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Actually, this is a clear example of the superiority of the Chinese system. Hostile powers spent over 40 years to covertly destabilize China through planting and grooming of hanjians, only to be foiled and disarmed within a decade - peacefully, no less. This is exactly one of the reasons why China is admired by the global south. The so-called "political, economic, and diplomatic costs" are nothing more than angry bleats of US & vassals failing once again to destabilize China. You may argue that there were mistakes made, but Western China has always been on the crosshairs since the Great Game of 1800s. Fundamentally during the first 3 decades of hostile infiltration the wealth & quality of life gap between Xinjiang and West was so large that 撒钱 was enough to turn people into hanjians. Just look at Iran and how effectively infiltrated it was by Israel and the West. The West thought the same for Xinjiang, but they miscalculated. Hence why they could only fall back on propaganda.
Xinjiang is going to be the silk road and western capital of China in the future. The deal to central Asia and the middle east go through there. When theres money to be made, people stop caring about rebelling so much.

A normal person would go hmm thats a pretty good deal. A lot of people make money and people don't need to be terrorists. Westerners on the other hand would seethe like no tomorrow at the thought of it. Like they want the idea of millions of people to be poor and dead rather than alive and with money. How deranged are they?

How on earth can people think they have good intentions when they want people dead? It really blows my mind when it's very simple to know what they want. Just look how angry they get when you post videos of people in Xinjiang eating. They literally banned it on Twitter coz it made them so angry.


Registered Member
Actually, this is a clear example of the superiority of the Chinese system. Hostile powers spent over 40 years to covertly destabilize China through planting and grooming of hanjians, only to be foiled and disarmed within a decade - peacefully, no less. This is exactly one of the reasons why China is admired by the global south. The so-called "political, economic, and diplomatic costs" are nothing more than angry bleats of US & vassals failing once again to destabilize China. You may argue that there were mistakes made, but Western China has always been on the crosshairs since the Great Game of 1800s. Fundamentally during the first 3 decades of hostile infiltration the wealth & quality of life gap between Xinjiang and West was so large that 撒钱 was enough to turn people into hanjians. Just look at Iran and how effectively infiltrated it was by Israel and the West. The West thought the same for Xinjiang, but they miscalculated. Hence why they could only fall back on propaganda.
To support your thesis, the Chinese are ardent student of history especially of Chinese dynastical period. Being a Chinese chauvenist myself , all I can say is I can foretell the possible outcome of CPC action, patience is a virtue and family is of upmost importance, so why destroy something you owned or alienate your owned kindred when time is your side with overwhelming economic advantage.


Junior Member
Registered Member
Lmao at this point, TW losing recognition every passing year is a DPP classic. One of the few things they're good at lol.

Ngl the timing is hilarious, just right after elections lol.
Technically speaking Taiwan is called Republic of China. Since DPP hates being called China so much, people are no longer recognizing it with that name just like they wanted. So whats the big deal to them? Are they beginning to miss being called ROC now?


Registered Member
I hold an "accelerationist" attitude towards this matter, and the leadership has no intention of actively changing the status quo. Therefore, only more radical provocation and conflict (or internal extremist pressure) can force them to take it seriously.

I don’t get the logic of this. Should China started rocking the boat a decade ago with J11s and J16s against the F-35s? If there was no intentions of changing the status quo then why is has the J20 production rapidly expanded alongside nuclear warhead stockpiles? These plans don’t happen on a whim and take several years of preparation to even begin.

Then there is the whole mobilization and enthusiasm of society. China is a rising power and the US is a declining power. Everyone knows that. The government is not going to find a lack of support among the populace as confidences and their belief in China strength continues to grow. However, unchecked nationalism becomes a double edge sword which leads to mistakes. J20s did not start coming in significant numbers until about 1 year ago.


Registered Member
I don’t get the logic of this. Should China started rocking the boat a decade ago with J11s and J16s against the F-35s? If there was no intentions of changing the status quo then why is has the J20 production rapidly expanded alongside nuclear warhead stockpiles? These plans don’t happen on a whim and take several years of preparation to even begin.

Then there is the whole mobilization and enthusiasm of society. China is a rising power and the US is a declining power. Everyone knows that. The government is not going to find a lack of support among the populace as confidences and their belief in China strength continues to grow. However, unchecked nationalism becomes a double edge sword which leads to mistakes. J20s did not start coming in significant numbers until about 1 year ago.
Expansion of miliatry comes as natural product of economy improvements. No signs of increased effort for war in near future. If any it would be a cope.