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Some random thoughts on wars between US, China and/or Russia.

We all witnessed first-hand historical record of the Cold War. There was no hot wars of any scale between US and USSR. Proxy war was the name of the game during the Cold War, while US and USSR had gone out of their ways to prevent direct military conflicts.

Let me relate and explain. I have never fought a war as a soldier. In other words, I have never shot anybody. But I did engage in a few street fights when I was growing up as a teenage. I can tell you this: people who have engaged in real-life fights never talk about fighting lightly, not mentioning war. When you put yourself in a real danger, you become more rational and pragmatic than you could possibly have thought or imagined before that. You never go after your peers until you are facing direct existential threats from them.

MAD prevented direct military conflicts between US and USSR during the cold war. The exact same logic applies to the situation between US and China. While USSR had overwhelming nuclear force, China has credible counter strike capability and enormous economic power. Under no circumstances will there be direct military conflicts between US and China from now on. Possible 20 years ago, but not now, and absolutely not in the future. When serious people talk about possible scenarios of military conflicts, they are actually talking about proxy wars in worst case scenarios.

If US today could not coerce Russia in the European theater, anyone thinks US can coerce China over Taiwan needs to have his head checked. As long as China does not take the bait, Taiwan is going nowhere. Based on my fighting experiences, Japan or S Korean would more likely be annihilated before US and China were shooting at each other over Taiwan.

US knows Taiwan is an extremely emotional subject to the Chinese. China knows what it takes to resolve the Taiwan issue. The great irony is, on this subject, always about "at what cost". So China has been essentially trading time for price.

There is no war between US and China, period. Everything else is a fair game ......

The US from the beginning to the end of the Cold War period basically silently knew that they had the USSR under control completely and that they would eventually win over time. Heck, the existence of the USSR even helped America become as productive as possible. USSR wasn't any kind of threat to them economically and technologically. It was like some kind of exercise partner to them, with positive influence even, albeit with nuclear powers.

At its height the USSR had only about 50% of the US GDP, meanwhile, China has 130% of the US GDP now and still rising, not to mention its industrial capacity stronger than the entire West combined, it's totally above the US technologically as well, nearing the level of the entire West combined in that area as well.

Comparing this to the Cold War and the USSR is a major cope. Also at that time, you had politicians in the US still being somewhat rational and many times smarter than today objectively. They still didn't experience 1991 to 2008 "hyperpower", "end of history" period of hubris and delirium so they weren't so arrogant, etc.

They still think that they have some chance to win against China, and that's why they will start a war, while in reality, they are not. They already lost. They should've thought about going against China way earlier, but their hubris and arrogance didn't allow them to see it earlier.

Either way, it's not a proxy war when the US sends money, soldiers, weapons, and the third highest political seat in the US political establishment to provoke, congressmen, and senate members, to provoke on the legal province of China constantly, in the future maybe even VPs and presidents would be sent to the island. It's not a proxy war when they order the Philippines to provoke Chinese ships on a daily basis on Chinese territorial waters and islands, increasingly send more and more weapons and soldiers to military bases all around China, always sail around China excessively, etc.

These are direct attacks on China's own territory. It isn't like they provoked some Chinese mining company's rights and interests or attacked some Chinese mercenary group in Africa, so you could say it is a proxy war, with their own proxy groups, no, this is directly throwing gloves in the face of China itself, declaring a war with China itself.

That is not a "proxy war" that is like continuous slapping in the face and instigation of a hot war they 100% want to happen, because they know that China will eventually displace their global hegemony, leading to their collapse. So they want to take those better chances now, than in the future. At this point, due to internal divisions, they would really collapse if China's rise threatened the dollar and their global financial hegemony, they will really collapse.

They will really collapse if China threatens their global military hegemony. And that will surely happen, so that's why they want a war against China early while they still think that they have some chance, a better 50% chance today, than a 0% chance in the future. But they don't realize that they are already basically near 0%. A hot war is the reality.
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Junior Member
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I don't know where the optimism in the forum two days ago about Taiwanese being the ones who want reunification came from, claiming that the DPP only has 40% support. But I have to point out that the three leading political parties in Taiwan are the same shit, green skin green heart, blue skin green heart, white skin green heart, no difference whatsoever.

The so called "Blue" KMT vice presidential candidate made it very clear that the KMT was born anti-communist, so how can such a party possibly unify China with the CPC?
And the period when the textbooks on Taiwan independence were most prevalent was during the time of Ma Ying-jeou who was so-called the best time to unify.

In the interview, "White" Ko P. admitted that he is always a deep green at heart. (
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) So it is literally three pieces of green dog shits.

Of course can look at the structure of the votes, at the bottom, the support rate of the New Party (新党) and the United Frontier Party(统促党), which are willing to support unification, is only 0.42%. If we follow some people in the forums, then there are only 70% x 0.42% ≈ negligible number of people who support unification in Taiwan.
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I don't even know what the Chinese Foreign Ministry took Nauru for. Prevent you from not knowing what this
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is about. It's a standard Trump "Shithole Country" of digging up all bird shit and having nothing now but diplomatic statements and UN votes, also has a history of bouncing repeatedly between China and Taiwan. At present, more than 50 countries, including the United States, Japan, France, the United Kingdom, Germany, Canada, Singapore, the Czech Republic, Australia and other countries' executive departments or congresses have congratulated Taiwan on the successful completion of the 16th presidential and vice presidential elections. And the Chinese Foreign Ministry in addition to protest is to buy a shithole country's support in my opinion is very negligent initiative. The money used to buy Nauru could have been used to punish those who had sent congratulatory messages to Taiwan. Otherwise, the so-called "one-China principle" would have been obliterated.

Some of the countries that sent congratulatory messages of support seem very normal to me, such as the United States and Japan, but the following countries surprised me. First is Singapore,

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Secondly, Ukraine took the record for the fastest congratulatory message, just five minutes after Lai's election. Then Zelensky even wanted China to attend the peace summit! That's just crazy.
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Oh, and this little Marcos from the Philippines, I don't even know if that counts as undermining the "One China Principle" or what count? When is the Chinese Foreign Ministry going to plug Filipino bananas and Filipino pineapples right into this idiot's ass so he can learn what the "One-China Principle" is all about?
View attachment 123971
Not surprising at all.
We even had extensive military training in Taiwan.
Most importantly, must have "One China" included.

Text from our congratulatory message.
"Singapore shares a close and longstanding friendship with Taiwan and the Taiwanese people, and will continue to grow this relationship based on our 'One China' policy."


Junior Member
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The US from the beginning to the end of the Cold War period basically silently knew that they had the USSR under control completely and that they would eventually win over time. Heck, the existence of the USSR even helped America become as productive as possible. USSR wasn't any kind of threat to them economically and technologically. It was like some kind of exercise partner to them, with positive influence even, albeit with nuclear powers.

That was not a fact in that piece of history. I guess we were watching different movies...

People around my age know how scared Americans were in 70s and 80s of USSR. Not always, not paranoid, but scared. That was the only instance in which the American public was scared of any other country on this planet. It was internal corruption and bad governance that brought down USSR form within. If it were for the Chinese, as long as the USSR was maintained, which was totally technically feasible, given the resources and the population and the eduction, USSR would always have been a super power, regardless of how US/NATO/EU have evolved. By the same token, China will always be a super power as long as China maintains its unity and independence. As I said a few times in this forum, there are only 3 real independent countries on this planet: China, Russia and US. None can destroy other(s). Collapse would only occur from within. Having been living in US for more than 30 years now, I can assure you that it was not US or any other country that brought down USSR per se. It was Russians themselves. On that note, I actually don't have much sympathy for the Russians on almost any subject. I am just trying to state the facts as far as US-China war is concerned.


Junior Member
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That was not a fact in that piece of history. I guess we were watching different movies...

People around my age know how scared Americans were in 70s and 80s of USSR. Not always, not paranoid, but scared. That was the only instance in which the American public was scared of any other country on this planet. It was internal corruption and bad governance that brought down USSR form within. If it were for the Chinese, as long as the USSR was maintained, which was totally technically feasible, given the resources and the population and the eduction, USSR would always have been a super power, regardless of how US/NATO/EU have evolved. By the same token, China will always be a super power as long as China maintains its unity and independence. As I said a few times in this forum, there are only 3 real independent countries on this planet: China, Russia and US. None can destroy other(s). Collapse would only occur from within. Having been living in US for more than 30 years now, I can assure you that it was not US or any other country that brought down USSR per se. It was Russians themselves. On that note, I actually don't have much sympathy for the Russians on almost any subject. I am just trying to state the facts as far as US-China war is concerned.

Of course, they were scared of the USSR in the movies in the media because it was a positive influence on their people to work harder, and have more national unity for example.

But elites probably weren't all that scared if you look at some objective metrics. After all, their economic model was flawed in the start.

The entire country and economy basically focused only on military matters, ignoring everything else. They were not life-threatening.

Also, at that time USSR was way more divided from the inside than even the US, and we know the federal and ethnic/racial profile there.

The USSR basically never stood a chance. They were a superpower, but they couldn't even threaten the US alone, not to mention the US and the entire West it controls combined.

And today China can threaten not only the US (it's already above them) but the entire Collective West combined.

If I were the US, I would also try to start a war with China and try to neutralize them as soon as possible, as they are life-threatening.

But, I would not be so stupid and hubris-filled to realize that fact and act upon it only in 2025-2030, when they are already stronger than me, but many decades earlier for example.
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Lieutenant General
Registered Member
You guys really underestimate the Soviet economy. They had more population than the US back then. And in a lot of hard stats like steel production, coal production, and electricity production they weren't behind either. Militarily of course they were the only other country with the capacity to wipe out the US and all its allies from the face of the Earth with their nuclear arsenal. So of course they couldn't be underestimated. Even today Russia is competitive with the US in a lot of hard stats.

Had the Sino-Soviet split not happened history could have been quite different.


Junior Member
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The truth is basically this, even if the USSR was of the same level of threat back then as China is today, it was still a way different situation.

The US during the Cold War had way better social cohesion, financial health, economic model, etc.

So even if another superpower managed to penetrate their global military standing and their dollar financial hegemony,

They would still survive. They were much healthier socially, they had way less debt and better financial metrics,

Their economy actually was leading in producing many different things. And they could survive that hit.

But today, take their dollar internalization and money printing away, and they would collapse in a civil war 99%.

So, even if the USSR at that time = China today. It still doesn't mean that they won't opt in for a hot war with China, unlike with the USSR.


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Canadian universities and researchers will soon be ineligible for federal grants if they're affiliated with foreign institutions the government says pose a threat to national security.

On Tuesday the federal government
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in China, Russia and Iran as the "highest risk to Canada's national security."

The fed also released
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— quantum technologies, robotics, aerospace, space and satellite technology and medical and health-care technology.