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And "no u" again.
If you actually had reason to believe in Jewish propaganda being especially insidious beyond ...personal... factors then you would give examples. Not the first time you've made such claims. Go ahead, go to the official Mossad twitter and tell me how convincing they are.
I'm not interested in convincing you. Those who know Zionist propaganda, know it. Those who wish not to know, I really don't care.
If my body tempt were your IQ I would be dead of hypothermia.
Snakes are cold blooded.


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Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi and German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock meet at the Munich Security Conference in Munich, Germany, on Feb. 17, 2024.

Baerbock: Ich bin Emei Peak

Wang: Shit tier?


Registered Member
A needed exchange between a German idiot (my apologies to any of our German members) conflating Ukraine with Taiwan as a similar issue. Taiwan is not a country according to the standards of INTERNATIONAL LAW nor it is recognized as such by the U.N. or even the 11 countries or so that recognizes the Republic of China (Taiwan) as the LEGAL CUSTODIAN/AUTHORITY THAT ENCOMPASSES ALL OF MAINLAND CHINA.

I don't understand why westerners deliberately obfuscate issues that are simple to understand to further dumb down its dumb and stupid people's ignorant of actual histories and realities of countries in the world especially China.



Registered Member
Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. How many times has Russia been fooled by the West and NATO since the implosion of USSR? Russians are not stupid and they have very experienced politicians. There won't be any rapprochement anytime soon, with or without Putin.
The idea Russia started to move away from the West with Putin is pretty much BS. Try reading about the Primakov Doctrine.
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Primakov was a former KGB agent. He was appointed Russian Foreign Minister in 1996 and was later appointed as Prime Minister. Before Putin came into power he was widely expected to replace Yeltsin as President. But he was perceived as too close to the Communist Party in Russia. That is why Putin replaced him as Prime Minister and later became President. He was perceived as more amenable to the interests of the oligarch nouveau riche.
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Im beginning to think it's the CIA who kill guys like this when they no longer have worth to have some sort of propaganda win. The guy is in jail and frankly worthless. Killing him doesn't really have any benefit to Russians.
You are going too far there? Are you really serious?
So you think the CIA is omnipotent/omnipresent everywhere in everything?
Seriously, this is ridiculous. Just because a country or bloc have national interests issues with Russia doesn't means Russia/Putin establishment is a saint. Lol Of course it can be fatal to go against Putin in Russia. The system itself doesn't allow such dissent . The West role is secondary. Sometimes we should recognise things for what they are .


Senior Member
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You are going too far there? Are you really serious?
So you think the CIA is omnipotent/omnipresent everywhere in everything?
Seriously, this is ridiculous. Just because a country or bloc have national interests issues with Russia doesn't means Russia/Putin establishment is a saint. Lol Of course it can be fatal to go against Putin in Russia. The system itself doesn't allow such dissent . The West role is secondary. Sometimes we should recognise things for what they are .
One can believe in coincidences and yet not trust them. Sure if possible but it certainly is also possible this was a foreign hit job. What are the chances he dies 2 weeks before Russian elections? After his usefulness to the west is almost gone? Then his death sort of galvanized Westen press?

Yeah. Could definitely be a coincidence. Or not.


Coincidences can happen in strange ways, but still, I'm not a fan of Navalny for sure.
Visits to prisoners, in some countries, are very restrictive, limiting only to family members. It's a longer shot than him dying of stroke. Why was his dying of unnatural death not raise the suspicion of the authorities if it was the work of outsiders? Or was the hit job so neat?

In Navalny's final hours of freedom, he was calm, funny and watching 'Rick and Morty'​


Alexei Navalny and his wife Yulia board the plane prior to flight to Moscow in the Berlin Brandenburg Airport in Schoenefeld, near Berlin, on Jan. 17, 2021.
Mstyslav Chernov/AP
Three years ago, Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny shocked the world with his courage to return to his home country despite having been poisoned by a nerve agent linked to Russia just a few months earlier.
Upon his arrival, Navalny was immediately detained and later sentenced to 19 years in prison on charges including extremism, embezzlement and fraud — which many saw as a move by the Kremlin to thwart Navalny's political ambitions.

On Friday, Russian authorities announced that
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while in a remote prison in the country's Arctic. He was 47.
Navalny was a relentless critic of President Putin. He boldly spoke out against corruption in the Kremlin and led nationwide protests with no fear of retribution.
Aside from his political fervor, Navalny was also known for his charisma, humor and down-to-earth nature. His affable personality was especially on display during his 2021 flight to Moscow from Germany, which many viewed as his last moments of freedom.

On Jan. 17, 2021, flight DP 936 was packed with reporters and passengers filming Navalny and his wife, Yulia Navalnaya's every move. But he remained calm, polite and gently led his wife to their seats.​

When asked repeatedly whether he was afraid of what might happen if he returns to Russia, Navalny responded with a positive attitude every time.
"I feel great. This is the best moment of the past five months," Navalny said in Russia, according to
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. (Navalny had spent the previous few months in Berlin recovering from being poisoned.)
"In Germany, it was also good, but returning home is always better," he added.
Later, a reporter asked what Navalny anticipated was waiting for him in Moscow.
"I expect wonderful weather," he joked.
When Navalny reached his seats, he poked fun at the fact that he and his wife were assigned the 13th row.
"I'm sitting in lucky 13!" he said.

Navalny and his wife Yulia sit in the plane and watch Rick and Morty together on Jan. 17, 2021.
Mstyslav Chernov/AP

Once the crowd dispersed to their seats, Navalny and his wife spent time on the flight enjoying Rick and Morty, an American animated show about the wild adventures of a mad scientist and his grandson.​

The show was pulled up on Navalny's laptop, which he firmly placed on his lap for the two to watch.

Alexei Navalny and his wife Yulia sit on the plane on a flight to Moscow on Jan. 17, 2021.
Mstyslav Chernov/AP
Fast-forward to a month later, Navalny quoted Rick and Morty in Russian court,
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"To live is to risk it all," he said, reciting a quote from the show. "Otherwise, you're just an inert chunk of randomly assembled molecules drifting wherever the universe blows you."

Law enforcement awaited Navalny when he and his wife landed at Moscow's Sheremetyevo airport.
In a
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before he was detained, Navalny told reporters that all the charges against him were fabricated, adding that he was "not afraid of anything."

With officers eyeing Navalny, he briefly kissed his wife goodbye and walked off with a group of police, according to footage from various news outlets.
On Friday, Russian prison authorities said Navalny "felt unwell" after a walk in the prison yard and soon lost consciousness. Attempts to resuscitate him by emergency medics "failed to give positive results," officials said in a statement.
Prior to his death, Navalny's family members accused authorities of repeatedly denying him medical care and subjecting him to long, brutal stints in solitary confinement.
Navalny is survived by his wife, brother Oleg, daughter Daria, and son Zakhar.