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Not even 2 weeks have passed and now Japan got another aircraft collision, this time at New Chitose in Hokkaido:

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This time, a taxiing Korean Air A330's left winglet clipped the tail section of a Cathay Pacific 777, which was parked at the gate.

Thankfully both planes are on the ground during the collision, hence no injuries were reported.
APU 100% damaged. That's gonna be an expensive repair.


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If I owned a crystal ball, it would say more turbulence ahead.
People on all sides (Chinese idiot liberals and all the western zeitgeists) have forgotten that beneath all the facade from the prose of "democracy, human rights, freedom" blah blah is ECONOMIC PROSPERITY and the ability to feed one's family, provide for education, roof over one's head etc. And that the world as we know and inhabit runs on UNCLEAN ENERGY in order for us to survive, thrive and continue yelling the green agenda.

As the case with Ukraine, Taiwan, the Philippines and elsewhere its clear that incessant use of Democracy, Freedom, human rights have all become buzzwords for the weasels a.k.a. POLITICIANS. They lie to their people with a straight face without fear of any meaningful consequence. They listen to their children a.k.a. whining hyenas (public) rhetoric in terms of support for one party in a conflict without being bothered to make any personal sacrifice/skin in the game other than rhetorical diarrhea and empty words on social media as if such exercise equals the enormity of manpower, blood, and treasure to the cause they so ardently and fervently support.

I have come to believe that Europeans, Americans, Canadians frankly the entire Global North have gotten fat, cozy, lazy and have forgotten the enormous sacrifice and empire building that their forefathers/mothers have worked so hard to achieve. Words do not equate enforcement to any meaningful outcome. It's always leveraged and supported by the use of force/violence to make it stick.


Taiwan claims that Nauru flipped to the PRC because Australia isn't paying them enough to detain folks who turn up on our shores seeking asylum.

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Taipei, Jan. 15 (CNA) Nauru asked Taiwan for around 125 million Australian dollars (US$83.23 million) to keep an immigration detention facility going but it switched diplomatic recognition to China before Taipei gave a final answer, a Taiwanese diplomatic source said.

The unnamed source said the 125 million Australian dollars was meant to cover a financial shortfall left by the temporary closure of the Nauru Regional Processing Center (RPC), an offshore Australian immigration detention facility.

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Taiwan’s Foreign Ministry laid the blame on the Australian-run detention centre for the rupture in diplomatic ties, but the Australian government rejected those claims and insisted that the centre has not closed and that funding arrangements with Nauru remained in place.

Department of Home Affairs officials said last year that maintaining offshore processing facilities on Nauru would cost at least $350 million annually, even if no asylum seekers were being held at the processing centre.

This was down from a cost of $485 million with 22 asylum seekers being held at the centre, a discrepancy that could help explain the Nauruan government’s claims of a funding shortfall.

Leaving the ethics of Australia paying the tiny, poor nation of Nauru to house asylum seekers for us to one side, paying $350m/yr to operate a detention facility, plus $6m year for every person actually detained there, seems like a pretty damn good deal for someone, just not the Australian taxpayer. Though it seems what we were really paying for all these years was Nauru's recognition of the ROC...