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Eager to join the NATO bully squad, they jumped on the anti-Russian bandwagon, immediately bankrupted themselves and now they look to ask China for help. Typical vassal behavior. Comedic, and you know they won't learn a thing the next time it happens.
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They can start by learning Xi Jinping thoughts and freezing assets of corrupt officials/tax evading billionaires.


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The World is shifting.

A decade ago it would have been unthinkable that >

- Saudi Arabia would dump the US dollar and start trading in other currencies
- that Yemeni would face head to head the UK and the US
- that Russia would confront directly NATO in Ukraine
- that BRICS would start working on de-dollarisation of their trade
- that South Africa would bring Israel to the ICC to face justice against their crimes against the Palestinian people.
- that US partners such as Turkey, Brazil, India would not go along sanctions against Russia.
- that France would be kicked out from Africa.
- that most of the World would stop buying US bond/US debt thus bringing the US Ponzi scheme close to an end.
- that US would be defeated and humiliated by the Talibans
- that Russia would stand firmly against the US in Syria
- that Russia would have demilitarised (in ammunition) all NATO countries, Russia having a more important military industrial base/capacity than all NATO countries combined.
- that the collective West would destroy their economies by sanctioning Russia.

The Global South is getting emboldened and knows the US is no more invincible, US allies are starting to hedge their bets as they realise they have been hostages by the US.

We need to look at long term trends and it seems irreversible, it is an era of Multipolar World. 2024-2025 will be defining moments of either confrontation or the mad dog, decadent, declining will try a last attempt to hold onto its hegemony.


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I don't know where the optimism in the forum two days ago about Taiwanese being the ones who want reunification came from, claiming that the DPP only has 40% support. But I have to point out that the three leading political parties in Taiwan are the same shit, green skin green heart, blue skin green heart, white skin green heart, no difference whatsoever.

The so called "Blue" KMT vice presidential candidate made it very clear that the KMT was born anti-communist, so how can such a party possibly unify China with the CPC?
And the period when the textbooks on Taiwan independence were most prevalent was during the time of Ma Ying-jeou who was so-called the best time to unify.

In the interview, "White" Ko P. admitted that he is always a deep green at heart. (
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) So it is literally three pieces of green dog shits.

Of course can look at the structure of the votes, at the bottom, the support rate of the New Party (新党) and the United Frontier Party(统促党), which are willing to support unification, is only 0.42%. If we follow some people in the forums, then there are only 70% x 0.42% ≈ negligible number of people who support unification in Taiwan.

I don't even know what the Chinese Foreign Ministry took Nauru for. Prevent you from not knowing what this
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is about. It's a standard Trump "Shithole Country" of digging up all bird shit and having nothing now but diplomatic statements and UN votes, also has a history of bouncing repeatedly between China and Taiwan. At present, more than 50 countries, including the United States, Japan, France, the United Kingdom, Germany, Canada, Singapore, the Czech Republic, Australia and other countries' executive departments or congresses have congratulated Taiwan on the successful completion of the 16th presidential and vice presidential elections. And the Chinese Foreign Ministry in addition to protest is to buy a shithole country's support in my opinion is very negligent initiative. The money used to buy Nauru could have been used to punish those who had sent congratulatory messages to Taiwan. Otherwise, the so-called "one-China principle" would have been obliterated.

Some of the countries that sent congratulatory messages of support seem very normal to me, such as the United States and Japan, but the following countries surprised me. First is Singapore,

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Secondly, Ukraine took the record for the fastest congratulatory message, just five minutes after Lai's election. Then Zelensky even wanted China to attend the peace summit! That's just crazy.

Oh, and this little Marcos from the Philippines, I don't even know if that counts as undermining the "One China Principle" or what count? When is the Chinese Foreign Ministry going to plug Filipino bananas and Filipino pineapples right into this idiot's ass so he can learn what the "One-China Principle" is all about?


Registered Member
I don't think correlation equals or automatically means causation. The fact that countries like U.A.E. and others are at Davos for the annual meeting of the rich and political elites don't mean what you implied. They are there for economic, political, and strategic reasons. Meaning that those countries in my opinion are trying to diversify away from their usual product which is CRUDE OIL due to the intentions, focus, and actions of the west regarding "CLIMATE CHANGE AGENDA."

Being influential means having the ability to INFLUENCE WHICH MEANS ACTUALLY able to create or force a favorable outcome in policies be it economic, military, social and especially political. We have yet to see these domain to be affected with any meaningful and tangible change on the ground and even perception wise.

The recent World cup held in U.A.E. along with F1 races are not going to change and have not changed the dynamics with the vast majority of people in Europe, America, Canada I.e. the entire global north. The 1% and the elites don't represent their population no more than the wealthy sheiks of those Arab countries you seem to suggest.
your understanding is not correct. They have enormous influence in fundamentally reshaping the world in way that serve favorable outcome for them. how do you think they collected basically infinite wealth and Soft power?
Soft power is visible but the Hard power is invisible. thats what make them interesting to study which is not the case with others. They are well diversified thats why every one needs them. I dont think any more diversification needed unless they want to sit on the head of everyone. Do you think Israel or Modi will listen to West or Gulf Arabs? I am still waiting for African Super Power Nigeria to behave like a Super Power. or just look at this Ukraine conflict. do you think Russia really want to intercept every missile and drone from Ukraine. when every thing becomes 5D chess there is no point in figuring out reality. To fight a war like this you need Arab Wealth, Soft Power and Aviation and make sure there is trace of constant reminders for leaders like Erdogan to visit Crimea and there is that obligatory Toyota LC or Cadillac SUV when they visit Southern regions of Russia. and these Arabs so power full they can block every Toyota to Africa and many more regions and redirect to Russia. There was saying in Arabic that if you can count the bikes than your reception is not great once they are on road.

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Peskov: Russia will continue to patiently bring to Turkey its position on Crimea​




Registered Member
"Was there an plan for an military coup in the US? Is Biden trying to consolidate power? Defense Secretary has disappeared for the 3rd week. Now an nuclear submarine officer purged as well" :p /sarcasm

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Needs more techno babble to make it Tom Clancy tier. Maybe something like they did a test like in Wargames (1982) and the sub captain failed to launch nukes on command, so they replaced him with someone else, but that someone else is a member of Blinken’s Zionist cabal who are fighting a cold civil war against Sullivan and against trump. You gotta let your imagination run into bs territory but enough for it to still be plausible.

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Not good enough imho, but payback’s a bitch and a-comin’