Chinese people is simply based off on the sentiment and realities on the ground. Must Chinese people endure unending attempt of western/vassal actions, infiltrations, and retardations of China and ergo its people? To what extent must China and its people maintain its HIMALAYAN patience that no other STRONG POWER/COUNTRY would even accept let alone tolerate? Would any of your African countries given the same standards of economic strength and power accept the same treatment? Please, don't try to lecture us with your moral aggrandizement and equate China's long historical record to the colonialist genociders that have committed untold misery and injustices to the continent of Africa and the world.
I'm not trying to equate anything, I'm just calling out arrogance so you don't have to lecture me on anything. You can be sentimental all you want but the world (particularly the Global South) has little appetite for another arrogant super power, the goodwill China has built up to this point is not guaranteed, so don't take it for granted. If China goes down the path of "the weak should serve the powerful" then I'd rather just keep the so called rules based order. If people believe that China should have this arrogance because it built itself to be powerful then cool, the US and western buddies are justified in trying to contain China because they've built themselves to that position and they should keep on trying to peg China down if you follow the same logic. You see how silly that sounds? Don't champion Global South but then act like the monster you despise, it lends credence to the claim that China's rise is nefarious and people will start to see why it has issues with most of its neighbors. We're rooting for China but that arrogance is not necessary.


Registered Member
Spoken like a true westoid. Next up you'll advocate China start colonizing for resources to feed its people because these countries are weak and China is strong. What a disgrace. Then you'll start moaning about the west doing the garbage you advocate for.
Don't moralise talk to me and assume things. If there is one belief I have, is that the strong rule and the weak follow. Now if the strong wants to colonise or be a good guy or whatever, I don't really care. If you are weak, its your fault

What I advocate is strength. Technologic strength, Economic strength, Military strength, Cultural strength.

Your fantasies about the weak putting chains on the strong are as laughable as Qing's delusions. Them, along with your beliefs, have rightfully been thrown into the dustbin of the history. Don't worry, PRC has well and truly learned that lesson the hard way so it won't repeat that mistake (hopefully) ever again



Junior Member
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Don't moralise talk to me and assume things. If there is one belief I have, is that the strong rule and the weak follow. Now if the strong wants to colonise or be a good guy or whatever, I don't really care. If you are weak, its your fault

What I advocate is strength. Technologic strength, Economic strength, Military strength, Cultural strength.

Your fantasies about the weak putting chains on the strong are as laughable as Qing's delusions. Them, along with your beliefs, have rightfully been thrown into the dustbin of the history. Don't worry, PRC has well and truly learned that lesson the hard way so it won't repeat that mistake (hopefully) ever again

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Nice try but that's not what I said. Putting words in other's mouths to make a point is tacky. I said arrogance is not needed and if that's what this is about then yeah, let's just keep things as they are because the US and it's allies are justified in containing China because, let's face it, they are still more powerful than China.