Miscellaneous News


Posted anonymous on github picked up by taiwanese researcher. Just like those xinjiang official government surveillance document leaks some while ago?
An American perspective from a purported Cybersecurity expert about this recent incident. He's calling it "China's version of Edward Snowden."
What kind of "expert" would compare it to the Snowden leaks? I doubt its authenticity has been verified at this stage. Even the leaks are real, they are far less revealing than what Snowden and Assange have exposed.

"We had to destroy the village in order to save it." - nothing new there.

So the US will rip out very efficient cranes from China and replace them with 2nd rate Japanese ones costing billions? Clever.

What's wrong with Boeing nowadays?

While there is zero evidence that China's "water filled missiles" malfunctioned, it seems that "water" (moisture) did cause US and UK's SLBM to fail. You just can't make this sh*t up.


Registered Member
What kind of "expert" would compare it to the Snowden leaks? I doubt its authenticity has been verified at this stage. Even the leaks are real, they are far less revealing than what Snowden and Assange have exposed.

"We had to destroy the village in order to save it." - nothing new there.

So the US will rip out very efficient cranes from China and replace them with 2nd rate Japanese ones costing billions? Clever.

What's wrong with Boeing nowadays?

While there is zero evidence that China's "water filled missiles" malfunctioned, it seems that "water" (moisture) did cause US and UK's SLBM to fail. You just can't make this sh*t up.
With all that "age of amorality" and "you're either at the table or on the menu" talk is State Department actually embracing Realism? They don't really have good realist strategists over these days, Mearsheimer isn't exactly on the same level as Kissinger and it's not like people listen to Mearsheimer to start with.


Junior Member
Registered Member
@Sardaukar20 one thing I noticed about the US is how every immigrant group there except Canadians and Mexicans (yes even other Latinos) have this extremely weird right wing bias to them on a statistical level that would make most old world conservatives uncomfortable.

Cuban military dictatorship supporters, Iranian monarchists, Falun Gong, Guo Wengui, South Vietnamese, etc. Like there's fewer normal people that go to the US for a job or something except their neighbors, the rest feel like 群魔乱舞
The west loves these right wingers because they are good at punching down everyone except whites in power. They love Japan and Korea right wingers because they are good at attacking other Asians but say how high when uncle Sam comes.