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This global south talk sounds nice but I never really believed in it. The reason is the stakes aren't really that high right now. We aren't near world war three yet. There's no need where you HAVE to pick between the west side and the China/Russia side. If that happens, would the global south be trusted to pick China/Russia side where they don't know if they will win? I doubt it. I mean Argentina was going to join the BRICS and look what happened to them now.

So at the end of the day it really comes down to might is right. Do you pick the western horse of the Chinese/Russian one? You can't sit on the fence, you have to pick one. And since the west is still in a position of power that means you're gonna pick the underdog who has a higher chance of losing and by siding against the west, you will have to sacrifice a lot. Will this global south be still there there if China/Russia is on the losing momentum? I really doubt it.

Arrogance is defined as having or revealing an exaggerated sense of one's own importance or abilities. Well it doesn't matter how humble China is then because if it loses, then any slight confidence can be considered arrogance since its a loser.

Really the worst thing in a war ultimately is being a loser. Because it doesn't matter how good your motives were, you're not in a position to write down the history and your enemy who has bled fighting you isn't going to be nice after what you made him go through. Thats why the position of General is frankly taken too lightly by many people. He basically holds not just the lives of millions but their futures too. Thats why I can never understand why some countries choose to pick Generals who got there through connections instead of ability. The stakes are too high for nepotism to determine fate.
Tell how you really feel Trump.


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Tell how you really feel Trump.
Well at least you're not calling me Biden. But maybe you would prefer me to talk like him. Either coz he's even more full of crap but sounds nicer or simply coz you perceive him as more of a winner than Trump which kind of proves the whole winner/loser thing. Trump is wrong not coz of what he said (since he won 2016 that way) but because he didn't know how to play the politics game as well as the others once inside. Thats his real crime.
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Registered Member
I'm not trying to equate anything, I'm just calling out arrogance so you don't have to lecture me on anything. You can be sentimental all you want but the world (particularly the Global South) has little appetite for another arrogant super power, the goodwill China has built up to this point is not guaranteed, so don't take it for granted. If China goes down the path of "the weak should serve the powerful" then I'd rather just keep the so called rules based order. If people believe that China should have this arrogance because it built itself to be powerful then cool, the US and western buddies are justified in trying to contain China because they've built themselves to that position and they should keep on trying to peg China down if you follow the same logic. You see how silly that sounds? Don't champion Global South but then act like the monster you despise, it lends credence to the claim that China's rise is nefarious and people will start to see why it has issues with most of its neighbors. We're rooting for China but that arrogance is not necessary.
So you would rather the West to continue dominating your Global South just because you perceive China as the next imperial monster? Then you deserve to continue being colonized by the West. Not enough pain already? Please enjoy it some more. Better to serve the West again to soothe your ego yeah? Good for you.

The world order is shifting already. Nobody gives a shit about your pettiness, neither the leaders of the Global South nor the leaders of the great powers. Who the hell are you? Are you gonna petition to your leaders to ask them to embrace the West just because you had some quarrel with pro-China people in this forum? Why should they listen to you? Immature and schizophrenic people like you are perfect recruits for Western-sponsored NGOs. Because you're so god damn entitled, you lack principle, and your supposed loyalty to which ever side of the world order is cheap. You rather return to begging to the West when you're pissed off that people who support China can't agree with you. Go back to embracing the West then, nobody really cares. You're nothing in the grand scheme of things.


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So you would rather the West to continue dominating your Global South just because you perceive China as the next imperial monster? Then you deserve to continue being colonized by the West. Not enough pain already? Please enjoy it some more. Better to serve the West again to soothe your ego yeah? Good for you.

The world order is shifting already. Nobody gives a shit about your pettiness, neither the leaders of the Global South nor the leaders of the great powers. Who the hell are you? Are you gonna petition to your leaders to ask them to embrace the West just because you had some quarrel with pro-China people in this forum? Why should they listen to you? Immature and schizophrenic people like you are perfect recruits for Western-sponsored NGOs. Because you're so god damn entitled, you lack principle, and your supposed loyalty to which ever side of the world order is cheap. You rather return to begging to the West when you're pissed off that people who support China can't agree with you. Go back to embracing the West then, nobody really cares. You're nothing in the grand scheme of things.
No, but if nothing will change and China has the same attitude as the west then no sense in China replacing the US. The Global South wants China to win but do not squander that goodwill because that's China's biggest soft power. Shed your ridiculous arrogance, China needs the world rather than the other way around. Remember that.


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Well at least you're not calling me Biden. But maybe you would prefer me to talk like him. Either coz he's even more full of crap but sounds nicer or simply coz you perceive him as more of a winner than Trump which kind of proves the whole winner/loser thing. Trump is wrong not coz of what he said but because he didn't know how to play the politics game as well as the others. Thats his real crime.
I don't care who you talk like, you could talk like Oscar the grouch for all I care. I, and indeed the world, will remain grateful China's leaders are not like you.


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No, but if nothing will change and China has the same attitude as the west then no sense in China replacing the US. The Global South wants China to win but do not squander that goodwill because that's China's biggest soft power. Shed your ridiculous arrogance, China needs the world rather than the other way around. Remember that.
I'm starting to think the global south doesn't actually want China to win with this attitude. What they really want is China to be just powerful enough so the west has less bargaining power and they can play off each other for maximum benefits. Kinda like what Vietnam is doing when you have two shopkeepers instead of one. Ultimately the status quo still stays but the terms are better. After all if China actually wins, then that mean China can afford to be more assertive for a country of its size and this is a huge no. Its supposed to be like Superman or whatever in a zero-sum game world where a lot of things are mutually exclusive which just isn't happening.

Btw superman can only do these things coz he just happens to be one of the most powerful beings in the universe. Which again comes from his might. If he had the same level of strength when he's next to that rock that makes him lose his powers but spouted the same thing, that would be considered arrogance.
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Registered Member
Here are some examples:

1) As @plawolf had pointed out. Had the PRC been in the P5 since the formation of the UN. Then it could have vetoed the UN resolution to intervene in the Korean War. Instead, that lack of veto power forced the PRC to intervene militarily into the Korean War to protect its own national security. That was one instance where veto power might have stopped a major war that had killed millions.

2) Russia and China had allowed a Western-led UN resolution to impose a no-fly-zone over Libya in 2011 for "humanitarian purposes". It got unanimous UN votes to pass. At the end, Gaddafi was liquidated and Africa was worse off without him in charge of Libya.

3) The West had tabled hostile UN resolutions targeting Syria. Luckily, Russia and China had learnt the lessons of Libya and used their veto powers to block them. Had that not been done, Syria would surely have gone the way of Libya too.

4) During the Ukraine war of 2022. A number of resolutions to condemn Russia got sufficient UN votes to pass and Russia vetoed them. Clearly a good portion of UN member states didn't grasp the true nature of the Russia-Ukraine War.

5) China has vetoed India's ascension into the Nuclear Suppliers Group because India is not a signatory of the nuclear NPT. China was enforcing the true purpose of the NPT. But too many UN member states didn't mind ignoring the NPT for India.
The only pattern I am seeing is to kick US, UK, France out of UNSC. Never used their veto correctly yet. Just kidding.


Registered Member
No, but if nothing will change and China has the same attitude as the west then no sense in China replacing the US. The Global South wants China to win but do not squander that goodwill because that's China's biggest soft power. Shed your ridiculous arrogance, China needs the world rather than the other way around. Remember that.
Remember that your opinion means nothing in the grand scheme of things. Not even to many of us here who are from the Global South. Your perception of the world is flawed, you jump to conclusions, your values are confused, and you reek of entitlement. You can so quickly switch preference between the East or West depending on your mood swings. Yet you're just a petty nobody whom no one can take seriously. You can rant all you like, the world couldn't care less to satisfy your ego.


Registered Member
No, but if nothing will change and China has the same attitude as the west then no sense in China replacing the US. The Global South wants China to win but do not squander that goodwill because that's China's biggest soft power. Shed your ridiculous arrogance, China needs the world rather than the other way around. Remember that.
Lol the HUBRIS you possess as IF YOU ALONE SPEAK OR REPRESENTS THE MAJORITY OF " THE GLOBAL SOUTH" reeks to me as the HEIGHT OF HYPOCRISY. Use YOUR OPINION as your own and STOP PRETENDING like you carry the weight of the global south on your sensitive/entitled shoulders. What have you done to improve your country's place and position in the world other than b.ch and complain on the supposed potential of a China SUPERPOWER? The demanding attitude you have is quite hysterical and annoying to say the least.

If the future leaders of Africa has your attitude and entitlement god help the continent is all am going to say.

Africa must become strong, competent, and relatively prosperous in order for its demand to gain credibility and leverage to your idols (stop pretending you don't like the west) you pretend to despise. If the best thing we can all do is make unrealistic and idealized demands with no credible military power to back it up, then you're as good as USELESS. For starters, try that same idealized schtick in REAL LIFE and see how far it'll take you: ZERO PLACES.


Junior Member
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Lol the HUBRIS you possess as IF YOU ALONE SPEAK OR REPRESENTS THE MAJORITY OF " THE GLOBAL SOUTH" reeks to me as the HEIGHT OF HYPOCRISY. Use YOUR OPINION as your own and STOP PRETENDING like you carry the weight of the global south on your sensitive/entitled shoulders. What have you done to improve your country's place and position in the world other than b.ch and complain on the supposed potential of a China SUPERPOWER? The demanding attitude you have is quite hysterical and annoying to say the least.

If the future leaders of Africa has your attitude and entitlement god help the continent is all am going to say.

Africa must become strong, competent, and relatively prosperous in order for its demand to gain credibility and leverage to your idols (stop pretending you don't like the west) you pretend to despise. If the best thing we can all do is make unrealistic and idealized demands with no credible military power to back it up, then you're as good as USELESS. For starters, try that same idealized schtick in REAL LIFE and see how far it'll take you: ZERO PLACES.
Don't care about all that jazz. Just pipe down on the arrogance.