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An all of society war means chipping away at the bedrock of western supposed civilisation
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If the western Anglo mouthpieces think it proper and scholarly to publish an idiot who claims the concept of China never existed, why not cast doubt on the very existence of Aristotle and western “philosophy”?

This is what it means for an “all of society” response; cause and effect, Yin and Yang.


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An all of society war means chipping away at the bedrock of western supposed civilisation
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If the western Anglo mouthpieces think it proper and scholarly to publish an idiot who claims the concept of China never existed, why not cast doubt on the very existence of Aristotle and western “philosophy”?

This is what it means for an “all of society” response; cause and effect, Yin and Yang.
I actually been following this topic a bit.

And I can for sure, 100% say that western history prior to like 1300s definitely has less than '50% accuracy'.

Like, if current history of China from say 0 to 1300 were 'evaluated' like a test or the likes, compared to what 'really happened'.

It would maybe score a '70-80% historical accuracy', but doing the same with western history would yield a much lower score.

And here is a very good channel about it on bili, with a video about 'Alexander the great' and how many of his 'historical feats' are made up:
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Emir of the State of Qatar: We do not accept double standards and acting as if children’s lives do not count

Emir of the State of Qatar: It is not permissible to continue to ignore the facts of the Zionist occupation, siege, and illegal settlements in Palestinian lands

Emir of the State of Qatar: We are advocates of peace, we adhere to the resolutions of international legitimacy and the Arab initiative, and we do not accept double standards.

Emir of the State of Qatar: What is happening in Palestine and the Middle East is very dangerous, including trampling on all religious and worldly values, customs, and laws

Emir of the State of Qatar: We say it clear: Enough is enough, It is and it will not be permissible for the Zionist Entity (Israel) to be given an unconditional green light and unrestricted permission to kill Palestinians without consequences

Emir of the State of Qatar: We call for an end to this war that has crossed all borders, to spare bloodshed, and to spare civilians from the consequences of military confrontation in the Holy land


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Incredibly naive. The least the Americans will do is collect his DNA. Remember how they collected Khrushchev's stool and urine for analysis, and that was 60 years ago.

Seems that COVID hasn't taught the Chinese anything about the kind of evil that lurks in the US.
Inb4 Xi is going there deliberately because he knows some poor American conscript is going to be forced to taste test his poop.


It's pretty straightforward, I'll start with the most important.

1. 60%, A MAJORITY of Jews in Israel, are descendant of Jews who had already been living in the middle east for literal milenia prior to the founding of Israel, and were driven to drop everything, abandon their property, and flee to the not-yet-official Jewish state in order to escape ethnic cleansing by Arab muslims. These large scale cleansings were in major part inspired by the Nazis.

2. Arab states announced their intention to invade Israel and kill its entire Jewish population BEFORE the large scale expulsion of the Palestinian population had actually happened. In other words, the nakhba, the very event that the Arab states cite as justification for their attempted genocide, did not actually happen until they had already openly declared that genocidal intent. I will leave the implication for you to draw.

3. Many Arab leaders openly praised the third Reich and went out of their way to establish good relations. This includes sending volunteer fighters to fight in the SS once the Germans started accepting foreign volunteers late in the war to make up for a lack of their own, and there was no shortage of Arab volunteers. Additionally, Arab officers cooperated and trained under Nazi officers as part of a military education program for the fledgling Arab states, and many of these officers would become the generals who lead the Arab armies against Israel in the first three Arab invasion attempts.

3. Arab muslims built a mosque on top of the holiest place in Judaism and claim it has having always been theirs, and any Jewish attempts at greater control as an unacceptable encroachment. This is despite the first temple having been built over 1000 years before al aqsa, and the fact that the IDF wanted to destroy it during the first Arab Israeli war but was ordered not to by Israeli leadership.

4. If you read the Quran, it is very clear that Jews are explicitly viewed as an especially evil and inferior ethnicity from the standpoint of Muhammad, and there are several passages that call for their total extermination. Arab states have always just tolerated Jews at best, with them often turning a blind eye to periodic pogroms and massacres of the same kind as those experiences by Jews in eastern Europe.

5. The Palestinian side has flatly refused any kind of peace or land deal whatsoever, even relatively favorable ones like that offered at camp David where they would have been able to retain the whole of Gaza, the west bank, and east Jerusalem in exchange for peace.

5. Gaza was not always a living hell under blockade. Economic conditions were vastly better prior to Hamas rising to power, yet the population there chose to elect them anyway, despite warnings from the Israeli government that a blockade would be instated if they did. This blockade was instated because Hamas is an organization that has a very clearly stated intent to indiscriminately kill Israel's entire Jewish population in its founding charter.

6. Arabs accuse Israel of being a Jewish ethnostate even though 20% of its citizens are Arab Muslims with full civil rights.
I am not well-versed in your history and everything you wrote was news to me. I can see the Jewish perspective now and understand why Israelis act the way they do. It's much less one-sided than I had imagined. I wonder why through all the pro-Israel stances, none of them blast out this history, as this alone, and nothing else I've heard (mostly sob stories) makes the Israeli case.


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Look, I am legitimately sorry for posting such a dumb and inflammatory reply, hence my deleting it, but Japan did do all of these things. It started industrializing 60 years before Russia did. That doesn't make it nationally superior, after all we are all in favor here of one country that was very late to industrialize, but it does mean that accusing its technology of being more foreign dependant than Russia is foolish. Turbofan technology was initially transferred to the USSR from Britain, for instance. Also this should go without saying but basically all of the contemporary Russian federation's core technological competencies, from turbofans to nuclear reactors and weapons to rockets, satellites, vaccines, etc were all inherited from the USSR. The RF did not create them, and it has iterated on them much slower than the USSR would have given its vastly smaller economic base.
your reply is irrelevant as i gave you criteria but you still went back 60 years. and who transfer what does not matter as every thing primitive by today standards and Computer Science was hardly a field. where Japan stands today and tomorrow as a country and society this what i am referring too.

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I am not well-versed in your history and everything you wrote was news to me. I can see the Jewish perspective now and understand why Israelis act the way they do. It's much less one-sided than I had imagined.
They are indeed not much different in their level of evil as the Saudis or the Iranians. That is to say, they have both committed bad acts, but also have a potential to reform and improve.

What makes it important to oppose them is only the same reason as it was important to oppose the Saudis during the 2010s: they are dogs of the Americans. If Israel would abandon that path, they are no worse to deal with than any of the other gray actors China has had to deal with and just hope they reform down the road.
I wonder why through all the pro-Israel stances, none of them blast out this history, as this alone, and nothing else I've heard (mostly sob stories) makes the Israeli case.
By fully siding with America, they've lost their history and moral justification. The people that as @Boltzmann explained above once were terrorized by Muslims have now sided with Muslim terrorism of others. That's why these stories aren't told anymore by the mouthpieces of their regime.


Registered Member
@Boltzmann Instead of calling us 小粉红, you should try a similar approach to that of this pro-Israeli Chinese think-tanker.

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Good example of expert persuation. He selectively omit details, no mention of agency of Palestinians and unjustified atrocities committed against them. That said, every thing he did say is factually correct. I do not agree with him but I can respect his position.
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