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Note that the 1.5% number above grossly overstates the percentage of migrants that are Chinese as it is computed based on the migrants encountered by the CBP.

Virtually all Chinese migrants coming through Mexico intend to seek asylum and so they actually look for the CBP to report in. On the other hand, migrants from most other countries have little chance of getting asylum and try very hard to avoid the CBP.

I want to add that the refusal rate of US B-visas (Non-immigrant) for Chinese nationals have also been steadily increasing over time,
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This is corroborated
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, which is from the official State Department website. The total number of temporary visa issuances in general has also decreased from
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. I'm assuming 2023's numbers haven't recovered, especially with the B-visa refusal rate still being high.

My theory is that older, easier way for these people to migrate to the US would be to apply for one of the non-immigrant visas (which I'm assuming has a lower refusal rate than immigration visas) and then just overstay their visa. That's safer and not as expensive (you just need the money to apply for a visa and an airplane ticket). That's less of an option now because of the higher refusal rate, and it's easier to obtain political asylum (with a
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So I don't believe the net number of yearly Chinese nationals migrating to the US has increased (more likely the opposite), it's just harder to go the easier route of overstaying a temporary visa, so they need to 走线 instead.


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I highly doubt the Protestant and (especially the) Catholic Europeans will ever develop any kind of cordiality with the Orthodox Russians. This hostility is as old as the Great Schism and Division of the Roman Empire, with Russia essentially being the legacy of the Orthodox Byzantines. For example, it was only a few years ago that the Catholic Pope officially apologized for the Catholic Crusade in the middle ages that backstabbed and irreversibly devastated the Orthodox Byzantines.
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You should not weigh too much on their religion's effect on political relations. Of the "Catholic" countries of Europe, France and Italy were overwhelmingly transformed by the 18th-19th century revolutions and are aligned with French revolutionary ideals which are strongly anti-religious (laicite). Among the others, religion is only important in Spain and Poland, where Catholicism continues to be a nationalist rallying point (for Spanish, their hatred of the French and separatists, and for Polish, their hatred of Russia). All the rest, where the religion no longer has a welfare or nationalist function, are completely indifferent to religion. The situation is not at all like US-style Evangelicalism who are an entirely new politically-minded religious revival that appeared in the 19th century and never took hold in Europe.

You brought up the Sack of Constantinople because the Orthodox bring it up very often. But that's because the Orthodox countries are much more religious than any western Christian state. Virtually nobody in the West still brings up the fact that the Sack of Constantinople was revenge for the much more brutal Massacre of the Latins by the Greeks a few years beforehand on top of the Greeks refusing to pay their debts (scroll down that Wiki article if you dont know about it), because the modern "Catholics" just don't care enough to even bear a grudge (or the French, Italians, and those aligned with their views, who would blame religion in general)

And even the Orthodox don't have a common approach to the "Catholic" countries. The non-Russian part of Orthodox Ukraine are insane Polish worshippers. Orthodox Bulgaria is the most pro-EU country in the Union. Georgia, North Macedonia and Montenegro love getting help from the West to cause trouble with their fellow Orthodox neighbours. Only Serbia, Russia can be firmly counted as anti-Western because national identity is much more influential in political decisions than purely religion.


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I highly doubt the Protestant and (especially the) Catholic Europeans will ever develop any kind of cordiality with the Orthodox Russians.
This is contrary to the reality.

Protestant Europe hates Russia and the orthodoxy far more.
Catholics countries of Europe are the least russophobic (apart from Poland and Lithuania) but those are just crazy.
In countries like Norway or Germany people is openly racist towards Russia and they speak bad about them in random conversations.
I never saw something like that in Spain, Portugal or Italy.

Politically the war against Russia is basically conducted by Protestant Anglosaxon that are joined happily by Protestant Germanic.

Who invaded the URSS with the objetive of erase Slavic people from existence? Protestants countries
Who command NATO? Protestant counties

And in terms of Sinophobia and the war against China this is also directed by Protestants


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Navalny died around the same time Avdiivka was taken by Russia. What convenient timing.
And 2 weeks before Russian elections.

I found funny that people don’t realise how staged is this, and pretend that Putin needs to kill Navalni 2 weeks before the election to have the bad view and promote protest of some people.

Navalni, a guy with 0 political power, who has been in the jail for more than year and had 20 years more of sentence. The need for Russian government to kill him is 0.

But for the SBU, in orders of CIA, infiltrate someone in the jail to kill him is a kid game.

also look how all major newspapers of Europe suddenly put 10 news about Navalni in the top of their pages.
They have not put nothing about Russia Ukraine so high in months.

But the most interesting is how people fall in this tricks and manipulation without thinking 2 times


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In my impression catholics are mainly quiet people who keep to themselves and rarely talk about religion while protestants are the ones who try to infiltrate governments, civil service and help their own sect through guanxi, as well as brainwash people with in your face modern tactics and funding. Much more politically involved than catholics.

Is this not the case? Or am I mistaken


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You should not weigh too much on their religion's effect on political relations. Of the "Catholic" countries of Europe, France and Italy were overwhelmingly transformed by the 18th-19th century revolutions and are aligned with French revolutionary ideals which are strongly anti-religious (laicite). Among the others, religion is only important in Spain and Poland, where Catholicism continues to be a nationalist rallying point (for Spanish, their hatred of the French and separatists, and for Polish, their hatred of Russia).
I am myself Spanish and I wonder from where you get the idea that Spanish people hate French people or France state.

Do Spanish like French? Non more an non less than any other countries. We like more Italians than French but for sure nobody hates France.

To compare it with Poland and their fanatical complexes of inferiority and hate toward Russia is totally out of the world


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In my impression catholics are mainly quiet people who keep to themselves and rarely talk about religion while protestants are the ones who try to infiltrate governments, civil service and help their own sect through guanxi, as well as brainwash people with in your face modern tactics and funding. Much more politically involved than catholics.

Is this not the case? Or am I mistaken
The point that when one talk about Catholic or Protestant countries it does not mean that it is actual religious Catholic or Protestant people doing it.

it is the philosophical and cultural background that the religion bring to the country and its political system.

in Germany there is very few religious people. But the structure of the state is configured in base to the old Prussian structure that was influenced by Protestantism.
There are Catholic in Germany in Bavaria but they didn’t influence the rest of the country./

you can see that countries influenced by Protestantism are more active in fighting Russia than countries influenced by Catholicism, with the notable exception of Poland.


Registered Member
In my impression catholics are mainly quiet people who keep to themselves and rarely talk about religion while protestants are the ones who try to infiltrate governments, civil service and help their own sect through guanxi, as well as brainwash people with in your face modern tactics and funding. Much more politically involved than catholics.

Is this not the case? Or am I mistaken
It depends on which Protestants you are talking about. You probably won't find Anglicans proselyting.
But if you are talking about US Protestant cults like the Jehovah's Witnesses or something like that. Then yeah.


Registered Member
In my impression catholics are mainly quiet people who keep to themselves and rarely talk about religion while protestants are the ones who try to infiltrate governments, civil service and help their own sect through guanxi, as well as brainwash people with in your face modern tactics and funding. Much more politically involved than catholics.

Is this not the case? Or am I mistaken
Catholics funded and abetted terrorists in HK. The Vatican and CIA also has connections from way back, there are some books on this.


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True RETVRN in sodomy and the ancient greeks; now they just have to march to Persia and the West can relive Alexander The Great all over again.

it always puzzled me why the Anglo elites committed themselves so utterly to destroying Christianity and I originally out it down to closet homosexual boomers finally coming into power but given the attitude towards Israel I think it’s clear that the Anglo elites are wholly Jewish or Zionist and therefore have an axe to grind with Christianity for purely religious and historical revenge reasons.

View attachment 125482
The west must constantly be reminded of its own dissidents and its own “silenced” sin eaters
Elites only follow those who finance them.

At the end of the Middle Ages and the beginning of the Renaissance, the Catholic Church established the first banks to finance its projects. Church banks financed the founding of universities, shipbuilding industries, the military industry, wars, government debts, the crusades, the discoveries and finally the Western colonialism in the world.

However, Christians could not charge high interest from other Christians. They could only charge compensation for the amounts borrowed adjusted for inflation, without much profit. Christians could only charge interest from non-Christians such as Jews and Muslims, but these were few in the West. Therefore, Christian banks were not very profitable.

On the other hand, Jews also could not charge interest from other Jews, but they could demand high interest rates from non-Jews. So the Jews formed alternative banks, more profitable than Christian banks, because they lent money at high interest rates to the majority of Christians. This practice of making a lot of profit from loans without work hard is called usury.

After the revolutions of the 19th century, all Christian banks were extinguished and only banks run by Jews remained, which profited a lot from high interest rates.

Thus, today those who finance Western governments, wars, military industrial complex and companies are the Zionists of the financial market.

So the elites just follow Zionist interests just as they followed Christian ambitions in the past.