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It seems that far-right Anglo imperialists might be officially declaring war on Russia, China and the rest of humanity in 2024:

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"Every day we’re seeing the tragic consequences of the more dangerous world we’re living in. How we respond will define our future. And the choice is clear. Just like our enemies, we must be prepared for a new era of confrontation." - UK Defense Secretary Grant Shapps

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Defence Secretary Grant Shapps delivers major speech on UK's vision to deter threats​

Will the true free world / the global majority insist on appeasing these Anglo-Saxon n@zis (i.e. supremacists) or will it head the warnings of the past and confront and if necessary strategically defeat these wicked people?

Defeating Anglo-American imperialism will be the challenge of our time. The world will have to unite once more to also teach these "wannabe-rulers-of-earth" a lesson that they will never forget.
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The world’s five richest men have more than doubled their fortunes to $869bn since 2020, while the world’s poorest 60% – almost 5 billion people – have declined by 0.2% in real terms.

If it weren’t for China’s poverty alleviation efforts the numbers would be even worse.


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Somehow I find it both funny and disgusting that Zelensky has sunk to this new low, not that I am surprised but given that he is willing to say this at Davos and that he wasn't ejected from the room means that this is sanctioned by the USA and others means ultimately that they should be very prepared for this to happen to them in reverse like all those people in Gaza. The USA had better watch out because upon the loss of its Hegemonic status, something like this could very easily be applied to them and given how often the west seem to enjoy using this tactic without consequences, I would imagine that they would not be able to handled this with any kind of grace what so ever given the sheer scale of there misdeeds that are in extremely heavy need to retribution.

Zelensky is not long for this world, he really should stop piling up his Hubris before it is too late and if it is too late, he should not do things that will make his end happened sooner and with greater levels of suffering then what happened to the Romanian Prime Minister Nicolae Ceaușescu and his wife and given how many enemies he has made, I would shudder to imagine what is going to happen to him when his and his families guard is down for even a second in this terrible climate because none of us should fool other selves in thinking that Ukraine has a remote chance of victory at this point

It seems that far-right Anglo imperialists might be officially declaring war on Russia, China and the rest of humanity in 2024:

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"Every day we’re seeing the tragic consequences of the more dangerous world we’re living in. How we respond will define our future. And the choice is clear. Just like our enemies, we must be prepared for a new era of confrontation." - UK Defense Secretary Grant Shapps

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Defence Secretary Grant Shapps delivers major speech on UK's vision to deter threats​

Will the true free world / the global majority insist on appeasing these Anglo-Saxon n@zis (i.e. supremacists) or will it head the warnings of the past and confront and if necessary strategically defeat these wicked people?

Defeating Anglo-American imperialism will be the challenge of our time. The world will have to unite once more to also teach these "wannabe-rulers-of-earth" a lesson that they will never forget.

The UK had better prepare for a future without the USA because given the extreme disparity in capabilities of Russia, China and Iran amongst others who hate the UK for being a bunch of unrepentant colonialist that has never been broken anywhere near enough, it would be an extreme incentive to those who want peace that the entire lot of the UK Government along with its royals are locked up in chains forever because really, is there any added benefit in having the UK around throwing its weight every where and getting away with it because Uncle Sam is around to protect them. The UK is a spent force that is on the verge of breaking and is literally one hypersonic missile way from total destruction and they are either too deluded to see this or that do see it and arrogantly believe that the US will help protect them like they do for Israel which quite frankly isn't working all that hot right now


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Somehow I find it both funny and disgusting that Zelensky has sunk to this new low, not that I am surprised but given that he is willing to say this at Davos and that he wasn't ejected from the room means that this is sanctioned by the USA and others means ultimately that they should be very prepared for this to happen to them in reverse like all those people in Gaza. The USA had better watch out because upon the loss of its Hegemonic status, something like this could very easily be applied to them and given how often the west seem to enjoy using this tactic without consequences, I would imagine that they would not be able to handled this with any kind of grace what so ever given the sheer scale of there misdeeds that are in extremely heavy need to retribution.

Zelensky is not long for this world, he really should stop piling up his Hubris before it is too late and if it is too late, he should not do things that will make his end happened sooner and with greater levels of suffering then what happened to the Romanian Prime Minister Nicolae Ceaușescu and his wife and given how many enemies he has made, I would shudder to imagine what is going to happen to him when his and his families guard is down for even a second in this terrible climate because none of us should fool other selves in thinking that Ukraine has a remote chance of victory at this point

The UK had better prepare for a future without the USA because given the extreme disparity in capabilities of Russia, China and Iran amongst others who hate the UK for being a bunch of unrepentant colonialist that has never been broken anywhere near enough, it would be an extreme incentive to those who want peace that the entire lot of the UK Government along with its royals are locked up in chains forever because really, is there any added benefit in having the UK around throwing its weight every where and getting away with it because Uncle Sam is around to protect them. The UK is a spent force that is on the verge of breaking and is literally one hypersonic missile way from total destruction and they are either too deluded to see this or that do see it and arrogantly believe that the US will help protect them like they do for Israel which quite frankly isn't working all that hot right now

What the heck is that supposed to do? This is like me saying that I’m gonna bang Scarlett Johansson — pure mouth cannon and makes the me look like a retard/braggard.


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What the heck is that supposed to do? This is like me saying that I’m gonna bang Scarlett Johansson — pure mouth cannon and makes the me look like a retard/braggard.

Compared to Putin statement at a forum yesterday and what it could be implying.

“If things carry on this way, Ukrainian statehood could be dealt an irreparable and very serious blow,” Putin warned,

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People on all sides (Chinese idiot liberals and all the western zeitgeists) have forgotten that beneath all the facade from the prose of "democracy, human rights, freedom" blah blah is ECONOMIC PROSPERITY and the ability to feed one's family, provide for education, roof over one's head etc. And that the world as we know and inhabit runs on UNCLEAN ENERGY in order for us to survive, thrive and continue yelling the green agenda.

I am Chinese, cannot help it.

Therefore, I think I got some weird or idiocentric views of the world.

The Book of Changes, right there at the beginning of it, there is nothing constant except change.

What we are seeing is ideological rigidity in the West, as yourself has pointed out, and there have been a lot of changes in general lately. The past few years. Then accelerating with the current problems of war and peace facing the world today. Along with stagnant grow in some parts.

The ideological rigidity seems like that safety blanket that cartoon character Linus has. That is all they can rely on at this point.

The ideology was good for Chairman Mao, but we all know, and even people back then realized, that that was not going to work anymore and things had to change.

Ahh ... what the hell ... enough ranting ... screw them!



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China needs to change its strategy on Taiwan. No point having all this economic power and military power if you’re scared to use it. Time has come to significantly up the pressure on the island and send a message to the rest of the world. Chinese sovereignty must be respected. Otherwise people stop respecting you like this and don’t take your seriously.

Alright comrade, this is not something you want to say or be associated with.

That was a sentiment that that Madeline Halfbright person use to say, as justification for later US rampages across the Middle East.


Registered Member
What the heck is that supposed to do? This is like me saying that I’m gonna bang Scarlett Johansson — pure mouth cannon and makes the me look like a retard/braggard.
Not much, but it does show how unhinged Zelensky has finally become after two year in a war he was supposed to be winning with the aid of the USA. It also shows how dire the situation that Ukraine is in because he wouldn’t have uttered a word like this if he was winning. Also, it does show how much the USA f@cked things up in how their pawn (Zelensky) has deviated from the script although to be fairwell Zelensky wasnt put into a easy situation to begin with in picking on the behalf of the USA a fight with a nuclear super power with a history of winning wars anytime that opponent happened to be Europe, I mean look at Germany and France, both should be ample examples of why one shouldn’t repeat history but no, the west has a memory of a good fish (just look at how retarded most of my friends happen to be because they couldn’t be stuff to pick up a history book, I had to literally educate my cousin on basic history because he literally couldn’t be bothered to read it up himself)