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Registered Member
I think I know who they are talking about.

It must be this fella:

His travels around the world, but his China videos were his highest viewed videos to date. A one-man vlogger peddling Chinese propaganda. If the CCP is funding him for propaganda, then that is a miserable budget. Against the millions-strong army of Jai Hind keyboard and mouth cannon warriors funded by the BJP, this one-man vlogger could already scare the Indian government. Imagine what he could do with better funding. C'mon CCP, give that guy a raise, and a free copy of Xi Jinping Thought!
You and I thought of this same YouTuber @Sardaukar20 I hope this dude isn't imprisoned and his family received unfair and harsh attention from the government and Indians. I have watched a couple of his videos and I am hard pressed as to why he's being deemed as "CHINESE PROPAGANDIST." The man is trying to sow understanding and showcase how China has actually progressed these many decades and has visited places that's been propagandized as dystopian hell holes like Xinjiang, Xizang, and the relatively safety of many major Chinese cities contradicting the western/Indian hype.

It's quite sad to realize that a strong warmongering virtue exists in many people's and spits on the effort of people like this Indian individuals and others like him that just want to foster understanding, dialogue through his videos rather than bombs and bullets.

Lastly, India is showing too much insecurity for a supposed Supapowa. An immature, reckless, unprincipled country does not deserve a place as part of the UN permanent member. They'll only use that position for self-adulation, self-promotion, domination of its neighbors and even justifying the eventual invasion of Pakistan to absorb it in their grandiose vision of a greater Bharat-India


Registered Member
Influence of Israel over Russia is greatly exaggerated or even directly a fantasy. Nobody in Russia fool themselves with Israel, they know that is a US outlet.
To start with is laughable that a small country will influence politics of a great power.
Russia didn’t care very much about Israel when helping Siria.
And about Armenia, there are more Armenians living in Russia than in Armenia. Russians historically cared for Armenians. And they supported Armenia strongly in the past against Azerbaiyan.
But with CIA puppet pashinyan in the power Russia is obviously not going to expend its soldiers lifes, resources and money in helping them.
I think you should read a bit more on this topic in Arabic and dont confuse Russian Jews with State of Israel. Israel wanted to make sure that Germany knows that Zelensky is saved by Israel. and Syrian project is against Europe so why would Israel against Syrian government.
Armenia can have 100m residing in Russia. it wont matter much. when Arabs and Israelis are backing Azerbaijan.
Past is not future when underlying demographic religion changes.
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Junior Member
Registered Member
You and I thought of this same YouTuber @Sardaukar20 I hope this dude isn't imprisoned and his family received unfair and harsh attention from the government and Indians. I have watched a couple of his videos and I am hard pressed as to why he's being deemed as "CHINESE PROPAGANDIST." The man is trying to sow understanding and showcase how China has actually progressed these many decades and has visited places that's been propagandized as dystopian hell holes like Xinjiang, Xizang, and the relatively safety of many major Chinese cities contradicting the western/Indian hype.

It's quite sad to realize that a strong warmongering virtue exists in many people's and spits on the effort of people like this Indian individuals and others like him that just want to foster understanding, dialogue through his videos rather than bombs and bullets.

Lastly, India is showing too much insecurity for a supposed Supapowa. An immature, reckless, unprincipled country does not deserve a place as part of the UN permanent member. They'll only use that position for self-adulation, self-promotion, domination of its neighbors and even justifying the eventual invasion of Pakistan to absorb it in their grandiose vision of a greater Bharat-India
What other reasons are necessary for the Democracy™ bloc besides "China Bad"?


Junior Member
Registered Member
I think you should read a bit more on this topic in Arabic and dont confuse Russian Jews with State of Israel. Israel wanted to make sure that Germany knows that Zelensky is saved by Israel. and Syrian project is against Europe so why would Israel against Syrian government.
Armenia can have 100m residing in Russia. it wont matter much. when Arabs and Israelis are backing Azerbaijan.
Past is not future when underlying demographic religion changes.
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You are free to believe that the support of Arabs and Israel to Azerbaiyan matters more than the support of a military superpower to Armenia.

The timeline clearly shows that Azerbaiyan didn’t dare to move a finger until Armenia got a pro Western government that Russia didn’t want to support.

If Armenia would have had a Lukashenko you can be assured that Naborno Karabaj would remain Armenian.

Russians simply got tired of Armenian government.


Registered Member
You are free to believe that the support of Arabs and Israel to Azerbaiyan matters more than the support of a military superpower to Armenia.

The timeline clearly shows that Azerbaiyan didn’t dare to move a finger until Armenia got a pro Western government that Russia didn’t want to support.

If Armenia would have had a Lukashenko you can be assured that Naborno Karabaj would remain Armenian.

Russians simply got tired of Armenian government.
Azerbaijan was arming itself and building relation with Arabs and Israelis.
Arabs and Israeli importance will grow with time and will be even more if Trump is elected. Not every one is equal.

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America’s lack of interest in Nagorno-Karabakh was first flagged in August 2017 when the US appointed its new representative to the Minsk Group, Andrew Schofer, but did not grant him ambassador status – putting him at a lower rank than his French and Russian counterparts.


Junior Member
Registered Member
You and I thought of this same YouTuber @Sardaukar20 I hope this dude isn't imprisoned and his family received unfair and harsh attention from the government and Indians. I have watched a couple of his videos and I am hard pressed as to why he's being deemed as "CHINESE PROPAGANDIST." The man is trying to sow understanding and showcase how China has actually progressed these many decades and has visited places that's been propagandized as dystopian hell holes like Xinjiang, Xizang, and the relatively safety of many major Chinese cities contradicting the western/Indian hype.

It's quite sad to realize that a strong warmongering virtue exists in many people's and spits on the effort of people like this Indian individuals and others like him that just want to foster understanding, dialogue through his videos rather than bombs and bullets.

Lastly, India is showing too much insecurity for a supposed Supapowa. An immature, reckless, unprincipled country does not deserve a place as part of the UN permanent member. They'll only use that position for self-adulation, self-promotion, domination of its neighbors and even justifying the eventual invasion of Pakistan to absorb it in their grandiose vision of a greater Bharat-India
I think in one of the videos he was complaining how there were so many Han Chinese in Xinjiang. He doesn't know the Han dynasty has ruled it and that Ughurs aren't long term natives there. Repeating some western talking points.

So he prob isn't some China shill. Yet that's not good enough for India it seems.


Registered Member
While China hasn't engaged in mass imperialism like say anglos, we cannot say they could get where they are today without war.

I think Mao should have learnt to let others take the lead when it came to peacetime stuff. But when it came to war, he was damn good at it which is why he made the west seethe so much. When the KMT was in it's so callled prime, they lost like 10 enciclements battles to the weaker CPC. Only when he was away were the KMT victorious and even then couldn't finish the job. When Japan had taken then middle to northern parts of China, the CPC engaged in peoples war to make Japan unable to properly benefit from occupation which is important since Japan isn't resource rich. When civil war returned, the KMT were a huge betting favourite now with many warlords destroyed and the US backing. Even Stalin told Mao to step down but Mao was like "Nah, I'd win" and he did with like 1/3 the number of trained troops. China now was united but even so that didn't mean crap because the Qing supposedly was and foreigners kept taking land like it was nothing. Under Mao, China borders were now hands off from anyone no matter how strong. Korea, Tibet and Xinjiang. US, India and even Russia had to learn they had to respect China's borders. Mao also supported Vietnam to make sure France or the west couldn't come back. That's what Mao brought.

Deng is no fighter like Mao. But even he knew force had to be applied. People say China lost to Vietnam in 1979 but ignore the fact the fighting continued in the 80s and every major engagement was won by China. In the end Vietnam had to leave Cambodia and you have noticed when it comes to land borders, they don't dare argue with China. Nuff said. Also Deng humiliated Thatcher by saying hands off HK, it's no longer yours.

Point is, China is where it is today because even though it doesn't like fighting as a first option, it knows this world will expect you to have force to back it up no matter how noble you want to be. It sucks China couldn't always follow the path of no violence but this is reality. Does anyone thing China could get to it's current position if it just rolled over everytime someone else raised their fist?

Btw don't believe that BS that India wants no violence. How else did they get Goa or Sikkim? They just don't want to fight tougher enemies openly but will happily punch down on ones much weaker. They claim China is bad to it's Neighbours? Wait till you see what India is like to it's own and they aren't even guys like imperial Japan or crazed Russia.
That's a good education for our naive, but judgemental friend here about the real world . He thinks too much of things in black and white. Quick to denounce anything that doesn't fit his narrow interpretation of the "right behavior". He speaks just those imperialist Westerners that he claims to be so against. As if he is fit to judge what China can or cannot do. The world is much more complicated than that.

He says things like: "China cannot go to war no matter what. Otherwise it'll just be like the West. And the global south cannot stand with China anymore". Or: "You speak just like those Western colonialist, because you don't want us from the global south to join some exclusive club to gain more power. WWII is the past, it is nothing now." Its narrow-minded, ignorant, arrogant, and reeks of entitlement. People who pass sweeping judgements this cheaply are actually not worth pleasing.


Registered Member
You and I thought of this same YouTuber @Sardaukar20 I hope this dude isn't imprisoned and his family received unfair and harsh attention from the government and Indians. I have watched a couple of his videos and I am hard pressed as to why he's being deemed as "CHINESE PROPAGANDIST." The man is trying to sow understanding and showcase how China has actually progressed these many decades and has visited places that's been propagandized as dystopian hell holes like Xinjiang, Xizang, and the relatively safety of many major Chinese cities contradicting the western/Indian hype.

It's quite sad to realize that a strong warmongering virtue exists in many people's and spits on the effort of people like this Indian individuals and others like him that just want to foster understanding, dialogue through his videos rather than bombs and bullets.

Lastly, India is showing too much insecurity for a supposed Supapowa. An immature, reckless, unprincipled country does not deserve a place as part of the UN permanent member. They'll only use that position for self-adulation, self-promotion, domination of its neighbors and even justifying the eventual invasion of Pakistan to absorb it in their grandiose vision of a greater Bharat-India
Agreed. For a nation that proclaims to be a "Mother of Democracy", it has been quick to use state power to silence a few people who presented inconvenient truths. When we watch his videos, he does praise the positives in China, but he doesn't bash his home country, nor say that India should follow China's example in this and that. So he is clearly not an Indian dissident. For the Indian government to suspect him as a CCP propagandist, it really exposed how insecure they really are. Because they have been lying too much. A simple vlog that presents the truth could debunk so many of the lies and slander that India had leveled at China.


Lieutenant General
I mean, just the other day Blinken was saying you're either at the table or on the menu, there's a country on the menu being cooked as we speak for challenging one of the P5.

I suspect under the veneer the world is not so different from the 20th century, and China wouldn't be where she is today without say the Korean War where she successfully took on three of the P5 simultaneously.

Another way to look at it is veto power for the P5 is a more civilized way for them to influence world geopolitics. If this process does not exist at the UN the P5 can still exercise this power - they will just convince you with bombs and missiles instead of a vote. Veto right isn't a power granted to them, it's a more civilized way for them to exercise the hard power that they already hold.

It's not a coincidence that I once saw a video of PRC 2019 national parade and when the PLARF formation marched through with "March of the Sweeping East Wind" playing by the band someone wittily commented: that song should be named "March of the Chinese Veto".

Correct, what some people seem to forget is the primary purpose of the UN in the first place. It’s not there for equality or fairness or representation or similar woke revisionist nonsense. The purpose of the UN is to prevent a repeat of the two world wars.

The P5 got their vetos not because the ‘deserved it’ or similar revisionist BS, they got the veto because they had raw hard power that demanded respect and accommodation. The Korea War is a case in point in both why the veto is important and also why the PRC got the veto in place of the RoC.

In their arrogance, the Americans and their lackeys forgot what the primary reason and point of the UN was and used gamesmanship to put UN boots on the ground in Korea when the USSR boycotted the UN for the RoC continuing to squat in China’s seat. The result is that rather than let the PRC cast a Veto on paper to stop something it will not tolerate, the PRC sent an army to stop and reversed it on the battlefield.

That, is the ultimate reason as to why the 5 hold vetos, if you fuck around with their core interests, then be prepared to find out.

There is certainly legitimate questions to be asked to as to whether the UK and France still qualify for this elite club, but that’s an argument for removing them, not replacing them with India. Even in their current diminished state, both could singlehandedly wreck India. They might not be able to March into Delhi like they used to, but they can erase the Indian navy and starve India into submission.

India hasn’t done a single thing to warrant entry to the world’s top table. They can’t even make a play as the token diversity hire since their ruling elites are indispensable from the Anglos in their attitudes, entitlement and arrogance. Their single greatest collective achievement is in spawning a billion hungry mouths. If that is sufficient ‘justification’ we might as well replace Little Britain with plantain.