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Lieutenant General
Winning people over is hard and no guarantee. Vilifying people who did not participate ever in your oppression because they are not showing the blind support that you don't give yourselves is dangerous. The latter is what's happening. It says something when you choose to side with the enemy of those that you want support from that also want to see your destruction in the end.


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By fully siding with America, they've lost their history and moral justification. The people that as @Boltzmann explained above once were terrorized by Muslims have now sided with Muslim terrorism of others. That's why these stories aren't told anymore by the mouthpieces of their regime.
What do you mean by Muslim terrorism?


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I am not well-versed in your history and everything you wrote was news to me. I can see the Jewish perspective now and understand why Israelis act the way they do. It's much less one-sided than I had imagined. I wonder why through all the pro-Israel stances, none of them blast out this history, as this alone, and nothing else I've heard (mostly sob stories) makes the Israeli case.
Let me give you further news. The peoples, the civilians, outside the supposed Israel, supporting them, it is high probability they are white transported americans who will defends the zions citing historical claim.
Here is the deal, we will give it to them when whites and other illegal settlers vacate Native land,Australia,south africa, because historically there were no whites in america or Australia except illegal settlers.
Israel signed statements condoning Islamic terrorism against China.
Israel signed condoning islamic terrorism? Did they also condemn eight nation alliance?
Israel condoning islamic terrorism is akin to white settlers condoning native terrorism.


And I can for sure, 100% say that western history prior to like 1300s definitely has less than '50% accuracy'.

Like, if current history of China from say 0 to 1300 were 'evaluated' like a test or the likes, compared to what 'really happened'.

It would maybe score a '70-80% historical accuracy', but doing the same with western history would yield a much lower score.

"When I read that the people of the Middle Ages were deeply concerned with religion, I wonder how we know this, and whether it is true. What we know as the facts of medieval history have almost all been selected for us by generations of chroniclers who were professionally occupied in the theory and practice of religion, and who therefore thought it supremely important, and recorded everything relating to it, and not much else." - E. H. Carr


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I am not well-versed in your history and everything you wrote was news to me. I can see the Jewish perspective now and understand why Israelis act the way they do. It's much less one-sided than I had imagined. I wonder why through all the pro-Israel stances, none of them blast out this history, as this alone, and nothing else I've heard (mostly sob stories) makes the Israeli case.
The problem with his statement is that it is the effect of Israelis deliberately encouraging their own people to filter out any information that doesn't portray the Arab world in the worst light. For example, Israeli intelligence created MEMRI TV
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to rebroadcast the absolutely most insane Islamist and nationalist elements from the Muslim world, to encourage the idea that the average Muslim in the street thinks like that. Many of the beliefs Boltz mentioned are correct—but only for the most radical unhinged impotent-rage-type leaders in the Middle East.

Israeli actually is indeed a Anglo-European-initiated and -centred project. Not only were the earlier waves of Zionist migration entirely Ashkenazi, but the very idea of Zionism appeared first among the Protestant-Calvinist sects centred in England (and in fact, nearly none of the Mainland European Christian churches supported it, except individual preachers who had close ties to England)
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The mass migration of Jews from anywhere to Israel was only possible because the British permitted it. 45% of Israeli Jews claim Ashkenazi ancestry, and this 45% is better educated and wealthier than the rest of them, a first class citizen if you will. The Mizrahi Jews of the Middle East only started getting threatened by Muslims after the Zionist settlers started having conflicts with the Palestinian Arabs, and these hostility was meant to stop the Jews from going to Israel with either threats or violence (by this time, Jews and Arabs were already killing each other in Mandatory Palestine). In terms of origins, the conflict is clearly European in origin, with Arabs as only a reactive party.

So here our Jewish friend has the problem of conflating all of the different conflicts his ethnic group as accumulated with others. For him, many Jews, and the US-led sheep herd, the Nazi extermination of Jews is equated to the Palestinian Arabs who were then-fighting to stop mass immigration (which society has ever reacted well to this, even without the express goal of creating a new state? And the violence came from both sides even back then), which is equated to Arabs elsewhere trying to assist their ethnic compatriots. Therefore, if reactive Arabs = aggressor Nazis, therefore, expelling Palestinian Arabs from their homes and refusing to let refugees return = expelling Sudeten, Baltic, Prussian etc Germans from their homes, as the Soviets did. therefore, Israel seizing Golan = Poland and USSR annexing Silesia, Prussia and Pomerania. Therefore, Bombing of Dresden = Bombing of Gaza, Jenin, Lebanon etc. That's how they justify to themselves completely disproportionate retaliation: by telling themselves (falsely) that the Arabs started the conflict. If you conflate everyone's grievances against you, then don't be surprised if they all start cooperating against you.

Imagine if Chinese used this logic. We can bomb, annex land, and expel anyone who cooperated with the Japanese, because the US-Japanese alliance is currently a threat to us and keeps publishing genocidal messages on social media. Thai military class, Philippines' cacique and S Korea's chaebol. Aung San, his Tatmadaw, and the country they created. Lee Kuan Yew and the country he created. Sukarno and the country he created.


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It's pretty straightforward, I'll start with the most important.

1. 60%, A MAJORITY of Jews in Israel, are descendant of Jews who had already been living in the middle east for literal milenia prior to the founding of Israel, and were driven to drop everything, abandon their property, and flee to the not-yet-official Jewish state in order to escape ethnic cleansing by Arab muslims. These large scale cleansings were in major part inspired by the Nazis.
Wrong. While significant number of Israeli Jews are descended from immigrants from countries of the Middle East, they most certainly don't constitute a majority.

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The "ethnic cleansing by Arab Muslims" you talk about is a pathetic attempt at historical revisionism. Only one guilty of committing ethnic cleansing are the zionists.

"Iraqi-born Ran Cohen, a former member of the Knesset, said: "I have this to say: I am not a refugee. I came at the behest of Zionism, due to the pull that this land exerts, and due to the idea of redemption. Nobody is going to define me as a refugee." Yemeni-born Yisrael Yeshayahu, former Knesset speaker, Labor Party, stated: "We are not refugees. [Some of us] came to this country before the state was born. We had messianic aspirations." And Iraqi-born Shlomo Hillel, also a former speaker of the Knesset, Labor Party, claimed: "I do not regard the departure of Jews from Arab lands as that of refugees. They came here because they wanted to, as Zionists."

"Iraqi-born Israeli historian Avi Shlaim, speaking of the wave of Iraqi Jewish migration to Israel, concludes that, even though Iraqi Jews were "victims of the Israeli-Arab conflict", Iraqi Jews aren't refugees, saying "nobody expelled us from Iraq, nobody told us that we were unwanted." He restated that case in a review of Martin Gilbert's book, In Ishmael's House".
2. Arab states announced their intention to invade Israel and kill its entire Jewish population BEFORE the large scale expulsion of the Palestinian population had actually happened. In other words, the nakhba, the very event that the Arab states cite as justification for their attempted genocide, did not actually happen until they had already openly declared that genocidal intent. I will leave the implication for you to draw.
Conveniently you have completely omitted the Deir Yassin massacre in which 100+ Palestinian villagers were slaughtered by zionist terrorist groups. One side actually displayed genocidal intent and that side aren't the Arabs. The "genocidal intent of the Arab states" must be the figment of your imagination. Azzam Pasha, Secretary-General of the Arab League at the time, literally stated that "the Arabs will stick to their offer of equal citizenship for Jews in Arab Palestine and let them be as Jewish as they like".
3. Many Arab leaders openly praised the third Reich and went out of their way to establish good relations. This includes sending volunteer fighters to fight in the SS once the Germans started accepting foreign volunteers late in the war to make up for a lack of their own, and there was no shortage of Arab volunteers. Additionally, Arab officers cooperated and trained under Nazi officers as part of a military education program for the fledgling Arab states, and many of these officers would become the generals who lead the Arab armies against Israel in the first three Arab invasion attempts.
Define many. Again you conveniently omit Lehi's (zionist terrorist group) friendly attitudes towards the third Reich.
4. If you read the Quran, it is very clear that Jews are explicitly viewed as an especially evil and inferior ethnicity from the standpoint of Muhammad, and there are several passages that call for their total extermination. Arab states have always just tolerated Jews at best, with them often turning a blind eye to periodic pogroms and massacres of the same kind as those experiences by Jews in eastern Europe.
Cite passages.
5. The Palestinian side has flatly refused any kind of peace or land deal whatsoever, even relatively favorable ones like that offered at camp David where they would have been able to retain the whole of Gaza, the west bank, and east Jerusalem in exchange for peace.
And zionists were so eager for peace, so much that they assassinated their prime minister because he signed Oslo Accords. Pretending like Palestinians are solely at fault for failure of the previous peace initiatives is extremely disingenious.
6. Arabs accuse Israel of being a Jewish ethnostate even though 20% of its citizens are Arab Muslims with full civil rights.
Since 1948 how many times were Arab political parties part of the ruling coalition in Israel?


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Lol, even Israeli media recognizes that arab israelis are treated as second class citizens

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Then there is the forced sterilization of Ethiopian jews

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The Israeli/Zionist obsession with bloodlines is creepy to the point where they'd harvest sperm from the dead testicles of dead IDF soldiers and sterilise Ethiopian jews as well as forcing Chinese workers into signing 'no sex' contracts. Even their deity in their torah reads like a school shooter.

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And then this...refusing to accept Hamas hostages to the point where the Palestineans despite having their family and children murdered with US sponsored Israeli bombs, were merciful enough to release elderly Israeli hostages to the Red Crescent.
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I gotta admit, this time around, the memes are more powerful than whatever propaganda they had back in ww1