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Turkish Minute
I dont think this a 5G fighter for 2020s let alone 2030s. One of major criteria is extended Super cruise at much higher altitude and i doubt this is going to do it. to reach that heights/ speed and still effective it need very sleek profile and engines that deal with it reliably.


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Off topic.
An Islamic scholar wrote of this a century ago..
God always favors those whose works, with relation to the world, are more developmental than destructive, even if they are evil inside and/or deny God. If they create more destruction than development, God replaces them with somebody who is less destructive / more developing.

This piece was written to describe the rise and fall of European global colonialism.
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..whom Hamas drew inspiration from, as well as the Iranian revolution.

In this religious perspective, China's (current) rise can be seen as divine intervention, even if the country rejects religion.
Mandate of heaven, anyone?


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The only "fair" solution is to abolish the UNSC and veto power. Otherwise, it will always remain a tool for imperialism and oppression. It is essentially an apartheid where UNSC is above the law which it relegates on others. The ability to veto allows SC members to commit any crime they wish without penalty. It's a flawed system.

We've seen it so many times, the results of this flawed system. For example, Israel had recieved more than 650 resolutions against it (since 1948), for it's crimes and UN violations, passed by large majorities of UN members, all of which were negated and vetoed by an extremely tiny minority (US or UK).
Exactly this. I get that everybody wants to be part of an exclusive club but you can't moan about how the west wants special privileges then want to keep this geopolitical apartheid system. I'm not a fan of Modi but he does have a point. I suspect that as time goes by more and more countries will start questioning the whole idea of maintaining the UNSC, you can't go off WWII victory forever.


Registered Member
The only "fair" solution is to abolish the UNSC and veto power. Otherwise, it will always remain a tool for imperialism and oppression. It is essentially an apartheid where UNSC is above the law which it relegates on others. The ability to veto allows SC members to commit any crime they wish without penalty. It's a flawed system.

We've seen it so many times, the results of this flawed system. For example, Israel had recieved more than 650 resolutions against it (since 1948), for it's crimes and UN violations, passed by large majorities of UN members, all of which were negated and vetoed by an extremely tiny minority (US or UK).
Considering the various interesting points that was brought up about the P5. I would even question and contradict my own idealism that the P5 should be abolished. Abolishing the position of the P5 is the indeed moral way forward. But we don't live in a perfect world. There were many instances where the UN members states had voted wrongly. Because there were many countries who were already on the side of the Western hegemony, were totally naive, or were just self-interested.

Here are some examples:

1) As @plawolf had pointed out. Had the PRC been in the P5 since the formation of the UN. Then it could have vetoed the UN resolution to intervene in the Korean War. Instead, that lack of veto power forced the PRC to intervene militarily into the Korean War to protect its own national security. That was one instance where veto power might have stopped a major war that had killed millions.

2) Russia and China had allowed a Western-led UN resolution to impose a no-fly-zone over Libya in 2011 for "humanitarian purposes". It got unanimous UN votes to pass. At the end, Gaddafi was liquidated and Africa was worse off without him in charge of Libya.

3) The West had tabled hostile UN resolutions targeting Syria. Luckily, Russia and China had learnt the lessons of Libya and used their veto powers to block them. Had that not been done, Syria would surely have gone the way of Libya too.

4) During the Ukraine war of 2022. A number of resolutions to condemn Russia got sufficient UN votes to pass and Russia vetoed them. Clearly a good portion of UN member states didn't grasp the true nature of the Russia-Ukraine War.

5) China has vetoed India's ascension into the Nuclear Suppliers Group because India is not a signatory of the nuclear NPT. China was enforcing the true purpose of the NPT. But too many UN member states didn't mind ignoring the NPT for India.

Point is, UN member states have voted wrongly before. And the use of veto power was not always wrong. If the West had wanted to get the UN to pass a mandate for direct military intervention into the Ukraine War, or into a hypothetical Armed Reunification of Taiwan. I'm fairly confident that they could get enough UN member votes to pass. Most of Europe will vote yes. The numerous pathetic vassal states will vote yes. The hostile self-interested neighbouring states would vote yes. If Russia and China cannot veto those resolutions, then it's an escalation into a potential WW3 scenario already.

The UN is a flawed institution, with or without the veto power of the P5. There are no ideal solutions at the end of the day. Majoritarian votes don't always get things right. And the UN members with most military power can always ignore the UN to get what they want. But, no WWIII yet unlike the failed League of Nations.

Remember that in the League of Nations, everyone had veto power. Because of that, many things could not get done, and it was ultimately indecisive. That was the "ideal" solution, yet it had failed to stop WWII from happening. As @plawolf had pointed out, the most powerful nations won't allow themselves to be governed by lesser nations. If they didn't like the decisions of the League of Nations, they just simply ignored it or just quit. Like Japan, Italy, and Germany. That is the harsh reality of the world.

In the UN, the US won't allow Cuba to pass a UN resolution hostile against itself. Russia won't allow Ukraine to pass a UN resolution hostile against itself. China won't allow the Philippines to pass a UN resolution hostile against itself. If they had no veto powers, then the UN is obligated to enforce those resolutions, thus potentially triggering another world war. Not fair at all, but is it worth a world war to overturn the current status quo of the UN and the P5?
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Senior Member
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Considering the various interesting points that was brought up about the P5. I would even question and contradict my own idealism that the P5 should be abolished. Abolishing the position of the P5 is the indeed moral way forward. But we don't live in a perfect world. There were many instances where the UN members states had voted wrongly. Because there were many countries who were already on the side of the Western hegemony, were totally naive, or were just self-interested.

Here are some examples:

1) As @plawolf had pointed out. Had the PRC been in the P5 since the formation of the UN. Then it could have vetoed the UN resolution to intervene in the Korean War. Instead, that lack of veto power forced the PRC to intervene militarily and that escalated the Korean War. That was one instance where veto power might have stopped a major war that had killed millions.

2) Russia and China had allowed a Western-led UN resolution to impose a no-fly-zone over Libya in 2011 for "humanitarian purposes". It got unanimous UN votes to pass. At the end, Gaddafi was liquidated and Africa was worse off without him in charge of Libya.

3) The West had tabled hostile UN resolutions targeting Syria. Luckily, Russia and China had learnt the lessons of Libya and used their veto powers to block them. Had that not been done, Syria would surely have gone the way of Libya too.

4) During the Ukraine war of 2022. A number of resolutions to condemn Russia got sufficient UN votes to pass and Russia vetoed them. Clearly a good portion of UN member states didn't grasp the true nature of the Russia-Ukraine War.

5) China has vetoed India's ascension into the Nuclear Suppliers Group because India is not a signatory of the nuclear NPT. China was enforcing the true purpose of the NPT. But too many UN member states didn't mind ignoring the NPT for India.

Point is, UN member states have voted wrongly before. And the use of veto power was not always wrong. If the West had wanted to get the UN to pass a mandate for direct military intervention into the Ukraine War, or into a hypothetical Armed Reunification of Taiwan. I'm fairly confident that they could get enough UN member votes to pass. Most of Europe will vote yes. The numerous pathetic vassal states will vote yes. The hostile self-interested neighbouring states would vote yes. If Russia and China cannot veto those resolutions, then it's an escalation into a potential WW3 scenario already.

The UN is a flawed institution, with or without the veto power of the P5. There are no ideal solutions at the end of the day. Majoritarian votes don't always get things right. And the UN members with most military power can always ignore the UN to get what they want. But, no WWIII yet unlike the failed League of Nations.

Remember that in the League of Nations, everyone had veto power. Because of that, many things could not get done, and it was ultimately indecisive. That was the "ideal" solution, yet it had failed to stop WWII from happening. As @plawolf had pointed out, the most powerful nations won't allow themselves to be governed by lesser nations. If they didn't like the decisions of the League of Nations, they just simply ignored it or just quit. Like Japan, Italy, and Germany. That is the harsh reality of the world.

In the UN, the US won't allow Cuba to pass a UN resolution hostile against itself. Russia won't allow Ukraine to pass a UN resolution hostile against itself. China won't allow the Philippines to pass a UN resolution hostile against itself. If they had no veto powers, then the UN is obligated to enforce those resolutions, thus potentially triggering another world war. Not fair at all, but is it worth a world war to overturn the current status quo of the UN and the P5?
Actually no. That is completely fantastical. All you create is League of Nations 2.0 because not a single major power is going to keep their membership. Try dictating China sovereignty over Taiwan. Try dictating what US foreign policy is allowed to do. Good luck keeping the Europeans in when the Africans starts dictating European policy because they have the majority vote. Add in Russia/India. Then you end up with a UN consisting of 20% of global GDP and 1% of global military strength.
US foreign policy is largely intact today because of it's veto power; it essentially just vetoes any penalty for crimes.

If there's a benefit to the UN, members will stay. The only ones who are at loss with this arrangement are those SC members who wield the veto power to go above the law for their own interests. A single major power will logically have more difficulty committing crimes when majority of the world is against them - this is certainly not the case right now as the ability to veto totally negates this.

The fair arrangement (of no veto) also offers protection to countries with the backing of the UN in case they are the victims of crimes. That is why they will retain their memberships.

League of Nations isn't a good comparison since more than half of the countries in it were just colonies. It was more like a League of Europeans and a few other actors.

Trade sanctions nowadays can do a lot more damage than war. I don't see this arrangement creating WWIII anymore than the current arrangement.

As developing countries become more relatively powerful, they will seek to challenge the status quo. This flawed system will not last, and if a better system is not developed, newer countries will simply just replace older countries and perpetuate the flaw.
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Chinese police work in Kiribati, Hawaii's Pacific neighbor

Chinese police are working in the remote atoll nation of Kiribati, a Pacific Ocean neighbor of Hawaii, with uniformed officers involved in community policing and a crime database program, Kiribati officials said.

Kiribati has not publicly announced the policing deal with China, which comes as Beijing renews a push to expand security ties in the Pacific Islands in an intensifying rivalry with the United States.

Kiribati's acting police commissioner Eeri Aritiera said the Chinese police on the island work with local police, but there was no Chinese police station in Kiribati.

#China #Kiribati



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Actually yes, they would because the whole world would be bound to the UN decision (if the vote is against Russia). This already happens to non-SC countries in the UN in the form of wars and sanctions. The idea is to compel the recipient. Saddam's Iraq is a good example.
I repeat, Russia, US and China will not bind to decisions of nobody in things that they consider they national security.
And this nobody includes all the rest of the world.

If Russia see that Russians are being killed in eastern Ukraine and moreover Ukraine is a menace for the Russian state they will act, and to the hell with the world.

Same with China. And same with the US.

You delete the veto power and you enter in a wild world because those countries that simply will not obey and will impose their will with other measures.

Even not great powers don’t give a shit about the world when it comes to their national security. Why North Korea don’t obey the UN?
Because the UN, the absolutely majority of the UN don’t have any clue about the conflict there, about its history and about North Korea.

They simply knows a caricature that they have laugh about 30 years and they will not care at all if South Korea supported by the U.S. will invade North Korea.
Therefore North Korea has nukes, missiles and ignore the UN
Same with Iran.

Should I remember you that the UN approved the Lybian war that made out of a prosperous country a dystopian dessert with markets of slaves?