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TBH I don't mind replacing UK's spot with India. India doesn't deserve the spot as UN P5, but the state of UK military these days is downright embarrassing. Modi can negotiate with Sunak, or they can just fight a war to duke it out. I don't see any other practical way otherwise for India to be a permanent member of the UNSC.
UNSC isn't a club that you can get in just because you're rich, or else Germany and Japan would be members a long time ago.

In lieu of another world war in which India could prove themselves they could always take the other alternative method and challenge any of the P5 to honourable combat and beat them, door to UNSC will be open then with a seat waiting for them.
Agreed. India today is picking on the wrong Big 5 to unseat. That Big 5 is not going anywhere and is so powerful, that 3 out of 5 of them were needed to gang up on it, and still it kept getting stronger.

India should be smarter and choose the easiest of the Big 5 to unseat: the UK. Not only is the UK having the most pathetic military of the Big 5, it is also a chance for India to avenge itself for the centuries of British colonialism it had endured.

India and the UK should fight in honourable combat for a seat at the UNSC. Should honourable combat involve nukes? The US would say yes, because it had earned its place with nukes.
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Agreed. India today is picking on the wrong Big 5 to unseat. That Big 5 is not going anywhere and is so powerful, that 3 out of 5 of them were needed to gang up on it, and still it kept getting stronger.

India should be smarter and choose the easiest of the Big 5 to unseat: the UK. Not only is the UK having the most pathetic military of the Big 5, it is also a chance for India to avenge itself for the centuries of British colonialism it had endured.

India and the UK should fight in honourable combat for a seat at the UNSC. Should honourable combat involve nukes? The US would say yes, because it had earned its place with nukes.
Again asian right wingers can only punch down (although it's laughable to think they could ever punch down on China/Russia in the first place) but say yes master when the westerner comes.


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Gulf Arabs and Israel are supporting Azerbaijan before this Armenian government. both Gulf Arabs and Israeli have much more influence with Russia.

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Influence of Israel over Russia is greatly exaggerated or even directly a fantasy. Nobody in Russia fool themselves with Israel, they know that is a US outlet.
To start with is laughable that a small country will influence politics of a great power.
Russia didn’t care very much about Israel when helping Siria.
And about Armenia, there are more Armenians living in Russia than in Armenia. Russians historically cared for Armenians. And they supported Armenia strongly in the past against Azerbaiyan.
But with CIA puppet pashinyan in the power Russia is obviously not going to expend its soldiers lifes, resources and money in helping them.


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You don't get into the UNSC permanent membership just because you have a large population, and a supposedly large economy. You just don't belong in that club. The 5 members have all fought in WWII, loss lives and defeated fascism. Some much more than others. Where was India during those times? It wasn't even a country when the UN was formed.

Indians might argue that it was the ROC, who originally sat on the China seat in the UNSC. But the ROC and PRC are two parts of the same China, and the vast majority of China is the PRC. Most of China chose the CPC over the KMT to rule the nation after WWII. China had lost around 20mil people in WWII, fighting Japanese fascism. India OTOH were either contributing Sepoy soldiers to the British, or colluding with the Axis powers. The ones fighting for the British did not fight for India, while the ones who fought for "Bharat" where on the same side as the fascists. So technically India (aka Bharat), cannot be allowed into the UNSC permanent members because it was an ally of the Axis powers.

The Big 5 must never let India get into the club. Because if they do, Japan, Germany, Italy, Spain, Indonesia, Nigeria, and others would suddenly have a right to demand for their own seats too. India has no place in the Big Boys club, and should be kept out of it.
What in the world are you talking about? I'm not saying India should be let in because they demand it but you sound no different than those western countries who want special privileges because they feel they are better than everybody. The UN as presently constituted is getting past its sell by date anyway and we can't live off WWII accomplishments forever, just because you helped defeat the Nazis doesn't mean you should have permanent privileges over everybody else. That's colonial talk.


Registered Member
Except the pipeline already exists. It goes through Georgia. It's called TANAP.
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All this would do is cut Georgia as a middleman.
That is all west of the caspian sea and not connected to central Asia right?
From the wikipage its sending gas from Azerbaijan gasfield to EU at 12 bcm in 2022..

To replace EU remaining Russian gas(43 bcm) imports they would need to almost 4-fold the supply.
That is if TANAP can even push that capacity through its system.


Junior Member
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What in the world are you talking about? I'm not saying India should be let in because they demand it but you sound no different than those western countries who want special privileges because they feel they are better than everybody. The UN as presently constituted is getting past its sell by date anyway and we can't live off WWII accomplishments forever, just because you helped defeat the Nazis doesn't mean you should have permanent privileges over everybody else. That's colonial talk.
I agree the UN model is outdated. But a position on the security council needs to be earnt not given.

What makes India different from China and Russia? Both countries have endured maybe even centuries worth of pain and suffering to get where they are. They have even paid it in blood of millions lives lost to fight off their enemies. The price is so high, they realize what they have now is basically priceless. Therefore they know nothing is taken for granted and will work for it.

Not to say India hasn't suffered under the Brits but their path to independence and having their own sovereignty is basically child's play compared to China who had to pretty much fight off the world. A person in China having their current lifestyle today is like a dream to those living in the last century who was living in hell. That's why you see a lot of entitlement in Indian attitude because they simply did not truly fight as hard or pay the price in blood like China or even Vietnam. Such attitudes like that can already be seen in office politics rot in many western corporates. You definitely do not want to see it in the UN council where their abuse of it will probably make US look level headed.

Unfortunately the way the positions will be earnt is through war. And the price of maybe billions this time will be paid for it. But India has so many people right?


Registered Member
Armenian has gotta be one of the most depressing nationalities to be right now.
What use is “the powerful Armenian lobby“ if it can’t stop its own national annihilation at the hands of Azeris?
You don't get into the UNSC permanent membership just because you have a large population, and a supposedly large economy. You just don't belong in that club. The 5 members have all fought in WWII, loss lives and defeated fascism. Some much more than others. Where was India during those times? It wasn't even a country when the UN was formed.

Indians might argue that it was the ROC, who originally sat on the China seat in the UNSC. But the ROC and PRC are two parts of the same China, and the vast majority of China is the PRC. Most of China chose the CPC over the KMT to rule the nation after WWII. China had lost around 20mil people in WWII, fighting Japanese fascism. India OTOH were either contributing Sepoy soldiers to the British, or colluding with the Axis powers. The ones fighting for the British did not fight for India, while the ones who fought for "Bharat" where on the same side as the fascists. So technically India (aka Bharat), cannot be allowed into the UNSC permanent members because it was an ally of the Axis powers.

The Big 5 must never let India get into the club. Because if they do, Japan, Germany, Italy, Spain, Indonesia, Nigeria, and others would suddenly have a right to demand for their own seats too. India has no place in the Big Boys club, and should be kept out of it.
why would India need to be in the P5? Don’t the anglos have enough slaves in there already with the US, UK, and France?

All P5 earned their places by blood and iron, unless India thinks it can customer complaint Karen their way Into P5, they are already trying the Israeli Zionist method of infiltrating western nations.