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I'm also old enough to remember when Western historians tried to claim that Chinese statues were influenced by Greek sculptures and that supposedly Qin ShiHuang was a blonde haired, blue eyed Aryan. Oh and how can we forget when anglo historians published in their broadsheets, how supposedly the idea of 'China' was a recent thing and that there was never such a thing as China.
Supposedly, this is what a billion dollars gets you in anti China propaganda funding.


Lieutenant General
It's a good thing that the complaints come from the top 1% or top 0.3% of China, especially if they are from the finance sector.
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Paying ridiculous above market salaries started off as a tax evasion/nepotism advancement mechanism for the ultra wealthy, but had actually evolved to also become a selection and grooming technique used by the ultra wealthy to achieve state capture in the west.

The practice goes something along the lines of creating some extremely high paying posts that have a vast number of suitable candidates. This is the above market aspect where the individuals earning these megabucks salaries could not possibly get anywhere close to the same compensation anywhere else. This is fundamentally different from people getting paid megabucks because of their own skills/capabilities, for example like world class professional athletes or award winning scientists/inventors etc.

The very act of paying so vastly above market rates creates an equally vast power imbalance where the boss can ask the employee to do basically anything. If the employee doesn’t like that then they can leave and there are literally a million other candidates ready and able to step in to take their place.

The true value of this power dynamic isn’t that a boss can lord it over his underlyings, but that it can be used to influence people in highly powerful and influential positions of power.

This is how legalised corruption and state capture works in the west. Government officials make decisions to benefit the ultra wealthy, and what do you know, those officials’ offspring gets selected to go into some of these megabucks paying positions in the companies of the ultra wealth individuals who just make ludicrous amounts of money from those government decisions.

Once so employed, the offspring of the government officials will then get assigned to work on lucrative government contracts, and basically becomes hostages for the company, which can now go over budget and not deliver on time to milk the taxpayer for many times the value of the original contract. If the government were to find the company at fault, then the offspring of the government officials will also be found at fault and fired from their once-in-a-lifetime dream job, so is it any wonder the government always gets taken for a ride by these companies and never imposes any consequences on them?

Beijing saw how these Trojan horse jobs were used to thoroughly comprise the west, which was is why it is nipping this poisonous weed in the bud before it can take root too deeply.


Junior Member
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Not sure what the context but Israelis can get things done in one manner or another. The reason we joke at Indian nationalist is they often boast about things they can never get done.
On the contrary, on purpose or not, hindutva cloak themselves in incompetence so their abuses are ignored.

Israel wants greater Israel ruled middle east, India to some extent already realized Akhand Bharat over the subcontinent. They successfully annexed Sikkim, Goa and have hollowed out Bhutan, Bangladesh. Nepal is on economic life support due to endless Indian attempts to control and bully.

Whereas the hope of mainly local forces restoring Palestine is still possible, the hope of de-hindutvazation and freeing the many nations imprisoned inside India is effectively impossible without direct and bloody long term intervention.

India is also a greater security risk as well. China needs not fear an Israeli WMD attack, as they barely can reach all of Iran and there will be far advance warning if Israel intended to acquire long range strike capability. India has however already acquired basic ICBM technology that can reach Beijing, even if they almost certainly do not have credible deterrent power.

Hindus distract you with videos of them eating feces or temples filled with rats, while you're laughing at it, they are systematically murdering and raping on a scale even Israel hasn't achieved. The non hindu peoples of kashmir or northeastern India don't even have guns and FPVs like Hamas.

For me the question of India is in need of even greater attention than the issue with Israel. Especially because they're on the verge of credible nuclear weapons. Imagine a giant Israel with MAD capability, bordering China.