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Democracy in ACTION AT IT'S BEST!! COURTESY OF A GERMAN actor/comedian who was just elected in the E.U. parliament as a form of MEME? To show how FARSICAL THE EU electoral process has become and why the situation in E.U. countries maybe affected. Politicians don't DO ACTUAL WORK; they only come in to report for their attendance and then go to the next door building FULL OF LOBBYISTS!!

If the whole thing is not a clear sign of CORRUPTION then I don't know what is. And we all know how the west unfortunately LOVES TO POINT AND PROJECT their own failings and shortcomings of actual competent governance and what their hard working people voted them for.

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Registered Member
yes Arab influence will further increase as the rest of the world in conflict with West.
They are in Davos with three pavilions.
I don't think correlation equals or automatically means causation. The fact that countries like U.A.E. and others are at Davos for the annual meeting of the rich and political elites don't mean what you implied. They are there for economic, political, and strategic reasons. Meaning that those countries in my opinion are trying to diversify away from their usual product which is CRUDE OIL due to the intentions, focus, and actions of the west regarding "CLIMATE CHANGE AGENDA."

Being influential means having the ability to INFLUENCE WHICH MEANS ACTUALLY able to create or force a favorable outcome in policies be it economic, military, social and especially political. We have yet to see these domain to be affected with any meaningful and tangible change on the ground and even perception wise.

The recent World cup held in U.A.E. along with F1 races are not going to change and have not changed the dynamics with the vast majority of people in Europe, America, Canada I.e. the entire global north. The 1% and the elites don't represent their population no more than the wealthy sheiks of those Arab countries you seem to suggest.


Registered Member
I don’t get the logic of this. Should China started rocking the boat a decade ago with J11s and J16s against the F-35s? If there was no intentions of changing the status quo then why is has the J20 production rapidly expanded alongside nuclear warhead stockpiles? These plans don’t happen on a whim and take several years of preparation to even begin.

Then there is the whole mobilization and enthusiasm of society. China is a rising power and the US is a declining power. Everyone knows that. The government is not going to find a lack of support among the populace as confidences and their belief in China strength continues to grow. However, unchecked nationalism becomes a double edge sword which leads to mistakes. J20s did not start coming in significant numbers until about 1 year ago.

A few years ago, both the Japanese Prime Minister and President Biden publicly said that war with China was an option.

It's not a secret that there are elements in the US government who hate China and regularly say in public that China is part of an "Axis of Evil"

And they still?? believe that the US can win a war against China now.
But if the status quo continues, China will end up being the one that can "win" a US-China war.
So the US needs to change the status quo now.


Registered Member
Actually, this is a clear example of the superiority of the Chinese system. Hostile powers spent over 40 years to covertly destabilize China through planting and grooming of hanjians, only to be foiled and disarmed within a decade - peacefully, no less. This is exactly one of the reasons why China is admired by the global south. The so-called "political, economic, and diplomatic costs" are nothing more than angry bleats of US & vassals failing once again to destabilize China. You may argue that there were mistakes made, but Western China has always been on the crosshairs since the Great Game of 1800s. Fundamentally during the first 3 decades of hostile infiltration the wealth & quality of life gap between Xinjiang and West was so large that 撒钱 was enough to turn people into hanjians. Just look at Iran and how effectively infiltrated it was by Israel and the West. The West thought the same for Xinjiang, but they miscalculated. Hence why they could only fall back on propaganda.
This guy must be young right?

For people old enough, we saw PLA march into HK without firing a shot.

When you fight someone, you are proving yourself, when they give up, they already know...

Even today there is work to be done in HK, but it's clear who the winner is.

It is important to point out that Western Powers and the former Russian Empire had coveted Xinjiang for 100's of years, still today it is Chinese.

Making DPP sound like they are a big success after less than 20 years in power...

The situation is being framed like "Why doesn't China invade to solve the Taiwan question?"
Yet, it could easily be reframed "Why doesn't the US end all ambiguity and support the DPP's independence?"

It's not like they haven't fully interfered in these internal conflicts before, just ask Serbia, Libya, Syria, etc.

On that note, how are they still in Syria? It's the forgotten forever war.
Q: When did Congress approve it?
A: Never!


This guy must be young right?

For people old enough, we saw PLA march into HK without firing a shot.

When you fight someone, you are proving yourself, when they give up, they already know...

Even today there is work to be done in HK, but it's clear who the winner is.

It is important to point out that Western Powers and the former Russian Empire had coveted Xinjiang for 100's of years, still today it is Chinese.

Making DPP sound like they are a big success after less than 20 years in power...

The situation is being framed like "Why doesn't China invade to solve the Taiwan question?"
Yet, it could easily be reframed "Why doesn't the US end all ambiguity and support the DPP's independence?"

It's not like they haven't fully interfered in these internal conflicts before, just ask Serbia, Libya, Syria, etc.

On that note, how are they still in Syria? It's the forgotten forever war.
Q: When did Congress approve it?
A: Never!

I have noticed that this seems to be a way for some people to compensate for their lack of confidence/success in life. They either blame the government for their personal woes, or project their own power fantasy onto what the government "should" do.


And they still?? believe that the US can win a war against China now.
The most dangerous part is that some of them do not really care if the US can win. All they want is a war to break out, so their stocks can go through the roof.

Do venture capitalists want forever war?​

These shrewd billionaire investors are jumpstarting today’s rising stars in defense. In a risky business, peace is against their bottom line
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The hits keep on coming.

I don't know how accurate Musk's map is. But it seems the end is nigh.


China vs the next China



Registered Member
I have noticed that this seems to be a way for some people to compensate for their lack of confidence/success in life. They either blame the government for their personal woes, or project their own power fantasy onto what the government "should" do.

One time I was playing basketball and there was this Italian guy who had a funky shot.
So he drains one, and I'm like "That's just lucky, your shot's so ugly"
Then he drains a second and I don't say anything
By the third I'm saying "Don't give that guy space to shoot!"


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"We look forward to close collaboration" like becoming the Asian versions of Ukraine?

China needs to change its strategy on Taiwan. No point having all this economic power and military power if you’re scared to use it. Time has come to significantly up the pressure on the island and send a message to the rest of the world. Chinese sovereignty must be respected. Otherwise people stop respecting you like this and don’t take your seriously.