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Taiwan agrees to bring in Indian migrant workers to ease job crunch

and India signed an agreement to bring in Indian migrant workers to the island as labour-strained Taipei seeks to expand its foreign workforce beyond its traditional source countries of Southeast Asia.

Taiwan's Ministry of Labour said that the memorandum of understanding had been signed between each other's de facto embassies in Taipei and Delhi, but implementation details will still need to be worked out.

A small-scale pilot scheme will start first, and if that goes well more Indian workers will be allowed in, it added, without saying how many workers may eventually come only that the numbers would be decided by Taiwan. Taipei has previously denied reports that up to 100,000 Indian workers may be allowed in.

#Taiwan #India

Pardon my French but this is F----- BS.

Taiwanese youth are already struggling to afford good enough living for family formation that many Taiwanese go to the mainland or Korea or Japan for work. The problems facing Taiwan are the same for any Capitalist society: aspiring middle class taiwanese youth don't want to do the shit jobs that are currently being done by Indonesian and filipino workers. In fact, i'd much rather foreign workers come from these south east asian nations rather than India because i have worked with Indians in the West and i do not see any work arrangement with indians as anything but a net positive for them and a net negative for the counterpart.

The company i work for had the bright anglo idea to offshore a lot of the back office work to the subcontinent with a view to eventually transfer a lot of our role and responsibilities over to the cheap labour indians. Unfortunately for them, the indians are incredibly lazy and not just lazy, haphazard and adopt a lackadaisical attitude of 'oh it doesn't matter, i'll just pay them back next life'. the lying, the nepotism, the office BS - that was all par for the course in dealing with the team in the India office. Suffice it to say, the bright Anglo plan to offshore all white collar jobs to India hit the roadblock that was the indian work ethic: the expectation that so long as one turned up for work and didn't even bother to do the work, they would still get paid.

Now, back to the topic; exactly what role will these 'indian workers' be doing in Taiwan because i guarantee you they will try to go for municipal roles and government office and form a lobby group as the stereotypical jewish zionist groups do, then they will import as much of their cousins to fill in the roles and suck up as much taiwanese taxpayer monies as they can (ie the Singapore model).

I find it hard to believe that the taiwanese people - already horrendously stupidly racist to mainlanders- would even agree to such a thing. This sounds a lot like childless homosexual Tsai and her ilk currying favour with Globohomo types as a way of subverting the chinese state and society by introducing not just korean style LGBT feminism but also the indian Suboid working class who can be employed as useful 'human livestock' by the anglo zionists.

I would much rather AR go ahead and destroy this beautiful island i call my ancestral home than see it defiled by indians, that's how much i detest the incoming contamination.


Junior Member
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Pardon my French but this is F----- BS.

Taiwanese youth are already struggling to afford good enough living for family formation that many Taiwanese go to the mainland or Korea or Japan for work. The problems facing Taiwan are the same for any Capitalist society: aspiring middle class taiwanese youth don't want to do the shit jobs that are currently being done by Indonesian and filipino workers. In fact, i'd much rather foreign workers come from these south east asian nations rather than India because i have worked with Indians in the West and i do not see any work arrangement with indians as anything but a net positive for them and a net negative for the counterpart.

The company i work for had the bright anglo idea to offshore a lot of the back office work to the subcontinent with a view to eventually transfer a lot of our role and responsibilities over to the cheap labour indians. Unfortunately for them, the indians are incredibly lazy and not just lazy, haphazard and adopt a lackadaisical attitude of 'oh it doesn't matter, i'll just pay them back next life'. the lying, the nepotism, the office BS - that was all par for the course in dealing with the team in the India office. Suffice it to say, the bright Anglo plan to offshore all white collar jobs to India hit the roadblock that was the indian work ethic: the expectation that so long as one turned up for work and didn't even bother to do the work, they would still get paid.

Now, back to the topic; exactly what role will these 'indian workers' be doing in Taiwan because i guarantee you they will try to go for municipal roles and government office and form a lobby group as the stereotypical jewish zionist groups do, then they will import as much of their cousins to fill in the roles and suck up as much taiwanese taxpayer monies as they can (ie the Singapore model).

I find it hard to believe that the taiwanese people - already horrendously stupidly racist to mainlanders- would even agree to such a thing. This sounds a lot like childless homosexual Tsai and her ilk currying favour with Globohomo types as a way of subverting the chinese state and society by introducing not just korean style LGBT feminism but also the indian Suboid working class who can be employed as useful 'human livestock' by the anglo zionists.

I would much rather AR go ahead and destroy this beautiful island i call my ancestral home than see it defiled by indians, that's how much i detest the incoming contamination.
But that's exactly the plan. I saw on X some supposed Taiwanese (based in America surprise surprise) fifth column female saying how they needed to ban any mainland Chinese from coming to Taiwan but let Indians come in. All that was missing from her profile intro was her stating she worked for the Open Society Foundation of Soros or something. At least then I wouldn't feel so mad since this is just her job.

China had a lot of clean up work with HK but at least it's still can be salvaged. Theres going to be a lot more cleaning up with Taiwan when the time finally comes.
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Registered Member
But that's exactly the plan. I saw on X some supposed Taiwanese (based in America surprise surprise) fifth communist female saying how they needed to ban any mainland Chinese from coming to Taiwan but let Indians come in. All that was missing from her profile intro was her stating she worked for the Open Society Foundation of Soros or something. At least then I wouldn't feel so mad since this is just her job.
We can safely disregard any such opinions coming from such 'taiwanese'. they have effectively decided to become whores of the anglo rather than working for building up taiwan society. Speaking for myself, i returned to Taiwan precisely to build a new life in my ancestral land in China and help reunification once it happens, armed or otherwise. I also moved back to Taiwan to escape Indians in corporate who infest the entire anglosphere so you can understand my chagrin at having to deal further with such specimens. Thing is, we have active traitors in the Taiwanese ruling class, KMT and DPP alike so this policy of diluting taiwanese society to the orcish rampages of rapey Indians is par for the course of anglo zionists safe in their continent. Also, what jobs will these indians be doing that can't be done by Taiwanese, especially the homeless taiwanese i see around Taipei Main Station. i see young to middle aged taiwanese doing massage jobs- are you telling me none of these men can do the labour that the indians are going to be doing?! Ridiculous. Hence why i interpret this policy, this 'memorandum' as nothing less than an attack on Chinese society in Taiwan, to dilute the nation and kill its Since nature so that when the anglos lose the island, they will have a Rhakine style poison pill of useless mouths with feet indians to drag down a key Chinese province.

One of the savings graces of Taiwan is the child friendly society that is characteristic of sino cultures; there are so many families with children out and about, more so than in the anglosphere that i almost find it difficult to believe that the island has non replacement birth levels.

Onto more positive news, COMAC has taken Boeing's place at the Singapore Air Show


Junior Member
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We can safely disregard any such opinions coming from such 'taiwanese'. they have effectively decided to become whores of the anglo rather than working for building up taiwan society. Speaking for myself, i returned to Taiwan precisely to build a new life in my ancestral land in China and help reunification once it happens, armed or otherwise. I also moved back to Taiwan to escape Indians in corporate who infest the entire anglosphere so you can understand my chagrin at having to deal further with such specimens. Thing is, we have active traitors in the Taiwanese ruling class, KMT and DPP alike so this policy of diluting taiwanese society to the orcish rampages of rapey Indians is par for the course of anglo zionists safe in their continent. Also, what jobs will these indians be doing that can't be done by Taiwanese, especially the homeless taiwanese i see around Taipei Main Station. i see young to middle aged taiwanese doing massage jobs- are you telling me none of these men can do the labour that the indians are going to be doing?! Ridiculous. Hence why i interpret this policy, this 'memorandum' as nothing less than an attack on Chinese society in Taiwan, to dilute the nation and kill its Since nature so that when the anglos lose the island, they will have a Rhakine style poison pill of useless mouths with feet indians to drag down a key Chinese province.

One of the savings graces of Taiwan is the child friendly society that is characteristic of sino cultures; there are so many families with children out and about, more so than in the anglosphere that i almost find it difficult to believe that the island has non replacement birth levels.

Onto more positive news, COMAC has taken Boeing's place at the Singapore Air Show
Speaking of Singapore, I know some Singaporean posters will not agree with me, but I'm really not optimistic on the future of it. The place is supposedly like 75% Chinese and the rest are from other races. There were some Indians previously but that's fine because they were born and raised as Singaporeans. The problem is in recent years, there was an agreement to bring over workers from India directly to SG. And unlike the Indian Singaporeans, those guys bring over the worst traits of India to it. Then they slowly make their way in a parasitical/clannish manner to take over positions of power to let in even more mainland Indians. And soon all the crappy habits are brought in to bring down Singapore.

This would also be affecting HK but China said no.


Registered Member
The Latin American clergy were divided between those who opposed the US-linked dictators, like Oscar Romero and the Liberation Theologians, and those who supported the US-linked dictators, like the Catholic University of Chile.
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the current Pope is so openly linked with the first group that he is regularly getting accused of being a "Peronist" "dictator" by people in the church.

There were five powers involved in partitioning spheres of influence in China. 2 Protestant, 1 Orthodox, 1 Shinto, 1 Catholic. Oh and the Ottoman Sultan, as the Islamic Caliph, also issued an order against Hui soldiers fighting for the Boxers. All of them are equally guilty. You could argue that the Boxer Rebellion provocations started with a German Catholic, but the German government and public, who were largely not Catholic nor even friendly to Catholics, were the ones who used the missionaries as a pretext. If all the religions are involved, rationally speaking the use of any specific religion as a pretext means nothing and can easily be substituted with something else by the 19th century powers who were driven by economic imperialism.

I'm assuming that this refers to colonialism (I assume it is not the crusades, which was tit-for-tat for similar anti-Christian actions by Caliph Al Hakim in Jerusalem. We can't fault the Westerners for engaging in petty revenges especially when they were not the most powerful civilization yet).

Well, like the Latin American situation, it was divided between the people like Bartolome de las casas who supported the rights of natives and Sepulveda who didn't.
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Ultimately, even though de Las Casas won, most Spaniards refused to obey on the issue anyway.

When it comes to respect for other cultures, again also divided. Look at the Chinese Rites Controversy, one celebrating Chinese culture and one opposing
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The Jesuit China Missions was largely responsible for the cultural Chinoiserie craze in Europe, and the craze started shifting towards contempt with the (non-Catholic) MacCartney Embassy and other British activities.

You argue that although not all Catholics are bad, the organisation is bad as a whole. Well, based on current activities and history, they don't even function as a single organisation. Back to the original point of the discussion, it is a terrible mistake for China to make sweeping assumptions about Western countries based on religion. I certainly don't think there is any impassable barrier between Catholic countries and Russia, or even Catholic countries and China. That would bring us close to reverting to the kind of all or nothing, no compromise, only export of revolution ideas of the '60s, that really did not help China's foreign policy.

I don't disagree with any of your statements, I also didn't mean to single out Catholics out of the other religions. I only pointed out the colourful history of Catholics on the world stage to refute sndef888's point about Catholics not being politically involved, I have no opinions on the modern relations of European countries with respect to religions.

In my impression catholics are mainly quiet people who keep to themselves and rarely talk about religion while protestants are the ones who try to infiltrate governments, civil service and help their own sect through guanxi, as well as brainwash people with in your face modern tactics and funding. Much more politically involved than catholics.

Is this not the case? Or am I mistaken

With respect to China, I think until the Vatican switches recognition from ROC to PRC, there is good reason for the Chinese to distrust the Catholic Church.


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Registered Member
But that's exactly the plan. I saw on X some supposed Taiwanese (based in America surprise surprise) fifth column female saying how they needed to ban any mainland Chinese from coming to Taiwan but let Indians come in. All that was missing from her profile intro was her stating she worked for the Open Society Foundation of Soros or something. At least then I wouldn't feel so mad since this is just her job.

China had a lot of clean up work with HK but at least it's still can be salvaged. Theres going to be a lot more cleaning up with Taiwan when the time finally comes.
By now, most of you guys already know that I'm Taiwanese. I highly doubt that woman is Taiwanese.

Some Taiwanese people (mostly DPP supporters) don't want mainland Chinese people to immigrate to Taiwan because they believe that those people will vote for pro-China and pro-reunification politicians. For them, it's a political issue. Politics aside, almost all Taiwanese people that I know get along with mainland Chinese people, because we're all Chinese. I cannot think of a single Taiwanese person, not one, who would prefer an Indian neighbor to Chinese neighbor.


Registered Member
Speaking of Singapore, I know some Singaporean posters will not agree with me, but I'm really not optimistic on the future of it. The place is supposedly like 75% Chinese and the rest are from other races. There were some Indians previously but that's fine because they were born and raised as Singaporeans. The problem is in recent years, there was an agreement to bring over workers from India directly to SG. And unlike the Indian Singaporeans, those guys bring over the worst traits of India to it. Then they slowly make their way in a parasitical/clannish manner to take over positions of power to let in even more mainland Indians. And soon all the crappy habits are brought in to bring down Singapore.

This would also be affecting HK but China said no.
Is it me or do US vassals gladly take in Indian workers. Is it some sort of program to keep modi or others in power in India. Given how the Indian government has to create tens of millions of jobs.


Registered Member
And 2 weeks before Russian elections.

I found funny that people don’t realise how staged is this, and pretend that Putin needs to kill Navalni 2 weeks before the election to have the bad view and promote protest of some people.

Navalni, a guy with 0 political power, who has been in the jail for more than year and had 20 years more of sentence. The need for Russian government to kill him is 0.

But for the SBU, in orders of CIA, infiltrate someone in the jail to kill him is a kid game.

also look how all major newspapers of Europe suddenly put 10 news about Navalni in the top of their pages.
They have not put nothing about Russia Ukraine so high in months.

But the most interesting is how people fall in this tricks and manipulation without thinking 2 times

It is always possible that they guy died a natural death or from lack of care for some other aligments like hypertension. Regardless of how he died, the west are probably testing what kinda of chaos that can sow with Navahi supporters. I expect some of the HK rioters to die natural deaths in jail (some are pretty old), so they will try to inflame the situation either geopoltically at minimum if not trying to get some locals to riot again.