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An all of society war means chipping away at the bedrock of western supposed civilisation
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If the western Anglo mouthpieces think it proper and scholarly to publish an idiot who claims the concept of China never existed, why not cast doubt on the very existence of Aristotle and western “philosophy”?

This is what it means for an “all of society” response; cause and effect, Yin and Yang.
This is going to TRIGGER A LOT OF REACTION THAT’S NOT GOING TO BE PRETTY. Questioning the existence of Aristotle is in itself Questioning the western identity. I mean, western pseudo-intellectuals never have any problems casting doubt on Sun Tzu's existence and as @Chevalier mentioned the identity, civilization state that is Zhonggou.


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Registered Member
Rumor has it li shangfu has been formally removed from his post, this according to Chinese state media

Wasn’t he also under US sanctions for Russian purchases? Li’s removal does also open the prospect for dialogue between both Chinese and US defence ministers.

This is going to TRIGGER A LOT OF REACTION THAT’S NOT GOING TO BE PRETTY. Questioning the existence of Aristotle is in itself Questioning the western identity. I mean, western pseudo-intellectuals never have any problems casting doubt on Sun Tzu's existence and as @Chevalier mentioned the identity, civilization state that is Zhonggou.
There has long been a western, but I will characterise as a very Anglo obsession with China. Only Anglo Americans were pissed enough about “losing“ China to Mao and New China, like China was some slave they owned. The history of Anglo imperialism is precisely what Putin characterised as an entity having no principles and willing to do and say and lie and cheat, in order to get the upper hand. The same cabal that declared an all of society war against china will have no hesitation in lying about history if it’ll grant him a geostrategic advantage.

The anglos succeeded in demoralising the Russian people in the 80s in making Russians ashamed to be Russian and encouraged to become western, and they would have almost succeeded in China were it not for the CPC coming in once again to save China from the rapey clutches of Anglo imperialists. Casting doubt on Chinese history and identity is a core part of Anglo geostrategy in their all Of society war against china.

Problem is, forget Aristotle, the anglos can only realistically be said to have had culture since Shakespeare and the Elizabethan era~ a mere 500 years or so of culture, compared to 5000 years of Chinese culture contemporaneous with ancient Egypt and Sumer. I never realised the extent of Anglo envy at this long history until I came across the 4chan altright meme of Hyperborean aryan Uber men who built nonexistent pyramids in the snow. It’s a myth created by anglos to make themselves feel like they’re part of something greater since they lack any sort of mental and moral anchor, the way Jewish nationalists promote the myth of King David who never existed historically,


Senior Member
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It's not just Li Shangfu.

Qin Gang (State Councilor), Li Kun (Minister of Finance) and Wang Zhigang (Minister of Science and Technology) have also been officially removed from their posts, following a presidential order signed by President Xi.

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Li Kun and Wang Zhigang are normal retirements.


Registered Member
The problem with his statement is that it is the effect of Israelis deliberately encouraging their own people to filter out any information that doesn't portray the Arab world in the worst light. For example, Israeli intelligence created MEMRI TV
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to rebroadcast the absolutely most insane Islamist and nationalist elements from the Muslim world, to encourage the idea that the average Muslim in the street thinks like that. Many of the beliefs Boltz mentioned are correct—but only for the most radical unhinged impotent-rage-type leaders in the Middle East.

Israeli actually is indeed a Anglo-European-initiated and -centred project. Not only were the earlier waves of Zionist migration entirely Ashkenazi, but the very idea of Zionism appeared first among the Protestant-Calvinist sects centred in England (and in fact, nearly none of the Mainland European Christian churches supported it, except individual preachers who had close ties to England)
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The mass migration of Jews from anywhere to Israel was only possible because the British permitted it. 45% of Israeli Jews claim Ashkenazi ancestry, and this 45% is better educated and wealthier than the rest of them, a first class citizen if you will. The Mizrahi Jews of the Middle East only started getting threatened by Muslims after the Zionist settlers started having conflicts with the Palestinian Arabs, and these hostility was meant to stop the Jews from going to Israel with either threats or violence (by this time, Jews and Arabs were already killing each other in Mandatory Palestine). In terms of origins, the conflict is clearly European in origin, with Arabs as only a reactive party.

So here our Jewish friend has the problem of conflating all of the different conflicts his ethnic group as accumulated with others. For him, many Jews, and the US-led sheep herd, the Nazi extermination of Jews is equated to the Palestinian Arabs who were then-fighting to stop mass immigration (which society has ever reacted well to this, even without the express goal of creating a new state? And the violence came from both sides even back then), which is equated to Arabs elsewhere trying to assist their ethnic compatriots. Therefore, if reactive Arabs = aggressor Nazis, therefore, expelling Palestinian Arabs from their homes and refusing to let refugees return = expelling Sudeten, Baltic, Prussian etc Germans from their homes, as the Soviets did. therefore, Israel seizing Golan = Poland and USSR annexing Silesia, Prussia and Pomerania. Therefore, Bombing of Dresden = Bombing of Gaza, Jenin, Lebanon etc. That's how they justify to themselves completely disproportionate retaliation: by telling themselves (falsely) that the Arabs started the conflict. If you conflate everyone's grievances against you, then don't be surprised if they all start cooperating against you.

Imagine if Chinese used this logic. We can bomb, annex land, and expel anyone who cooperated with the Japanese, because the US-Japanese alliance is currently a threat to us and keeps publishing genocidal messages on social media. Thai military class, Philippines' cacique and S Korea's chaebol. Aung San, his Tatmadaw, and the country they created. Lee Kuan Yew and the country he created. Sukarno and the country he created.
Using Israel logic:

Imperial Japan invading China: help, Chinese are blowing up my settler, I am being genocided!

"Look, I am offering peace if they give me half of China. Why are Chinese so violent"

Any country supporting "Uighur genocide" has zero credibility. Israep has less than zero because they lie while actually genociding people of Gaza. It is not complicated. Who trust people actively slander you while doing same thing they claim you do?

A potato

Junior Member
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Wasn’t he also under US sanctions for Russian purchases? Li’s removal does also open the prospect for dialogue between both Chinese and US defence ministers.

There has long been a western, but I will characterise as a very Anglo obsession with China. Only Anglo Americans were pissed enough about “losing“ China to Mao and New China, like China was some slave they owned. The history of Anglo imperialism is precisely what Putin characterised as an entity having no principles and willing to do and say and lie and cheat, in order to get the upper hand. The same cabal that declared an all of society war against china will have no hesitation in lying about history if it’ll grant him a geostrategic advantage.

The anglos succeeded in demoralising the Russian people in the 80s in making Russians ashamed to be Russian and encouraged to become western, and they would have almost succeeded in China were it not for the CPC coming in once again to save China from the rapey clutches of Anglo imperialists. Casting doubt on Chinese history and identity is a core part of Anglo geostrategy in their all Of society war against china.

Problem is, forget Aristotle, the anglos can only realistically be said to have had culture since Shakespeare and the Elizabethan era~ a mere 500 years or so of culture, compared to 5000 years of Chinese culture contemporaneous with ancient Egypt and Sumer. I never realised the extent of Anglo envy at this long history until I came across the 4chan altright meme of Hyperborean aryan Uber men who built nonexistent pyramids in the snow. It’s a myth created by anglos to make themselves feel like they’re part of something greater since they lack any sort of mental and moral anchor, the way Jewish nationalists promote the myth of King David who never existed historically,
They also successfully brainwashed tibetan people in south tibet, ladakh, sikkim, bhutan and to some extent Nepal that they're not tibetan and brainwashed a portion of the Tibetan people that they're not Chinese.


TSA didn't even find the gun at screening which said a lot about the security protocol.
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The Transportation Security Administration is investigating the matter, it said in an emailed statement. Americans are allowed to travel with firearms in checked luggage but those stopped with guns at TSA checkpoints risk fines up to $15,000.

Maximum Penalty

In Hong Kong, firearms are strictly regulated. Mainly police and private security contractors are allowed to carry guns. The maximum penalty for possessing arms without a license is 14 years in prison and a fine of HK$100,000 ($12,785).

Wilson said that while his pistol was not registered in Hong Kong, it is properly registered in Washington state, where he holds a concealed pistol license, according to the statement. He said he found his gun mid-flight from San Francisco to Hong Kong when he reached into his briefcase for a piece of gum.