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Some random thoughts on wars between US, China and/or Russia.

We all witnessed first-hand historical record of the Cold War. There was no hot wars of any scale between US and USSR. Proxy war was the name of the game during the Cold War, while US and USSR had gone out of their ways to prevent direct military conflicts.

Let me relate and explain. I have never fought a war as a soldier. In other words, I have never shot anybody. But I did engage in a few street fights when I was growing up as a teenage. I can tell you this: people who have engaged in real-life fights never talk about fighting lightly, not mentioning war. When you put yourself in a real danger, you become more rational and pragmatic than you could possibly have thought or imagined before that. You never go after your peers until you are facing direct existential threats from them.

MAD prevented direct military conflicts between US and USSR during the cold war. The exact same logic applies to the situation between US and China. While USSR had overwhelming nuclear force, China has credible counter strike capability and enormous economic power. Under no circumstances will there be direct military conflicts between US and China from now on. Possible 20 years ago, but not now, and absolutely not in the future. When serious people talk about possible scenarios of military conflicts, they are actually talking about proxy wars in worst case scenarios.

If US today could not coerce Russia in the European theater, anyone thinks US can coerce China over Taiwan needs to have his head checked. As long as China does not take the bait, Taiwan is going nowhere. Based on my fighting experiences, Japan or S Korean would more likely be annihilated before US and China were shooting at each other over Taiwan.

US knows Taiwan is an extremely emotional subject to the Chinese. China knows what it takes to resolve the Taiwan issue. The great irony is, on this subject, always about "at what cost". So China has been essentially trading time for price.

There is no war between US and China, period. Everything else is a fair game ......
If this really was like the Cold War era, US behavior would be a lot more rational, constructive and predictable internationally, but in the current day the likelihood of them starting WWIII is very high precisely because their political establishment's desire for absolute supremacy over everybody else globally has made them irrational enough to want to start a conflict before the balance of power shifts too unfavorably for them. It's why I've been saying that 2025 is the strongest immediate period for a World War to start off given the current chain of events and political activities in the background.


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The anti-US Peruvian president was ousted from power and now his CIA backed opponents look to put him in jail for 34 years.

He is the rightful president of Peru. The current unelected CIA stooge in Peru has an approval rating of 8% and disapproval rating of 85%. Everyday there are protests in every major Peruvian city from the common people, but there's not an inkle of change because it is a military dictatorship.
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Peru's prosecutor's office has formally requested 34 years in prison for former President Pedro Castillo, who was dramatically removed from office and arrested after his attempt to dissolve Congress in late 2022.

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Politicians don't DO ACTUAL WORK; they only come in to report for their attendance and then go to the next door building FULL OF LOBBYISTS!!
Politicians are needed to take the blame incase the government screws up while serving the lobbyists. Blame Merkel, Biden, Bush, liberals, rightwingers, etc., but never the real authoritarians running the show beneath the costume.


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My graduate student instructor explained to me that he could not lecture and answer questions in Chinese because they had gotten complaints before from other students.

However, he helpfully mentioned that he and many other instructors would discuss the lecture in Chinese during their private office hours.

I think most of the research staff also regularly speak Chinese to each other when outside of class as well.


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On the other hand, HK would have been truly boned in the 1997 Asian Financial Crisis without the assistance of the mainland at great cost to itself. Yet in the span of 20 years, that solidarity was completely forgotten.

Edit: I should clarify that by forgotten, I mean the younger generation of HKers have no knowledge whatsoever of the event.

Yes, this was a watershed moment in reunification. Just a few months after the handover, currency traders inspired by George Soros (“Open Societies” include freedom to commit economic oppression) tried to send the value of the HK dollar into free fall. However the central government put out a statement to say the HK Monetary Authority had the full and unlimited support of the central bank of the PRC.

Yellows say the new curriculum will be propaganda because they are afraid of the truth. Without mainland, HK would not even have enough fresh water.

It appears China closing off shipping to Israel and President Xi declaring the need for a Palestinian state severely pissed off the Anglo Zionist ruling class and they've reverted back to their 'all of society' tactics.

Indians masquerading as Israeli fake news
Please don’t propagate misinformation



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Man, UBS and Credit Suisse really took a chunk out of the Swiss economy.
Oh and maybe stealing Russian customer's funds at the behest of Anglo Americans didn't help the reputation of Swiss banking either.
Eager to join the NATO bully squad, they jumped on the anti-Russian bandwagon, immediately bankrupted themselves and now they look to ask China for help. Typical vassal behavior. Comedic, and you know they won't learn a thing the next time it happens.
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