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So much for free democratic elections that have no tampering. When it comes to Taiwan, westoids have a habit of overhyping it. It's a great place as I've been there but people sometimes really go too far.

Then again they believe Ukrainians and Israelis are nice people. They can believe anything if instructed to.


Registered Member
In actuality, those 13 countries are not exactly endorsing secession of Taiwan from China, they're arguing for the KMT being legitimate government and opposing the legitimacy of the Beijing government.

This is also the standpoint of the so called Republic of "China" that operates out of Taipei.

Obviously both threatening to coup the whole country and illegally making off with parts of the country are both unacceptable aggressions, I don't know which should be argued to be worse, but the claim by those 13 countries is the former and not the latter.
Correction my good man, it's down to 12 now:

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Junior Member
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I don’t see why people are so upset about the situation. China has always played the long game. Remember the Tibetan separatists in 2008? Remember the Xinjiang separatists in early 2010s? If your memory can’t go back that far, how about Hong Kong separatists in 2019? How has the situation turned out since then?
The beauty of this world lies in its own laws of operation.Things are not entirely going in the direction we expected.

The example you provided is good, but it seems more like a remedial measure.
The security crisis in the western region is the result of a series of accumulated mistakes. We only corrected our mistakes before becoming another Iraq there, but the political, economic, and diplomatic costs we paid were enormous.
A large number of local officials and intellectuals in Xinjang have become hidden traitors for over a decade, indicating the indifference of bureaucracy towards potential dangers. It is only when they are slapped in the face that they realize the seriousness of the problem.

Taiwan Island is a more serious legitimacy crisis.The catastrophic night of 2022 made people doubt the determination of the leadership.
Extending one's term is a very serious matter, and some people are inciting a viewpoint that the slogan of the highest leader's unification of the motherland is a lie, and he only uses this slogan to conceal his greed for power. In contrast, DPP is actually a more determined party, steadily advancing their independence and successfully reducing the public's sense of identification with China.Their leaders can achieve their goals without extending their tenure.

This is a very malicious incitement, I don't like it, but those citizens who like to view things with vulgar eyes may not think so.
Considering the growing number of negative individualists opposing grand narratives, it will be very difficult for the government to mobilize society: the enthusiasm of the people will be exhausted.We cannot expect a goal that has not made progress for eighty years.

I hold an "accelerationist" attitude towards this matter, and the leadership has no intention of actively changing the status quo. Therefore, only more radical provocation and conflict (or internal extremist pressure) can force them to take it seriously.


Junior Member
Registered Member
The beauty of this world lies in its own laws of operation.Things are not entirely going in the direction we expected.

The example you provided is good, but it seems more like a remedial measure.
The security crisis in the western region is the result of a series of accumulated mistakes. We only corrected our mistakes before becoming another Iraq there, but the political, economic, and diplomatic costs we paid were enormous.
A large number of local officials and intellectuals in Xinjang have become hidden traitors for over a decade, indicating the indifference of bureaucracy towards potential dangers. It is only when they are slapped in the face that they realize the seriousness of the problem.

Taiwan Island is a more serious legitimacy crisis.The catastrophic night of 2022 made people doubt the determination of the leadership.
Extending one's term is a very serious matter, and some people are inciting a viewpoint that the slogan of the highest leader's unification of the motherland is a lie, and he only uses this slogan to conceal his greed for power. In contrast, DPP is actually a more determined party, steadily advancing their independence and successfully reducing the public's sense of identification with China.Their leaders can achieve their goals without extending their tenure.

This is a very malicious incitement, I don't like it, but those citizens who like to view things with vulgar eyes may not think so.
Considering the growing number of negative individualists opposing grand narratives, it will be very difficult for the government to mobilize society: the enthusiasm of the people will be exhausted.We cannot expect a goal that has not made progress for eighty years.

I hold an "accelerationist" attitude towards this matter, and the leadership has no intention of actively changing the status quo. Therefore, only more radical provocation and conflict (or internal extremist pressure) can force them to take it seriously.
Things are never easy I guess. But as Lenin said, you can have decades where nothing happens. And then you have a few days where everything worth decades happens.

Better hope during that short period, one makes the right choices.


Registered Member

That's what I've been saying for quite some time. Israel is Mickey Mouse compared to Iran. And the US is losing its last penny for them, haha.

Meanwhile, Russia & China got Iran for free... :)

The US is outclassed big time in the Middle East nowadays. Iran has a stronger military presence, whereas China has a stronger economic presence than them.

Iran basically already achieved all of its regional objectives in the Middle East gradually over time and maximized its regional influence already.

And this is Iran still withholding its hands. Once Hamas reserves start depleting they will open the northern and northeastern fronts even more.
thats what i call lack of understanding even basics.
Israel deprived Europe from soft power of ICC. so you will get complained against US from Europe for enabling Iran. Iran is low to medium tech power that use ragtag militias to create nuances but dealing with such things deprive it of investments and causing brain drain. so why will Arabs be against it when UAE can use Iranian human capital and conduit for parallel trade where it gets a cut.
Arabs are much more sophisticated and discreet and have much deeper relations with so much more like these Kurds that are the enablers of US in Iraq and Syria.

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Junior Member
Registered Member
The example you provided is good, but it seems more like a remedial measure.
The security crisis in the western region is the result of a series of accumulated mistakes. We only corrected our mistakes before becoming another Iraq there, but the political, economic, and diplomatic costs we paid were enormous.
A large number of local officials and intellectuals in Xinjang have become hidden traitors for over a decade, indicating the indifference of bureaucracy towards potential dangers. It is only when they are slapped in the face that they realize the seriousness of the problem.
Actually, this is a clear example of the superiority of the Chinese system. Hostile powers spent over 40 years to covertly destabilize China through planting and grooming of hanjians, only to be foiled and disarmed within a decade - peacefully, no less. This is exactly one of the reasons why China is admired by the global south. The so-called "political, economic, and diplomatic costs" are nothing more than angry bleats of US & vassals failing once again to destabilize China. You may argue that there were mistakes made, but Western China has always been on the crosshairs since the Great Game of 1800s. Fundamentally during the first 3 decades of hostile infiltration the wealth & quality of life gap between Xinjiang and West was so large that 撒钱 was enough to turn people into hanjians. Just look at Iran and how effectively infiltrated it was by Israel and the West. The West thought the same for Xinjiang, but they miscalculated. Hence why they could only fall back on propaganda.


New Member
thats what i call lack of understanding even basics.
Israel deprived Europe from soft power of ICC. so you will get complained against US from Europe for enabling Iran. Iran is low to medium tech power that use ragtag militias to create nuances but dealing with such things deprive it of investments and causing brain drain. so why will Arabs be against it when UAE can use Iranian human capital and conduit for parallel trade where it gets a cut.
Arabs are much more sophisticated and discreet and have much deeper relations with so much more like these Kurds that are the enablers of US in Iraq and Syria.

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