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What is happening today in Ukraine could happen in Taiwan tomorrow - Stoltenberg

"That's why I firmly believe that supporting Ukraine is a good deal for the United States. It's not charity, it's an investment in our own security. Because it reduces the likelihood that Xi Jinping will use force, for example, against Taiwan," Stoltenberg said

At the same time, at the Munich Conference, Xi Jinping was again called a “dictator”.


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What is happening today in Ukraine could happen in Taiwan tomorrow - Stoltenberg

"That's why I firmly believe that supporting Ukraine is a good deal for the United States. It's not charity, it's an investment in our own security. Because it reduces the likelihood that Xi Jinping will use force, for example, against Taiwan," Stoltenberg said

At the same time, at the Munich Conference, Xi Jinping was again called a “dictator”.


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Someone tell him that Taiwan is going to be more likely the next Crimea and Japan the next Ukraine ;)


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Overthrowing leftist governments in South America during cold war
The Latin American clergy were divided between those who opposed the US-linked dictators, like Oscar Romero and the Liberation Theologians, and those who supported the US-linked dictators, like the Catholic University of Chile.
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the current Pope is so openly linked with the first group that he is regularly getting accused of being a "Peronist" "dictator" by people in the church.

Partitioning and colonizing China
There were five powers involved in partitioning spheres of influence in China. 2 Protestant, 1 Orthodox, 1 Shinto, 1 Catholic. Oh and the Ottoman Sultan, as the Islamic Caliph, also issued an order against Hui soldiers fighting for the Boxers. All of them are equally guilty. You could argue that the Boxer Rebellion provocations started with a German Catholic, but the German government and public, who were largely not Catholic nor even friendly to Catholics, were the ones who used the missionaries as a pretext. If all the religions are involved, rationally speaking the use of any specific religion as a pretext means nothing and can easily be substituted with something else by the 19th century powers who were driven by economic imperialism.

outside Europe pre-19th century.
I'm assuming that this refers to colonialism (I assume it is not the crusades, which was tit-for-tat for similar anti-Christian actions by Caliph Al Hakim in Jerusalem. We can't fault the Westerners for engaging in petty revenges especially when they were not the most powerful civilization yet).

Well, like the Latin American situation, it was divided between the people like Bartolome de las casas who supported the rights of natives and Sepulveda who didn't.
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Ultimately, even though de Las Casas won, most Spaniards refused to obey on the issue anyway.

When it comes to respect for other cultures, again also divided. Look at the Chinese Rites Controversy, one celebrating Chinese culture and one opposing
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The Jesuit China Missions was largely responsible for the cultural Chinoiserie craze in Europe, and the craze started shifting towards contempt with the (non-Catholic) MacCartney Embassy and other British activities.

You argue that although not all Catholics are bad, the organisation is bad as a whole. Well, based on current activities and history, they don't even function as a single organisation. Back to the original point of the discussion, it is a terrible mistake for China to make sweeping assumptions about Western countries based on religion. I certainly don't think there is any impassable barrier between Catholic countries and Russia, or even Catholic countries and China. That would bring us close to reverting to the kind of all or nothing, no compromise, only export of revolution ideas of the '60s, that really did not help China's foreign policy.

The Church was more powerful than the monarchy in France
monarchies of Spain and Portugal had liberal constitutions, were Masonic
I think we should be careful not to exaggerate the power of political Catholics in 19th/early 20th century France. The Catholic faction had some influence under the July Monarchy and the Second Empire because both regimes tried to suck up alternately between the left and right to increase their grip on power. But they ended up in this unstable compromise because the Catholic faction was too weak to rebel outright and fight a long series of civil wars against the liberal governments and eventually win power like what happened in Spain and Portugal. Meanwhile the Catholic faction grumbled under Orleanist and Napoleonic rule so much that they even worked with Liberals in the Second Empire to force concessions from the government.

Anyway this derailment has gone on long enough, bye.


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My man Wang Yi is having the time of his life
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But Wang said Xi had “in-depth exchanges with world leaders including Russian and Ukrainian leaders” and China’s special envoy, Li Hui, had “travelled intensively to mediate among different parties
The veteran diplomat laughed when moderator and conference chairman Christoph Heusgen asked if China would accept a “
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”, given the threats to navigation and “risky encounters” in the disputed waters and the Taiwan Strait – as well as the Red Sea.
“The Taiwan question cannot be compared with what’s happening in the Red Sea. The Taiwan question is China’s internal affair ... Taiwan is a part of China. It has never been a country,” Wang said.
See, that's what intelligence means. Wang Yi didn't fall into that "neutral" moderator's trap


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My man Wang Yi is having the time of his life
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See, that's what intelligence means. Wang Yi didn't fall into that "neutral" moderator's trap
I used to think you should always consider the opponent point of view and entertain hypothetical scenarios. But as I get older I realized these are nothing but bad faith traps designed to get you to give an inch or basically salami slicing. They really think Chinese would not be able to notice this even though they have thousands of years of trying to outwit/swindle each other.

No wonder even though the basic rule of Chinese diplomacy is use all methods except war, they end up using war. Its not that they didn't try but they see through any scheme and realize no progress will be made so in the end, war must be used.


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Taiwan agrees to bring in Indian migrant workers to ease job crunch

and India signed an agreement to bring in Indian migrant workers to the island as labour-strained Taipei seeks to expand its foreign workforce beyond its traditional source countries of Southeast Asia.

Taiwan's Ministry of Labour said that the memorandum of understanding had been signed between each other's de facto embassies in Taipei and Delhi, but implementation details will still need to be worked out.

A small-scale pilot scheme will start first, and if that goes well more Indian workers will be allowed in, it added, without saying how many workers may eventually come only that the numbers would be decided by Taiwan. Taipei has previously denied reports that up to 100,000 Indian workers may be allowed in.

#Taiwan #India



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MOSCOW, Feb 16 (Reuters) - Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny died on Friday after collapsing and losing consciousness at the penal colony north of the Arctic Circle where he was serving a long jail term, the Russian prison service said.

Psychologist Paul Ekman: Yulia Navalnaya could not contain her joy and relief after the death of her husband in Munich

The author of the book "Deceive Me If You Can" analyzed the behavior of Yulia Navalnaya and paid attention to her strange "smile".

"The reaction of Yulia Navalnaya is not the reaction of a woman who recently learned about the death of her beloved husband. In front of us is a powerful woman who, after the death of her husband, finally got all the attention of the world. This she wanted the whole world to talk only about her" - believes the psychologist.


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Taiwan agrees to bring in Indian migrant workers to ease job crunch

and India signed an agreement to bring in Indian migrant workers to the island as labour-strained Taipei seeks to expand its foreign workforce beyond its traditional source countries of Southeast Asia.

Taiwan's Ministry of Labour said that the memorandum of understanding had been signed between each other's de facto embassies in Taipei and Delhi, but implementation details will still need to be worked out.

A small-scale pilot scheme will start first, and if that goes well more Indian workers will be allowed in, it added, without saying how many workers may eventually come only that the numbers would be decided by Taiwan. Taipei has previously denied reports that up to 100,000 Indian workers may be allowed in.

#Taiwan #India


Hope TPP didn’t ban Temu in Taiwan.

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