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Junior Member
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You'd be shocked how friendly Russians could become towards the West after Putin is no longer the big boss. Russians are Europeans, don't let anyone tell you otherwise and it would be foolish for China to think it has an eternal friendship with Russia.
I know well Russians are Europeans. I am Spanish and my wife is Russian. We live in Switzerland. But being European does not mean anything.
There are several cultural and ethnic groups here. Europe is a totally artificial construct and for sure is not a identity.

I am as European as you can be and u don’t like more other European countries than let say China, Iran or Mexico.

Russians are of course Europeans, but it does not mean that they are going to loose their shit to be friends with other countries in the same continent.

And you would be surprise to notice to which point attitude of Russians towards Europe and Asia has changed.
Nowadays you find many people speaking great of China and Iran, about random things let’s say sweets or clothes or thinks like that.

Russians in general are not vengative people so they don’t hate other European, but they certainly don’t have interest in run to ve the puppet of nobody.

They know that they are wining now, and they feel strong.

It is the impression that Russia and Russians gives now


Junior Member
Registered Member
You'd be shocked how friendly Russians could become towards the West after Putin is no longer the big boss. Russians are Europeans, don't let anyone tell you otherwise and it would be foolish for China to think it has an eternal friendship with Russia.

'Friendly' is not the same as 'Friends'. Nations align if they have shared concerns and objectives.

What makes foreigners think Chinese ever view Russians as 'eternal' friends? That is just plain silly, ignorant, and very naive. China has been dealing with foreigners for thousands of years.

Precisely because Russians are Europeans, they love to fight and kill off each other non-stop throughout history until exhausted in WW1 and WW2. France and Germany are next door neighbors. Civil Wars are always the bloodiest because they are so cheap to sustain.


Grumpy Old Man
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Moderator - World Affairs
The minute Putin is no longer the President, the west will try to woo Russia in order to contain China. Don't ever for a second think things can't shift quickly in the world of geopolitics.
What can the West offer? Kick all the former Warshaw Pact out of NATO? Return all the stolen money plus interest? Disband NATO?


Registered Member
You'd be shocked how friendly Russians could become towards the West after Putin is no longer the big boss. Russians are Europeans, don't let anyone tell you otherwise and it would be foolish for China to think it has an eternal friendship with Russia.
If the Russians really feel like being white europeans is more important than a peaceful relationship with China they just deserve to lose their far east and just go be European west of the Urals. But i don't think they are that simple as a people or else im over estimating Russia's deep state.

First of all we now life in a Era with a modernised China and fast modernising Asia with visual evidence that Europe is not what it has been for centuries a center of power. Because it could plunder the world. Compare any Europe tier 1 cities with China's tier 1,2 or 3 cities. Also if one sees Russia as an economic scale with Europe on one side and Asia on the other side. The Russian economic scale has tipping toward Asia for a while now. So by the time that Putin will be out of the picture Russian businesses will already be heavily invested in Asia. I don't think Europe and the US can offer something in return that could shift the economic scale back to the west.

Also Sino-Soviet split wasn't such a nice experience for USSR that was still with an weaker and way less modernised China. A 21st century Sino-Russo split would be so expensive for Russia that they can say bye bye to fast economic growth.


Junior Member
Registered Member
If the Russians really feel like being white europeans is more important than a peaceful relationship with China they just deserve to lose their far east and just go be European west of the Urals. But i don't think they are that simple as a people or else im over estimating Russia's deep state.

First of all we now life in a Era with a modernised China and fast modernising Asia with visual evidence that Europe is not what it has been for centuries a center of power. Because it could plunder the world. Compare any Europe tier 1 cities with China's tier 1,2 or 3 cities. Also if one sees Russia as an economic scale with Europe on one side and Asia on the other side. The Russian economic scale has tipping toward Asia for a while now. So by the time that Putin will be out of the picture Russian businesses will already be heavily invested in Asia. I don't think Europe and the US can offer something in return that could shift the economic scale back to the west.

Also Sino-Soviet split wasn't such a nice experience for USSR that was still with an weaker and way less modernised China. A 21st century Sino-Russo split would be so expensive for Russia that they can say bye bye to fast economic growth.
The answer you are answering is based on is simply based in what Europeans and Americans want to believe .

MAGA and AfD people love to think that they would arrive to power and just with some friendly words Russia will loose their butt to run to lick their feet.

Pardon my language but it is like it is. They really think Russian loves them and will not do what is in their interest.

It is same supremacism than the neocons but in the other side.

It is based in a total lack of understanding of Russia. Starting from the point that Putin WAS a very pro European leader within the Russian political system.
To think that is Putin the one that is restricting Russia to join Europe is delusional.

The communist party is still strong in Russia and hates the West. The nationalist dislike the west. The Orthodox don’t have any interest.

Most of the Russian political system and structures of the state are anti West.

And even to start with, people don’t understand the reasons Russians has in the past to “like” the West.
It is not that they are European, it is nothing like that. It is simply that the West was richer than them, and being pragmatic they thought that being friend with the west would be better for them.

They woke up, and anyway the west is not rich anymore.

And on a more personal view. I am Spanish, my wife is Russian. She hates Europe (or basically the centro European based European Union).
Normal people in Russia is neither particularly pro Europe.

They see at the end that their friends were Iran and China and North Korea and Siria.

You would be shocked by the level of praise that Iran received nowadays.

Of course there are pro European Russians also, but there are also pro American Chinese.

In both bases they are a minority and for sure they don’t guide the politics of their states


Registered Member
You'd be shocked how friendly Russians could become towards the West after Putin is no longer the big boss. Russians are Europeans, don't let anyone tell you otherwise and it would be foolish for China to think it has an eternal friendship with Russia.
I think you have lack of understanding about this issue. Medvedev said Europe is not part of great power as its under foreign influence. Arabs will make sure Africa and Europe collide that will weaken both to establish Arab dominance. Trump can accelerate this Process as he will get full support from Arabs.
Once Arab dominance is established on those regions than Arabs will move to Euro Asia including Ukraine and this will have positive influence on countries like Turkey. Muslims and Jews will always have higher priority in Russian policies. this how the demographic trends in Military, Wealth and Science. you can already see it why they want BRICS and Games of Future in Kazan. when they open that VNDH exhibition there most famous athlete present was Volga Tatar from Kazan. and i have no doubt they are in counter intelligence to weed out any European influence from Russia and push people who consider themselves Europeans towards Siberia and let the people with stronger ideology reside around Ukraine.

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And one last thing. Having decided, at the instigation of the United States, to become the worst enemy of our country, Europe has brought itself very close to final degenerative degeneration. The great powers will sooner or later agree on how they will live in the foreseeable future under the new conditions. Washington cannot escape Russia, China and the countries of the Global South. And it makes no sense for us to start a full-fledged conflict with America.

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Sergey Karaganov: Here’s why Russia must permanently abandon Europe and turn fully to Asia​

Europe is finished, and Russia’s geographical and cultural advantages means it doesn’t have to go down with the sinking ship


Senior Member
Registered Member
Trump talked a lot on his first term but he did basically everything the deep state wanted him to do. He claimed he wanted to get the troops out of Afghanistan and Syria and he did neither of those things. He sent arms assistance to Ukraine including the Javelin ATGMs. With regards to home rule Trump he claimed he would build a lot of infrastructure in the US and built nothing.
Every US president does that: make lovely promises for show and then do the same thing that every president does. Different heads of the same dragon. Obama got a Nobel Peace Prize during his campaign for promoting peace and diplomacy with the Muslim world, following which he bombed seven Islamic countries.


Senior Member
Registered Member
We're returning to the boring phase now.

China and US are normalizing relations, and all of a sudden China isn't being bombarded with made up human rights allegations on Western news and social media everyday anymore (almost as if American mainstream discourse is directed by the US government lol)

Edit: I just checked, there is actually absolutely nothing about China on the entire WSJ, CNN, BBC and r/worldnews front page. How crazy is that?
The unwashed masses of the Western world are easily programmable sheep, conditioned from birth by their feudo-religious cultism and liberalised dogmatic educational system.

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, polls show
China and Russia are considered less of a threat to Western populations now than a year ago, as public concern pivots to immigration and radical Islam.
China was also seen more favorably this year than last by five of the G7 countries, with Canada and Japan the exceptions. Notably, though, Chinese respondents saw all Western countries apart from Russia and Belarus as more threatening now than before.