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Lieutenant General
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The West sends their thoughts and prayers for a quick and rapid unconditional surrender.
Armenia basically committed suicide. And what did they expect, for Russia to go in assistance of Nagorno-Karabakh against Azerbaijan to protect its autonomy when Armenia didn't bother to do it themselves, they are lucky the Russians sent peacekeepers and prevented more bloodshed in NK. By dropping out of CSTO they just green lit Azerbaijan actually invading Armenia to connect with its exclave and establish a direct land corridor to Turkey.


Registered Member
Armenia basically committed suicide. And what did they expect, for Russia to go in assistance of Nagorno-Karabakh against Azerbaijan to protect its autonomy when Armenia didn't bother to do it themselves, they are lucky the Russians sent peacekeepers and prevented more bloodshed in NK. By dropping out of CSTO they just green lit Azerbaijan actually invading Armenia to connect with its exclave and establish a direct land corridor to Turkey.
Fate of Armenia has been sealed since the Western sponsored color revolution in 2018.

Imagine being Armenian though, you overthrew your Russia leaning prime minister in favour of a western bootlicker, two years later you get invaded by your neighbour, and instead of supporting you, your new western masters support Azerbaijan instead for cheap gas. Armenia has lost all dignity as a country.

This is why you must never let Western interference in your country succeed. Sounds good on paper but you always end up getting screwed.


Registered Member
And what did they expect, for Russia to go in assistance of Nagorno-Karabakh against Azerbaijan to protect its autonomy when Armenia didn't bother to do it themselves

To add on a bit, the pro-west Armenia PM declared Nagorno-Karabakh to be Azerbaijan before they took it. Russia was in a no win scenario without any justifications to stay in Nagorno-Karabakh since it wasn’t claimed by Armenia anymore.
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Junior Member
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As I said before, of course the West has its own national and geo political interests and issues vis a vis Russia but that doesn't means Russia/Putin is a saint. They also have their own national interests and internal political machinations which is normal not to recognise this is being deceitful. I don't blame the West or Russia for anything since each side is only after their own national interests(thats how geobpolitics have always worked for centuries now, nothijg new there). Blaming one side only usually means biased towards one side(which is normal since most humans tend to choose a side they view as more favourable for them). Russia has killed many dissendents who fled Russia to the West several times. I don't blame them either since they are merely following their interests just like Putin has gotten rid and imprisoned many who tried to go against him. He's only trying to protect his power and get rid of his political opponents which is normal for a politician as far they know they can do so and their political system and power base allows that. To claim that everything is the fault of the West is rather weird.
It is abundantly clear that one of the primary goals of Western foreign policy is to undermine China for the sole purpose of maintaining its hegemony. That is why the "national and geo political interests" of the West are anathema to China. As such, can you really blame Chinese people for hating the West? In this conflict, almost all of the aggression has come from the West. I am not saying that there is not a single good thing about the West or that China is perfect. Neither of those are remotely true. I'm just saying that it is absolutely absurd to think that Chinese people should have anything but hatred for a West that is just one step away from waging a total war against China.

I could say the same about Russia. I am not a huge fan of Russia's decision to invade Ukraine, but I acknowledge the fact that the West was and is supporting Ukraine's genocide of ethnic Russians in southeastern Ukraine and understand Russia's decision to do something about it.


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Security officials identify Indian social media influencers peddling Chinese propaganda, warn govt​

EXCLUSIVE: A list of over a dozen social media influencers, including YouTubers, who are allegedly furthering China’s narratives is being shared with the Union government for action​

According to a report prepared by the Australian Strategic Policy Institute, since 2020, 156 Chinese state-controlled accounts on US-based social media platforms have published at least 556 Facebook posts, Twitter posts and articles on China Global Television Network (CGTN), Global Times, Xinhua news agency and China Daily websites, amplifying Xinjiang-related social media content from 14 influencer accounts.

According to security establishment sources, for instance, one of the suspect Indian vloggers explores various regions, including Xinjiang, Beijing, Shanghai and Hotan (under which Aksai Chin falls). The vlogger covers diverse topics, such as the extreme rural life of the Uyghur Chinese, visits to Uyghur mosques and interactions with local communities, including Uyghur Muslims and Tibetans. The titles of the videos often use attention-grabbing words like “shocking” and “surprising”. The videos suggest good infrastructure and governance in the regions the vlogger visits, particularly Xinjiang, under CPC.

This situation highlights significant concerns regarding the influence wielded by compromised Indian YouTubers. The security establishment believes that only by constantly scrutinising the content produced by them can India’s national interests be safeguarded and integrity of information disseminated in the public domain maintained.

I worry about the safety of Indians like S.L. Kanthan.


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Security officials identify Indian social media influencers peddling Chinese propaganda, warn govt​

EXCLUSIVE: A list of over a dozen social media influencers, including YouTubers, who are allegedly furthering China’s narratives is being shared with the Union government for action​

I worry about the safety of Indians like S.L. Kanthan.
Indians who correctly see that India is doing terribly compared to China - Chinese spies.

Indians who close their eyes and say India supapowa 2020 BC - most realistic scientists deserving of 1000 Nobel prizes.


Registered Member
Armenia basically committed suicide. And what did they expect, for Russia to go in assistance of Nagorno-Karabakh against Azerbaijan to protect its autonomy when Armenia didn't bother to do it themselves, they are lucky the Russians sent peacekeepers and prevented more bloodshed in NK. By dropping out of CSTO they just green lit Azerbaijan actually invading Armenia to connect with its exclave and establish a direct land corridor to Turkey.
Seems like that is the plan, Europe can access central Asia gas if the pipelines are build. Caspian seas -> Azerbaijan -> Turkey -> EU


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Security officials identify Indian social media influencers peddling Chinese propaganda, warn govt​

EXCLUSIVE: A list of over a dozen social media influencers, including YouTubers, who are allegedly furthering China’s narratives is being shared with the Union government for action​

I worry about the safety of Indians like S.L. Kanthan.
I think I know who they are talking about.
According to security establishment sources, for instance, one of the suspect Indian vloggers explores various regions, including Xinjiang, Beijing, Shanghai and Hotan (under which Aksai Chin falls). The vlogger covers diverse topics, such as the extreme rural life of the Uyghur Chinese, visits to Uyghur mosques and interactions with local communities, including Uyghur Muslims and Tibetans. The titles of the videos often use attention-grabbing words like “shocking” and “surprising”. The videos suggest good infrastructure and governance in the regions the vlogger visits, particularly Xinjiang, under CP
It must be this fella:

His travels around the world, but his China videos were his highest viewed videos to date. A one-man vlogger peddling Chinese propaganda. If the CCP is funding him for propaganda, then that is a miserable budget. Against the millions-strong army of Jai Hind keyboard and mouth cannon warriors funded by the BJP, this one-man vlogger could already scare the Indian government. Imagine what he could do with better funding. C'mon CCP, give that guy a raise, and a free copy of Xi Jinping Thought!
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