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Is it me or do US vassals gladly take in Indian workers. Is it some sort of program to keep modi or others in power in India. Given how the Indian government has to create tens of millions of jobs.
India has become very important for Arabs and Mideast and this will drive policies. I saw Modi in Golden Cloths with Qatar emir and also sitting in an Arab tent. US allies have higher standard of living and free flow of people.

How steeply births goes down despite two different societies Poland and Taiwan.
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Is it me or do US vassals gladly take in Indian workers. Is it some sort of program to keep modi or others in power in India. Given how the Indian government has to create tens of millions of jobs.
Canada took a lot of young Indians in the past few years (over 1 million, maybe 2 million). But 90% were low wage workers. They are employed in unskilled, minimum wage roles (cashiers, gas station attendants, farm labor, etc). And the vast majority of them were Sikhs from Punjab. From what I've seen, they are exploited by businesses. There are some regulations that allows exploitation of such migrants which also allows businesses to be somewhat competitive.

The Sikhs in India have major secessionist ideals. The vast majority of all Indians in Canada are also Sikh Punjabis who are anti-India and anti-Hindu (because of the 1984).

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Indian Punjab is being drained of young Sikhs who are leaving enmasse with the aid of the local government. In other words, in the future, Indian Punjab will be majority Hindu and minority Sikh with diminishing influence = death of secessionist movements.

Systematic ethnic cleansing.


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Elites only follow those who finance them.

At the end of the Middle Ages and the beginning of the Renaissance, the Catholic Church established the first banks to finance its projects. Church banks financed the founding of universities, shipbuilding industries, the military industry, wars, government debts, the crusades, the discoveries and finally the Western colonialism in the world.

However, Christians could not charge high interest from other Christians. They could only charge compensation for the amounts borrowed adjusted for inflation, without much profit. Christians could only charge interest from non-Christians such as Jews and Muslims, but these were few in the West. Therefore, Christian banks were not very profitable.

On the other hand, Jews also could not charge interest from other Jews, but they could demand high interest rates from non-Jews. So the Jews formed alternative banks, more profitable than Christian banks, because they lent money at high interest rates to the majority of Christians. This practice of making a lot of profit from loans without work hard is called usury.

After the revolutions of the 19th century, all Christian banks were extinguished and only banks run by Jews remained, which profited a lot from high interest rates.

Thus, today those who finance Western governments, wars, military industrial complex and companies are the Zionists of the financial market.

So the elites just follow Zionist interests just as they followed Christian ambitions in the past.
J.P Morgan, famous lover of Jews

As an aside this is why the entire concept of unmoderated "containment threads" is stupid. Ideas don't just stay static, they develop and build on each other as a function of what other ideas people are exposed to. Giving a bunch of people already predisposed to conspiratorial and antisemitic thinking a place to air their thoughts without consequence isn't going to result in them just passively being satisfied. Constant exposure and permissiveness towards these ideas allows them to take on a life of their own. People radicalize themselves given the right prompting. And once that is happened it spreads to other threads. You can already see this.

This isn't helped by how it is not just acceptable but rewarded to belittle the intelligence of the average person in the West. Giving people an unearned sense of superiority, that they are uniquely able to see through the fog, that they are better than the unwashed masses, is a very effective technique for making them more suggestible. It makes them reflexively dismiss criticism as just the words of someone beneath them. It makes them automatically accept whatever ideas seem to go against common sensibilities because doing so allows them to indulge in feelings of superiority. The Russians in particular are excellent at lulling gullible westerners into this mindset, and allowing it to run rampant with no consequences just makes everything worse.

If it's not practical to moderate high frequency threads like this then they should just be shut down for the good of the site.
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Senior Member
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Giving people an unearned sense of superiority, that they are uniquely able to see through the fog, that they are better than the unwashed masses, is a very effective technique for making them more suggestible. It makes them reflexively dismiss criticism as just the words of someone beneath them. It makes them automatically accept whatever ideas seem to go against common sensibilities because doing so allows them to indulge in feelings of superiority. The Israelis in particular are excellent at lulling gullible westerners into this mindset, and allowing it to run rampant with no consequences just makes everything worse.


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Israeli propaganda is extremely plain and straightforward; it's not very good. Similar to PRC MOFA actually in its stiltedness and lack of subtlety. The Arabs and Persians are much better at it. I don't know (I mean I do but it's stupid) where this idea of insidious Jewish propaganda came from but it's just not true.

Also do you think just saying "no u" and acting like it's a clever own doesn't just illustrate my point lmao


You'd be shocked how friendly Russians could become towards the West after Putin is no longer the big boss. Russians are Europeans, don't let anyone tell you otherwise and it would be foolish for China to think it has an eternal friendship with Russia.
The minute Putin is no longer the President, the west will try to woo Russia in order to contain China. Don't ever for a second think things can't shift quickly in the world of geopolitics.
Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. How many times has Russia been fooled by the West and NATO since the implosion of USSR? Russians are not stupid and they have very experienced politicians. There won't be any rapprochement anytime soon, with or without Putin.

There won't be peace for Israel in this generation or the next.

Opinion: I’m an American doctor who went to Gaza. What I saw wasn’t war — it was annihilation​

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The coping started promptly as soon as it became obvious that Russia would take Avdiivka.

Guess who threw him into a jail to rot, potentially for life.

"Expert of Japanese and East Asia", nuff said.

LMAO - among other things, Netflex used a black actress to portray Cleopatra and a black actor to cast... drum roll...the mythological Greek hero Achilles.
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Registered Member
They (the western ruling class) are just following the Anglo tradition of using Indians as middlemen to better rule the lower class.
It also helps that these Indians are vegetarians and therefore would provide somewhat decent organs for extraction for the Zionist elites; although they’ll have to deal with the parasites and disrases of these “human livestock” first.

can Taiwan compete with Israel for Indian workers?
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*insert off-putting Israel-India meme created by Indian cyber influence group here*
The only difference is that the Chosen People believe they can still control the Indian sepoys whilst the Indians believe they can do a gastarbeiter turkish I. Deutschland strategy of coalescing a tumour of pro Indian voters in democracies. The only states that have successfully contained the Indian infestation are the authoritarian Arab states which treat Indians as slave workers and who deport them once the job is done.

I don’t see Taiwans leaders doing as the arabs; many of them have families in America and the west and who don’t deal with the ordinary lives of ordinary Taiwanese.

finally, no country in the world can absorb that many Indian workers as well as provide jobs for their own citizens; this is merely going to create competition for workers at the expense of the middle class and to the benefit of the rich landowners. Indias only path to salvation is for Chinese investment in India proper to provide jobs and a way up and out for the impoverished Indians but that would require destroying the caste system which the modi gov would never do. Instead we are now seeing rh influence of exported jai hinds trying to ban beef consumption and overturning anti caste discrimination laws