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No doubt about it: the West should stop insulting the intelligence of the 155 or so countries that joined BRI.

The US and EU wasted a decade, not only 4 years.

4 lost years: How the EU fumbled its response to China’s belt and road​

  • Internal documents show European Commission rejected prescient 2020 proposal because it would ‘send wrong signal’ to China
  • Months-long investigation reveals a bureaucracy fighting tooth and nail against EU’s signature Global Gateway strategy
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The imbecile thinks that China is containable and its rise can be prevented.
Why We Should Fear China More Than Middle Eastern War
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EU is free flow of labor and goods so i doubt accurate measure of GDP for a country like Germany. In this road freight Germany is using non German hauliers from East. Japan does not have this opportunity. The worse German demographics the more human capital it will extract from East and South.

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Pro tip for life: have the skill to be born the right ethnicity during the heyday of the empire. Don't be stupid enough to be born the wrong ethnicity or in the waning days of the empire.


In other words, it’s good be a Chinese person right now. We are eating good tonight
If you are born Chinese, you would in probability of human history have had a higher living standard and life expectancy compared to Homo sapiens of other regional demographic. The century of humiliation is an outlier compared to how well say your working class British man was living in the 1840s what with cholera epidemics and bloody public executions and prison hulks off London. They were imprisoning so many children for stealing bread they had to imprison them on ships until they started colonising Australia.


Registered Member
No doubt about it: the West should stop insulting the intelligence of the 155 or so countries that joined BRI.

The US and EU wasted a decade, not only 4 years.

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The imbecile thinks that China is containable and its rise can be prevented.

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The piece written by Ross Douhat is yet another waste of time and space. He's the resident "conservative" voice and opinion writer for the NYT replacing the neocon William Kristol if am not mistaken. My distinct memory of Douhat was when he first guested on Meet the Press with then now deceased host, Tim Russert or was it Bill Maher. The point is his main expertise was "Roman Catholism" religion and how America has been co-opted by the radical left leading to it's moral decay from abortion, to gay marriage, along with other counter-culture wars that are gripping America and Americans.

His main point to what he wrote, which was and is anti-China/Chinese diatribe is to provide an intellectual and even a religious heft for the coming war him and his intellectual clique have been wanting for so long against China before China become uncontrollable and manifest destiny becomes nothing more than fictionalized story they narrated themselves in history to justify their wanton killings of native inhabitants and conquest of other countries in the name of good and just.


Lieutenant General
No doubt about it: the West should stop insulting the intelligence of the 155 or so countries that joined BRI.

The US and EU wasted a decade, not only 4 years.

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The imbecile thinks that China is containable and its rise can be prevented.

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China is the greatest threat to the West... ever. Not because China is plotting evil against the world. The West says that to justify their actions against China. China is a threat because it's a threat to white supremacy in this world. It will never happen with China having power in this world. That's only bad to people who want whites in control of everything. What the West is afraid of is China will do everything that they're doing right now against China and others to them. The West is afraid China will gang-up nations to place sanctions on them. They know how dangerous that is for them because they make up excuses with no proof needed. They don't want that happening to them. Look at how many countries that will go along with China just out spite for the West. The West already does it out of spite for countries that don't bend the knee to them. That's why the West is for white supremacy. They know they have to be in control of everything so these things they do to others don't happen to them.

Deleted member 24525

The imbecile thinks that China is containable and its rise can be prevented.
It may have been if not for 9/11, which makes the Bush administration's decision making in the wake of it all the more insane to me.

james smith esq

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China is the greatest threat to the West... ever. Not because China is plotting evil against the world. The West says that to justify their actions against China. China is a threat because it's a threat to white supremacy in this world. It will never happen with China having power in this world. That's only bad to people who want whites in control of everything. What the West is afraid of is China will do everything that they're doing right now against China and others to them. The West is afraid China will gang-up nations to place sanctions on them. They know how dangerous that is for them because they make up excuses with no proof needed. They don't want that happening to them. Look at how many countries that will go along with China just out spite for the West. The West already does it out of spite for countries that don't bend the knee to them. That's why the West is for white supremacy. They know they have to be in control of everything so these things they do to others don't happen to them.
China is, undoubtedly, the greatest, and probably, the only real threat to the west and to the fallacy of white-supremacy. I find it incredibly interesting that China is also, indirectly, responsible for the phenomenon of white-supremacy as a global force, through its invention of gunpowder. So, there’s an interesting symmetry, there!

What white-supremacy is abjectly, irrationally, and deathly, afraid of is the revenge that its guilty conscience knows that it deserves! It fears and expects this revenge from any of its past victims that achieve any semblance of an ability to attempt it, whether it’s intended, attempted, or not. Ultimately, it’s a projection of its own psychosis onto the world. Any action that evokes this paranoid fantasy, like 9-11-01, elicits the most primal, psychotic, reactions, the first of which is that all white-folks must band together to eliminate the threat. And, this psychosis is not satiated until untold non-white people are killed. Unfortunately, this is what the people of Gaza will be subjected to.

It’s this understanding that impels me to assert that China must, as unpalatable as it may be to conceptualize, prepare to fight and win a nuclear-war against the Anglo-American regime!

I can only hope that a particular island populated by a green-toothed people bears the greatest brunt of this unthinkable event,
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EU not ready for formal probe into China's wind industry -source​

BRUSSELS, Oct 24 (Reuters) - The European Union still lacks "very clear evidence" of unfair practices to launch a formal probe into China's wind power industry that has become a cut-price competitor to Europe's, an EU official said.

In a leaked wind energy proposal last week, the Commission said it would
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foreign subsidies as part of a broader action plan to support its struggling wind industry that is fast losing its leadership position.
The EU official said China feared the EU would immediately look at punitive measures on its wind and hydrogen electrolyser industries after the surprise probe on its automakers.

"The announcement of the investigation on the EVs (electric vehicles) was a bit of a shock because it was announced in such a political speech and a change of tune from traditional openness. China interpreted it as a foregone conclusion that they were already taking measures," the official said.

China: Whats that I hear from the EU? Another probe? BRB, let me check to make sure my national rare earth stockpile is sufficient first ;)


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It's pretty straightforward, I'll start with the most important.

1. 60%, A MAJORITY of Jews in Israel, are descendant of Jews who had already been living in the middle east for literal milenia prior to the founding of Israel, and were driven to drop everything, abandon their property, and flee to the not-yet-official Jewish state in order to escape ethnic cleansing by Arab muslims. These large scale cleansings were in major part inspired by the Nazis.

2. Arab states announced their intention to invade Israel and kill its entire Jewish population BEFORE the large scale expulsion of the Palestinian population had actually happened. In other words, the nakhba, the very event that the Arab states cite as justification for their attempted genocide, did not actually happen until they had already openly declared that genocidal intent. I will leave the implication for you to draw.

3. Many Arab leaders openly praised the third Reich and went out of their way to establish good relations. This includes sending volunteer fighters to fight in the SS once the Germans started accepting foreign volunteers late in the war to make up for a lack of their own, and there was no shortage of Arab volunteers. Additionally, Arab officers cooperated and trained under Nazi officers as part of a military education program for the fledgling Arab states, and many of these officers would become the generals who lead the Arab armies against Israel in the first three Arab invasion attempts.

3. Arab muslims built a mosque on top of the holiest place in Judaism and claim it has having always been theirs, and any Jewish attempts at greater control as an unacceptable encroachment. This is despite the first temple having been built over 1000 years before al aqsa, and the fact that the IDF wanted to destroy it during the first Arab Israeli war but was ordered not to by Israeli leadership.

4. If you read the Quran, it is very clear that Jews are explicitly viewed as an especially evil and inferior ethnicity from the standpoint of Muhammad, and there are several passages that call for their total extermination. Arab states have always just tolerated Jews at best, with them often turning a blind eye to periodic pogroms and massacres of the same kind as those experiences by Jews in eastern Europe.

5. The Palestinian side has flatly refused any kind of peace or land deal whatsoever, even relatively favorable ones like that offered at camp David where they would have been able to retain the whole of Gaza, the west bank, and east Jerusalem in exchange for peace.

5. Gaza was not always a living hell under blockade. Economic conditions were vastly better prior to Hamas rising to power, yet the population there chose to elect them anyway, despite warnings from the Israeli government that a blockade would be instated if they did. This blockade was instated because Hamas is an organization that has a very clearly stated intent to indiscriminately kill Israel's entire Jewish population in its founding charter.

6. Arabs accuse Israel of being a Jewish ethnostate even though 20% of its citizens are Arab Muslims with full civil rights.
At the end of the day, I sympathize with the Jewish people and their desire to protect their homeland, Israel. After all, Israel is all they have. The Chinese people have a massive homeland and we are willing to defend it to the last man. There is no reason why the Israelis cannot do the same. However, Israel/Palestine is also the homeland of the Palestinian people and I genuinely hope that the Israelis and the Palestinians can come to a peaceful resolution to this brutal conflict.

Israelis and Arabs are both great. It is such a shame to see so many of them die.