Miscellaneous News


Lieutenant General
The UN is a failed experiment. Time to disband it.

I was wondering about the number of people supposedly getting the axe for corruption.

Found his gun in mid-flight? Sounds more like an excuse or a ploy to stir up international trouble like that athlete traveling to Russia. No law abiding gun owner would be so reckless in "leaving" his firearm in his briefcase and forget about it. They should all know where exactly it's stored especially if they have children as they like to play Dora the Explorer. When I was traveling for work, I always end up searching through every pocket in my luggage as I pack to ensure I brought all the stuff I need especially for international destinations. This guy might have an excuse if he was traveling to see family in the next city over like Olympia, as he might have accidentally grabbed his bugout bag and stuffed some things in as he left, but traveling to Hong Kong from Seattle?

This is an US senator we are talking about, these people are so used to total power with zero personal responsibility and consequences I don’t think it would even register to him that there is anything he can’t do that isn’t expressly forbidden by his PR expert.


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It's pretty straightforward, I'll start with the most important.

1. 60%, A MAJORITY of Jews in Israel, are descendant of Jews who had already been living in the middle east for literal milenia prior to the founding of Israel, and were driven to drop everything, abandon their property, and flee to the not-yet-official Jewish state in order to escape ethnic cleansing by Arab muslims. These large scale cleansings were in major part inspired by the Nazis.

2. Arab states announced their intention to invade Israel and kill its entire Jewish population BEFORE the large scale expulsion of the Palestinian population had actually happened. In other words, the nakhba, the very event that the Arab states cite as justification for their attempted genocide, did not actually happen until they had already openly declared that genocidal intent. I will leave the implication for you to draw.

3. Many Arab leaders openly praised the third Reich and went out of their way to establish good relations. This includes sending volunteer fighters to fight in the SS once the Germans started accepting foreign volunteers late in the war to make up for a lack of their own, and there was no shortage of Arab volunteers. Additionally, Arab officers cooperated and trained under Nazi officers as part of a military education program for the fledgling Arab states, and many of these officers would become the generals who lead the Arab armies against Israel in the first three Arab invasion attempts.

3. Arab muslims built a mosque on top of the holiest place in Judaism and claim it has having always been theirs, and any Jewish attempts at greater control as an unacceptable encroachment. This is despite the first temple having been built over 1000 years before al aqsa, and the fact that the IDF wanted to destroy it during the first Arab Israeli war but was ordered not to by Israeli leadership.

4. If you read the Quran, it is very clear that Jews are explicitly viewed as an especially evil and inferior ethnicity from the standpoint of Muhammad, and there are several passages that call for their total extermination. Arab states have always just tolerated Jews at best, with them often turning a blind eye to periodic pogroms and massacres of the same kind as those experiences by Jews in eastern Europe.

5. The Palestinian side has flatly refused any kind of peace or land deal whatsoever, even relatively favorable ones like that offered at camp David where they would have been able to retain the whole of Gaza, the west bank, and east Jerusalem in exchange for peace.

5. Gaza was not always a living hell under blockade. Economic conditions were vastly better prior to Hamas rising to power, yet the population there chose to elect them anyway, despite warnings from the Israeli government that a blockade would be instated if they did. This blockade was instated because Hamas is an organization that has a very clearly stated intent to indiscriminately kill Israel's entire Jewish population in its founding charter.

6. Arabs accuse Israel of being a Jewish ethnostate even though 20% of its citizens are Arab Muslims with full civil rights.
But what does all these have to do with needing to grab more (in fact any at all) Palestinian lands, so that you can have yours?

The Palestinians didn't wronged your people. Take the lands of the Egyptians, Italians and the Germans, if you want to avenge historical wrongs.


Registered Member
Plus China could easily have units stationed there to be all Tibetan and maybe some sherpas tibetans (If I recall there was a regiment whithin the Tibetan army that continued to exist until 1970s in the PLA called the 9th 9th Mdav-Dpon Infantry Regiment). Because they would be suited for the terrain and are less likely to suffer from high altitude injuries.
Looking at the PLA today, I don't think that they form their military units based on ethnic or religious lines. We have seen many Han, Tibetans, Uighurs, Kazakhs, etc. all training together in the Western Theater Command. We have even seen Kazakhs or Uighurs serving on PLAN vessels. If any specific ethnicity are not used to the environment, they have to train up and adapt. There are no present PLA units that I know off that claim that they were specific to certain ethnicities. The PLA may have units in Xinjiang or Tibet that have more ethnic minorities, but this is more reflective of the demographics than a feature. The PLA, I believe prefers to have every soldier to fight as a Chinese rather than to fight as a representative of any specific subgroup of Chinese. This is inline with the overall national unity spirit of the PRC.

This is in contrast to the Indian Army having their Special Frontier Force (Tibetan) units, Sikh Regiment, or Gorkha Regiments. Or even the Russian Army's Kadyrovites, or Cossacks. Russia is a federation with its many republics contributing soldiers, so these republics would want to proudly proclaim their contribution to Mother Russia. It also had some historical units like the Cossacks that goes back to the times of Imperial Russia. It is also no secret that Russia had its own imperialist past where it subjugated many minorities for its own benefit. India is basically a continuation of the British Raj under local management. The Congress want to continue being the British Raj 2.0, while the BJP want to create their own Hindu Empire out of the former British Raj. Both like to divide and conquer their own ethnic groups for the same reasons as the British before them. Therefore, India likes to form its own ethnic minority units just like the colonial "sepoy" soldiers of the old British Raj.

India is proud to claim that they have a Tibetan-specific unit, the SFF that serves India to fight against China. They fight at the behest of India, not fight as Indians. Many of these Indian Tibetans even claimed that they were actually fighting for their Dalai Lama and Free Tibet rather than India. What kind of loyalty is that? In India, Indian Tibetans can't find much economic opportunities because they are not regarded as true Indian citizens. But the Indian Army recruits them as "Tibetan" soldiers to use against China. They are useful for their "Tibetan qualities", not their Indian citizenship. In 2020, SFF soldiers were used by the Indian Army to pull off a PR stunt to climb a peak that supposedly overlooks some PLA base. When they came back down, at least one soldier died to an Indian landmine. Then India held a farcical funeral, flying the flags of Free Tibet and India. India is trying to falsely show that these Indian Tibetan Soldiers are fighting for a "Free Tibet" that itself, serves greater India. Classic colonial mindset. These SFF soldiers are more useful idiots than actual patriotic soldiers.
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Xi is about to meet Newsom.

I recall GlobalTimes a few days ago hinted that meeting with Newsom was familiarizing Chinese leaders with the future US presidents, looks very likely. Also maybe BYD might build an consumer EV factory in California?

They already make buses there, won’t be much of a stretch.


Registered Member
Why not add another one - A fourth one right down south of the border with the cartels? Let's see how quickly the US wants to dismantle itself.

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Well you see, first we we do some 五年平辽, at the same time we fight it out with Li Zicheng on the side. Then once late Jin is taken care of we can move Wu Sangui's calvary garrison back into the interior and take out all the remaining rebels and then everything will be sorted.