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The Catholic Church will try to protect any believer who seeks refuge inside a Church. It is part of how things are done.

I wouldn't say there are no political activities. If you get involved in the Catholic Church in a deep way there will be associations where people will try to reach political goals. Like with Opus Dei for example.


Registered Member
And 2 weeks before Russian elections.

I found funny that people don’t realise how staged is this, and pretend that Putin needs to kill Navalni 2 weeks before the election to have the bad view and promote protest of some people.

Navalni, a guy with 0 political power, who has been in the jail for more than year and had 20 years more of sentence. The need for Russian government to kill him is 0.
Putin has to re assure people in Mideast that he is not democrat. Running a government in Western way is not part of it. his legitimacy rest on how he manage relation with Mideast.
when Mosque and Synagogue were built in Crimea. Putin wanted Erdogan and Netanyahu. Putin keep communicating with Israel through Jewish Rabbi. and this Natenyahu often went to Synagogue in Moscow. You can already see outside wedlock marriages are far lower in Israel than Europe. i have some more statements about Europe from Medvedev. These people know more about Europe than Europeans.

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I thought it was much older because when US and Russia agreed to disarm nukes from their borders (Russia from Cuba and US from Turkey), Russia pulled out but US kept them there (to date). That was in 1960s.
The US took out their Jupiter missiles from Turkey. They still have air dropped nuclear gravity bombs in Turkey but those at least have a way longer time to delivery. Which makes an accidental confrontation less likely. But the US kept the Pershing missiles in Europe.


Registered Member
The Catholic Church will try to protect any believer who seeks refuge inside a Church. It is part of how things are done.

I wouldn't say there are no political activities. If you get involved in the Catholic Church in a deep way there will be associations where people will try to reach political goals. Like with Opus Dei for example.
Yup in ASIA, the catholic church hold such political sway and influence that they are a part of the hegemonic establishment to enslave the people. Look I'm a former catholic, I once join the sacristan (they brain wash us as part of the curriculum) in mid school and in my formative years I saw the hypocritical way the church function.

They're so dogmatic, highly judgmental and oozing with self important. They involved themselves from birth (Baptismal) marriage until your death (wake), the thing is nothing is free, you have to pay for those services. plus they don't pay taxes especially their huge land holdings. They are the number one land holders in the Philippine and is a leech to our society asking for alms and donation while living a life of luxury.

I believe in one God, but not religion, all religion as they are man made, a tool or an instrument to perpetuate one rule and see the destruction, killing and enslavement in God name.
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The point that when one talk about Catholic or Protestant countries it does not mean that it is actual religious Catholic or Protestant people doing it.

it is the philosophical and cultural background that the religion bring to the country and its political system.

in Germany there is very few religious people. But the structure of the state is configured in base to the old Prussian structure that was influenced by Protestantism.
There are Catholic in Germany in Bavaria but they didn’t influence the rest of the country./

you can see that countries influenced by Protestantism are more active in fighting Russia than countries influenced by Catholicism, with the notable exception of Poland.
In reality, Prussia was much more compatible with Russia. Germany today is under US occupation and has no policy of its own. If the US power over them falls, Germany will quickly become Russia's friend again, as many Germans had good relations with Imperial Russia in the past, including the Russian nobility being partly German.

The separation between Russia and Germany was plotted by the extinct British Empire diplomacy and continued today by the US, because a possible economic and political union between Germany and Russia would destroy the Anglo-Saxon power in Europe, which only survives by dividing others to reign, the old model of the Roman Empire.

And in fact, Prussia was not exactly Protestant, on the contrary it was pragmatic.

Prussia by decree unified the Lutheran Church with the Calvinist Church by force into a new national Church, and Lutherans and Calvinists hated each other and disagreed about many things. Prussia also tried to unify the Catholic Church into this new church, but it failed and Bismarck had to make a deal with the Pope in the 19th century.

Prussia had an approach to religion very similar to the Russian Empire and the Orthodox Church.
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Only 3% of us household spending are used to buy things made in China -
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What if the 3% of made in China products are not available and must be sourced somewhere else at much higher costs, would that not eat into the disposable income of Americans? Also, for the upper middle class and above, they can afford more expensive non Chinese alternatives already, but what about the majority rest below?

Btw, I didn't read the report you linked, did it include non direct spendings in the calculation? For example, the trucking companies likely have Chinese made products that they use to run their business, if they have to buy non Chinese alternatives at higher costs, they will then pass on the higher costs. The cascading effect for the entire supply chains would be serious, right?
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I am myself Spanish and I wonder from where you get the idea that Spanish people hate French people or France state.

Do Spanish like French? Non more an non less than any other countries. We like more Italians than French but for sure nobody hates France.

To compare it with Poland and their fanatical complexes of inferiority and hate toward Russia is totally out of the world
I'm sorry. That part was mainly addressing the historical context for why Spain was not as influenced by the ideals of the French Revolution as the other Romance countries. I should not have lumped it together with the modern state of affairs. And you are right, that part is only relevant to pre-1975, which I forgot to mention.
Catholics funded and abetted terrorists in HK. The Vatican and CIA also has connections from way back, there are some books on this.
One retired bishop in Hong Kong helped the HK protest movement. There's no evidence that the Vatican was part of it which was trying to negotiate with the government of China at the time, and Joseph Zen is very estranged and frequently quarrels with the the liberal authorities around Pope Francis (who in turn has links with the Latin American anti-US leftist Catholic priests) The Vatican and CIA did have ties during the late Cold War when the Pope was a Pole with personal ties to the Solidarity movement, and also via individual American Cardinals who were eager to participate in their own country's politics. That's not the same as saying that the whole organisation or people are slanted in that way. Like Carrie Lam is Catholic, that doesn't prove anything.
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Registered Member
One retired bishop in Hong Kong helped the HK protest movement. There's no evidence that the Vatican was part of it which was trying to negotiate with the government of China at the time, and Joseph Zen is very estranged and frequently quarrels with the the liberal authorities around Pope Francis (who in turn has links with the Latin American anti-US leftist Catholic priests) The Vatican and CIA did have ties during the late Cold War when the Pope was a Pole with personal ties to the Solidarity movement, and also via individual American Cardinals who were eager to participate in their own country's politics. That's not the same as saying that the whole organisation or people are slanted in that way. Like Carrie Lam is Catholic, that doesn't prove anything.
I'm not saying all Catholics are bad people, but trying to deny Catholic's history of being fifth column for western imperialism is just not going to convince anyone here.

Even ignoring the vile acts brought by Catholic priests across the world (pedophilia, etc), you can't ignore the history of the catholic church. Supporting US imperialism post cold war, it's not just in HK. Overthrowing leftist governments in South America during cold war. Partitioning and colonizing China (and the rest of the global south) using proselytizing as cover in the 19th-20th century. Almost everything the Catholic church did outside Europe pre-19th century. You get the point, the list goes on.
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The harassment and programs against Chinese people is merely inviting a “sack of Constantinople” on several Anglo cities.

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It must make the CIA and the Zionist Anglo elites foam in Anger that they cannot control the minds of Chinese citizens. Unlike white Americans, Chinese men are not fans of cuckoldry so either Hollywood starts to cast positive masculine portrayal of Asian men or relegate themselves to Jewish male

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subtlety isn’t a strong point of the anglos


Junior Member
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I'm sorry. That part was mainly addressing the historical context for why Spain was not as influenced by the ideals of the French Revolution as the other Romance countries. I should not have lumped it together with the modern state of affairs. And you are right, that part is only relevant to pre-1975, which I forgot to mention.

One retired bishop in Hong Kong helped the HK protest movement. There's no evidence that the Vatican was part of it which was trying to negotiate with the government of China at the time, and Joseph Zen is very estranged and frequently quarrels with the the liberal authorities around Pope Francis (who in turn has links with the Latin American anti-US leftist Catholic priests) The Vatican and CIA did have ties during the late Cold War when the Pope was a Pole with personal ties to the Solidarity movement, and also via individual American Cardinals who were eager to participate in their own country's politics. That's not the same as saying that the whole organisation or people are slanted in that way. Like Carrie Lam is Catholic, that doesn't prove anything.
Spain was greatly influenced by the French revolution during the 19th century, even more than France itself.

In fact, after the few years of revolution and Napoleon, in 1814 France reestablished the power of the Catholic Church, which was very active in French politics in the 19th and early 20th centuries. The Church was more powerful than the monarchy in France.

The same in Austria, Belgium and Southern catholic states of Germany. The Catholic Church had political parties that governed these countries throughout the 19th century and early 20th.

On the contrary, the monarchy of Spain and Portugal expropriated the Church's assets and prevented the Church from forming political parties and government during most of the 19th century.

The monarchies of Spain and Portugal had liberal constitutions, were Masonic and supported by England.

Only with the fall of the iberian monarchies and the rise of Franco and Salazar governments in the early 20th century there was a revival of Catholicism with the urbanization and industrialization in the southwestern Europe that lasted until 1965 when the Second Vatican Council finally destroyed the old Catholic church.
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