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Correct, what some people seem to forget is the primary purpose of the UN in the first place. It’s not there for equality or fairness or representation or similar woke revisionist nonsense. The purpose of the UN is to prevent a repeat of the two world wars.

The P5 got their vetos not because the ‘deserved it’ or similar revisionist BS, they got the veto because they had raw hard power that demanded respect and accommodation. The Korea War is a case in point in both why the veto is important and also why the PRC got the veto in place of the RoC.

In their arrogance, the Americans and their lackeys forgot what the primary reason and point of the UN was and used gamesmanship to put UN boots on the ground in Korea when the USSR boycotted the UN for the RoC continuing to squat in China’s seat. The result is that rather than let the PRC cast a Veto on paper to stop something it will not tolerate, the PRC sent an army to stop and reversed it on the battlefield.

That, is the ultimate reason as to why the 5 hold vetos, if you fuck around with their core interests, then be prepared to find out.

There is certainly legitimate questions to be asked to as to whether the UK and France still qualify for this elite club, but that’s an argument for removing them, not replacing them with India. Even in their current diminished state, both could singlehandedly wreck India. They might not be able to March into Delhi like they used to, but they can erase the Indian navy and starve India into submission.

India hasn’t done a single thing to warrant entry to the world’s top table. They can’t even make a play as the token diversity hire since their ruling elites are indispensable from the Anglos in their attitudes, entitlement and arrogance. Their single greatest collective achievement is in spawning a billion hungry mouths. If that is sufficient ‘justification’ we might as well replace Little Britain with plantain.
Besides, China as the non-white already got diversity quota covered!
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Registered Member
Indians who correctly see that India is doing terribly compared to China - Chinese spies.

Indians who close their eyes and say India supapowa 2020 BC - most realistic scientists deserving of 1000 Nobel prizes.

This has been something on my mind, and would like to get off my chest right now.

Right or wrong, this is what I believe will happen.

India, will be like China in the 1960's and 1970's.

What China did under Mao, was undeniably moving forward.

However, China remained really very poor, because the rest of the world was doing far better.

What was China doing back then, was nothing compared to what other countries were doing, yet there was progress. Progress to more poverty and continuous exodus of the best and brightest.

The Indians do not realize that today.

Sure, things can change.

We just need to see evidence. That is lacking.


Registered Member
This has been something on my mind, and would like to get off my chest right now.

Right or wrong, this is what I believe will happen.

India, will be like China in the 1960's and 1970's.

What China did under Mao, was undeniably moving forward.

However, China remained really very poor, because the rest of the world was doing far better.

What was China doing back then, was nothing compared to what other countries were doing, yet there was progress. Progress to more poverty and continuous exodus of the best and brightest.

The Indians do not realize that today.

Sure, things can change.

We just need to see evidence. That is lacking.
China in 1960's and 1970's had higher life expectancy and literacy than India in the 2000's despite China fighting Taiwanese piracy that prevented trade with the rest of the world due to Taiwan hijacking western ships trying to trade with China.

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India can only dream of getting anywhere near the progress that China made in the 1960's and 1970's.

Indians keep bragging that they had $50 more in GDP per capita than China in 1970. Let's just say that was true. So what? Small differences in GDP per capita are meaningless. You look at social indicators and they say that India is basically 1980's China right now. So they went from being 40 years behind in 2000, to still being 40 years behind.

And that 40 years, is not the same as this 40 years. It is much harder for India to go from 1980's China to 2020's China than it was for India to go from 1960's China to 1980's China between 2000 and 2020.


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Turkish Minute
Meanwhile the great Bharat Supapowar is still perfecting the AMCA on the drawing board. So that when it makes its maiden flight, it's going to be the bestest supa dupa fighter aircraft ever.

What 5th gen Turkish fighter? It's actually still just a 4th gen fighter. Like the J-20 and F-35. AMCA instead is gonna skip 5th gen, and become a 6th gen fighter. Because BS Dhanoa and the Indian Airforce are gonna say so.


Lieutenant General
Registered Member
That is all west of the caspian sea and not connected to central Asia right?
From the wikipage its sending gas from Azerbaijan gasfield to EU at 12 bcm in 2022..

To replace EU remaining Russian gas(43 bcm) imports they would need to almost 4-fold the supply.
That is if TANAP can even push that capacity through its system.
Right. The natural gas in TANAP comes from deposits in Azerbaijan. Which cannot cover EU gas demand. The largest gas deposits in Central Asia are in Turkmenistan. Those could theoretically cover EU demand. But you can't build a gas pipeline under the Caspian Sea from Turkmenistan to Azerbaijan unless all the nations bordering the Caspian Sea agree. And this includes Russia and Iran. This is what the US originally wanted to do with the Nabucco Pipeline. Good luck with that. There is also the little detail that all the Turkmenistan gas is already bought and paid for by China for the next decades.



Meanwhile the great Bharat Supapowar is still perfecting the AMCA on the drawing board. So that when it makes its maiden flight, it's going to be the bestest supa dupa fighter aircraft ever.

What 5th gen Turkish fighter? It's actually still just a 4th gen fighter. Like the J-20 and F-35. AMCA instead is gonna skip 5th gen, and become a 6th gen fighter. Because BS Dhanoa and the Indian Airforce are gonna say so.
The Turkish "5th gen fighter" is probably a BAE project.

Russia's next goals: Transnistria, then Odessa? Transnistria is quite close to Odessa on the map.
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I'm shocked, shocked, to find out that google has been in cahoots with CIA and NSA since the very beginning, like some other Silicon Valley projects have!

Google’s true origin partly lies in CIA and NSA research grants for mass surveillance​

The intelligence community and Silicon Valley have a long history
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Reddit will have an IPO soon. Make sure you read this post before you debate with someone on it again.

The evolving list of "Chinese threats":


Registered Member
This most recent robotic moon landing failed again.

So that's at least one thing India can boast about, after China they are the only country to successfully soft land on the moon this century with Chandrayaan-3 last year. The recent flurry of landers: Luna 25 from Russia, Smart from Japan, Peregrine and Odysseus from US all failed for one reason or another.


Senior Member
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TBH I don't mind replacing UK's spot with India. India doesn't deserve the spot as UN P5, but the state of UK military these days is downright embarrassing. Modi can negotiate with Sunak, or they can just fight a war to duke it out. I don't see any other practical way otherwise for India to be a permanent member of the UNSC.
UK is still a hotspot for global money laundering and corruption. Finance wise, they are eons ahead of India and most other countries. They wield a lot of power around the globe through these mechanisms.

France's spot on UNSC is questionable though. Apart from their (neo) colonies in West Africa, they don't have much influence on the world anymore.