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but Sputnik News isn't banned in the US. It is not a legal requirement for TikTok to ban it.

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You are right, I should not have used the word "law". But technically China did not "ban" Google either, Google "chose" to leave on their own. So you see my point. BTW, I don't support what TikTok did, but merely saying that companies twist themselves to survive where they are, and TikTok isn't a Chinese company to begin with.
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How many times do people need to be reminded that Tiktok is NOT a Chinese company? It is registered in Singapore and primarily owned by American investment, that makes it a legally Singaporean company with American owner.

Besides, every business operating in a country must follow the law of that country, like it or not. It is the same reason that X, FB and Google are not operating in China. You can argue against the base of US making such law, but you can't blame Tiktok following it.

Your conclusion seems to be more intended to accuse China for the wrong than blaming US for the wrong. Why? What you are doing is the same as what US and the collective west have been doing to provoke China into a fight that isn't China's. Honestly, I think many anti-western people outside of China are equally dangerous to China as the West. These people just want use China as a shield and distraction.

And even then US politicians accuse TikTok of being a Chinese tool for propaganda in the U.S. Just goes to show how far gone they are.


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This has been mentioned before but its funny how Computer Science and IT related stuff are the most popular subjects in India. Yet there's no presence of Indians who have won the real adult level competitive programming competitions.

Just shows what happens when you have to perform in a proper meritocratic skill based competition instead of nepotism. Meanwhile Russians and other eastern europeans are way better at this sort of stuff. If they wanna outsource so badly, they should just give it to some east european country. Far more bang for buck.
IIRC Boeing outsourced the software for the flight systems of their ill famed 737 Max to semi-skilled,incompetent software engineers from India-9$USD /hour as opposed to 50$USD/hr (a guess only)to a REAL graduate of a REAL-non-Indian "school-of-technology-the rest is history and Boeing's reputation is down the toilet-like India.Must be an Indian COO/CFO and such to cheap out Indian style and destroy Boeing.


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On the contrary, on purpose or not, hindutva cloak themselves in incompetence so their abuses are ignored.

Israel wants greater Israel ruled middle east, India to some extent already realized Akhand Bharat over the subcontinent. They successfully annexed Sikkim, Goa and have hollowed out Bhutan, Bangladesh. Nepal is on economic life support due to endless Indian attempts to control and bully.

Whereas the hope of mainly local forces restoring Palestine is still possible, the hope of de-hindutvazation and freeing the many nations imprisoned inside India is effectively impossible without direct and bloody long term intervention.

India is also a greater security risk as well. China needs not fear an Israeli WMD attack, as they barely can reach all of Iran and there will be far advance warning if Israel intended to acquire long range strike capability. India has however already acquired basic ICBM technology that can reach Beijing, even if they almost certainly do not have credible deterrent power.

Hindus distract you with videos of them eating feces or temples filled with rats, while you're laughing at it, they are systematically murdering and raping on a scale even Israel hasn't achieved. The non hindu peoples of kashmir or northeastern India don't even have guns and FPVs like Hamas.

For me the question of India is in need of even greater attention than the issue with Israel. Especially because they're on the verge of credible nuclear weapons. Imagine a giant Israel with MAD capability, bordering China.
When India invaded Sikkim and Goa, its leaders were at least smart enough to not show their hand and maintaining a non aligned stance. Today’s India as a result of caste breeding and Anglo subservience, are utterly brazen with their designs over even Tibet. Suffice it t8 say, Indias neighbours are more alert to Indian loincloth imperialism than the prior century.


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Who is worse?? Jai Hinds or Zionists??
Hard to believe I'm saying this but Zionists seem to be less disingenuous than Jai Hinds.

Many are really Europeans so they don't have such a huge inferiority complex that scrapes the bottom of the barrel.

Just look at Israel. The place is already livable so many of the Jews would rather just stay there. Meanwhile Indians keep talking about being a superpower while running away to places Like Georgia or Armenia.

From a China perspective, China has way less issues over Israel compared to India.


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On the contrary, on purpose or not, hindutva cloak themselves in incompetence so their abuses are ignored.

Israel wants greater Israel ruled middle east, India to some extent already realized Akhand Bharat over the subcontinent. They successfully annexed Sikkim, Goa and have hollowed out Bhutan, Bangladesh. Nepal is on economic life support due to endless Indian attempts to control and bully.

Whereas the hope of mainly local forces restoring Palestine is still possible, the hope of de-hindutvazation and freeing the many nations imprisoned inside India is effectively impossible without direct and bloody long term intervention.

India is also a greater security risk as well. China needs not fear an Israeli WMD attack, as they barely can reach all of Iran and there will be far advance warning if Israel intended to acquire long range strike capability. India has however already acquired basic ICBM technology that can reach Beijing, even if they almost certainly do not have credible deterrent power.

Hindus distract you with videos of them eating feces or temples filled with rats, while you're laughing at it, they are systematically murdering and raping on a scale even Israel hasn't achieved. The non hindu peoples of kashmir or northeastern India don't even have guns and FPVs like Hamas.

For me the question of India is in need of even greater attention than the issue with Israel. Especially because they're on the verge of credible nuclear weapons. Imagine a giant Israel with MAD capability, bordering China.
Hindutva have genocidal intent but not the brains to do it as effectively as Israel. They also do not have the backing of Western governments. They have less internal cohesion and more divisions. 140+ internal separatist and terrorist organizations in all four corners of the country is no joke. Large segments of Indian hindu society also do not subscribe to the expansionist ideology, unlike Israel in which 99% of the Jews are Zionist expansionist. Religiously, the Jews (in Israel) have consensus that expansionism is mandated by scripture; but in Hinduism, there is no consensus (i.e. Akhand Bharat lays on a weak foundation).

However, India has been learning expansionism from Israel, step by step. One notable example is the migration of illegal Hindu settlers into occupied to Kashmir to alter the demographic make up of the local majority comprising of Muslims.

I'm also old enough to remember when Western historians tried to claim that Chinese statues were influenced by Greek sculptures and that supposedly Qin ShiHuang was a blonde haired, blue eyed Aryan. Oh and how can we forget when anglo historians published in their broadsheets, how supposedly the idea of 'China' was a recent thing and that there was never such a thing as China.
Supposedly, this is what a billion dollars gets you in anti China propaganda funding.
As the West declines deeper, more of their distortions of history begin to surface - the looting of the world and claims of the loot to be their own inventions or inspired by them. Another example is Gothic architecture, a term coined during the Renaissance to describe a common style of European cathedrals. They attributed it to the Goths, the nomadic invaders from Central Asia whom were neither builders nor fond of education or development, nor is there any major structure built by them. Then it turned out with recent discoveries that this type of architecture was actually borrowed from the "Saracens", in particular, the Moors and Berbers from Andalusia and North Africa whom they hated the most but also studied in their universities.


German Gestapo arrests little kid in protest
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Musk is acting like a teenager, wants to be edgy and buck authority:
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But when shit really hits the fan, he'll get weak knees.
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I'm guessing he looks down on LAC nations more so than other countries like Turkey and India, and got schooled for it when Brazil stood it's ground. "Coup whoever we want" savior-complex redditor gets his ass whooped in the real world.