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Maybe China can do russian method, offer a bounty to taliban fighters, 1 million for 1 head or something like that, i would imagine that after all of this, the taliban would be rather receptive if not enthusiastic to the offer lol

No, chinese SOF does not stoop to those levels. But if requested from Afghanistan government, China will gladly conduct anti-terrorist activities against occupying hostile forces.


Registered Member
Maybe China can do russian method, offer a bounty to taliban fighters, 1 million for 1 head or something like that, i would imagine that after all of this, the taliban would be rather receptive if not enthusiastic to the offer lol

China does not interfere with the domestic affairs of other nations.

Xi is at the helm and he stands by this principle:
“Some foreigners with full bellies and nothing better to do engage in finger-pointing at us,” he went on. “First, China does not export revolution; second, it does not export famine and poverty; and third, it does not mess around with you. So what else is there to say?”

Also don't forget abu gharib:
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I think the cartoon publication will work out for China:

1. It makes an example out of Australia.
2. There's no way Australia can escape from the attention it draws to its soldiers being out of control and committing war crimes.
The cartoon may well be based on true events, as described on page 120 of the heavily redacted 465 page document below. The Australian government is really shameless, to put it mildly.


See part 7d on page 120:


You can search and download the full document using the title: IGADF-Afghanistan-Inquiry-Public-Release-Version.pdf
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ScoMo's got a PR team to do damage control after he became a one-man wrecking crew, calling for a press conference over the tweet. You should have seen his visible contortions of rage at the press conference.

The thing is will he reach out to the Afghan community in Australia? If ScoMo's team doesn't bother reaching out to the Afghan community in Australia (or Afghanistan), then I think they're being very shrewd and calculating in hoisting a PR stunt - they never cared that Afghan lives matter.

In other words, the litmus test is whether ScoMo reaches out to Afghanistan or Afghan Australians - otherwise, it's pretty clear he was conducting a mere PR stunt, one that wasn't based out of goodwill.
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To say it frankly, after messing everything up, Morrison found himself in a bad position and his boss is losing power, he wanted to return back to a past time but this time China doesn't accept it. The picture event is to tell Morrison there's no way back to normal. I think many Chinese netizens think the same at this point.

I think you have given Morrison too much credit. Morrison's outburst of the tweet actually showed that he isn't a statesman. And Morrison's gesture isn't a sign of capitulation. Morrison has no plan to walk back from the changes that Australia has made. The downfall of Trump might have persuaded him to tone down the tension a bit but it is his constituents especially the business community that forced him to make small amends. But don't expect any meaningful changes from Australia. Due to the media and politicians that incited so much hate from the general public for so long, there is really a very narrow path that Morrison could walk.

Except iron ore, every exports from Australia are replaceable. Some of them such as tourism, education, wine, and coal could have permanent implications if China banned them for a long period of time. It is the looming threat of permanently losing its share of exports to China that frightened Morrison.

As for China, I don't know if you have noticed. Ever since Huawei has been banned 2 years ago. China has been patiently asking Australia to change its stand and warn Australia not to go down that path. Instead of adhering China's advice and warning, Australia refuted and called China a bully. It also doubled down on more restrictions toward Chinese companies and investment. After covid debacle and search of Chinese journalists, China finally has enough of Australia and fought back aggressively. I think China is under no illusion that the olive branch is just a tactic and have the determination to punish Australia til other countries understand China patient is not unlimited.


Registered Member
I think you have given Morrison too much credit. Morrison's outburst of the tweet actually showed that he isn't a statesman. And Morrison's gesture isn't a sign of capitulation. Morrison has no plan to walk back from the changes that Australia has made. The downfall of Trump might have persuaded him to tone down the tension a bit but it is his constituents especially the business community that forced him to make small amends. But don't expect any meaningful changes from Australia. Due to the media and politicians that incited so much hate from the general public for so long, there is really a very narrow path that Morrison could walk.

Except iron ore, every exports from Australia are replaceable. Some of them such as tourism, education, wine, and coal could have permanent implications if China banned them for a long period of time. It is the looming threat of permanently losing its share of exports to China that frightened Morrison.

As for China, I don't know if you have noticed. Ever since Huawei has been banned 2 years ago. China has been patiently asking Australia to change its stand and warn Australia not to go down that path. Instead of adhering China's advice and warning, Australia refuted and called China a bully. It also doubled down on more restrictions toward Chinese companies and investment. After covid debacle and search of Chinese journalists, China finally has enough of Australia and fought back aggressively. I think China is under no illusion that the olive branch is just a tactic and have the determination to punish Australia til other countries understand China patient is not unlimited.
Rupert Murdoch has basically poisoned the pill for the Australian populace through the media - now Australia is caught between a rock and the 'inferior Asians'.

Especially since Australia is more isolated than other countries, they have an even more bogan, hillbilly personality than the other 5Eyes


Senior Member
This has australian influence written all over it. Indonesia needs to deliver the next message.

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This has been going on for decades first it was east timor, they succeeded with that and now they looking at west papua
Indonesia is in trouble and distracted by covid right now, i would not be suprised if they supply the rebels with weapons and training


Registered Member
TBH, that suits me fine since it'll make ethnically cleansing the island continent much more palatable. Shipping off all anglos and non Asians to anywhere but Asia would be a most delicious prospect. And yes, that includes Indians who want to join the QUAD,
The aboriginal population would love that very much after all that has been done to them since the beginning