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If the relationship between Australia and China can be salvaged, then it wouldn't come down to this. It is not lack of trying. Let me remind people again what Australia has done over the past few years. First country to ban Huawei, first to request a criminal investigation of China over covid, first to enact a McCarthy era law to prosecute Chinese friendly Australians under the name of national security, first to expand law to grant the government authority to ban any acquisition and investment from China, most active member of Quad etc. The list can go on and on. If China let Australia off the hook just because its PM offers some olive branch, then what would the world thinks about China.

Understandably, many members would ask why China can't make compromise like it used to do in the last few decades. The answer is obvious. China is no longer a regional power. China can no longer hide behind the image of a developing nation. Most importantly, Chinese no longer want to be a pushover. Beside, the US and its allies would keep attacking China no matter what. Australia has already decided to join the US containment strategy to contain China.


Registered Member
If the relationship between Australia and China can be salvaged, then it wouldn't come down to this. It is not lack of trying. Let me remind people again what Australia has done over the past few years. First country to ban Huawei, first to request a criminal investigation of China over covid, first to enact a McCarthy era law to prosecute Chinese friendly Australians under the name of national security, first to expand law to grant the government authority to ban any acquisition and investment from China, most active member of Quad etc. The list can go on and on. If China let Australia off the hook just because its PM offers some olive branch, then what would the world thinks about China.

Understandably, many members would ask why China can't make compromise like it used to do in the last few decades. The answer is obvious. China is no longer a regional power. China can no longer hide behind the image of a developing nation. Most importantly, Chinese no longer want to be a pushover. Beside, the US and its allies would keep attacking China no matter what. Australia has already decided to join the US containment strategy to contain China.
Australia had better be careful because if the future is any indication, first the USA becomes a third world country from debt, pandemic and unemployment and then all holdings of the western world aka USA bases and allies strongholds will be targeted without mercy and then all of the 5eyes are going to get picked off one by one while they can do absolutely nothing about it. If there is one thing I noticed about australia, is that they lack geopolitical awareness of the consequences of seemingly small actions building up into something terrifying. Australia has angered both Russia and China at the same time, in the long term, this is going to be the most one sided fight ever.


Registered Member
Great rebuttal to this creepy BBC journalist. He is such a slime ball, trying to trip Hua chung Ying up. Alas, she would have none of it! If this slime ball trying to be funny with me like that. I would have gotten off the platform and knock his lights out. It's a good job I'm not in her shoes.

Translation for those needing it.


  BBC: Secretary of the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade expressed Australia's position on the tweet to the Chinese ambassador to Australia. Can you tell us what the Chinese side said in response?


Hua Chunying: I haven't heard anything from the Chinese Embassy in Australia and I got the news from media reports. It's unjustified for the Australian side to lodge representations with the Chinese embassy if they have done so. The Australian side should first make a formal apology to the Afghan people. As I said just now, according to the Australian media reports and the inquiry report issued by the Australian Department of Defense, some Australian soldiers have brutally killed innocent civilians in Afghanistan. This is a fact. The specific methods used by these Australian troops as well as other details, including slitting children's throats, are another fact. The Australian government should be ashamed of this. It needs to give an explanation to the international community and pledge solemnly that it will never commit such terrible crimes again.


  BBC: Australian reports say some soldiers have already been dismissed and there will be criminal proceedings in Australia about this. Some people will go to jail and be punished for it. What measures does China hope to see by the Australian government?


Hua Chunying: As a mature government, the Australian government should know the proper way to deal with this horrible matter.


  BBC: In the past China has always said that it doesn't get involved in other countries' affairs and also encourages others not to get involved in China's affairs. Obviously these incidents don't directly involve China; they involve Australia and Afghanistan. Does this represent a change in the attitude from the Chinese government? Perhaps we might see more comments on other issues that don't directly involve China or how should we interpret that?


Hua Chunying: Your question is not like BBC's usual style. Are you so concerned about this because you are Australian? Previously, for many so-called Chinese human rights violations that do not exist, Australia, as well as the United Kingdom where the BBC is headquartered, did not hesitate to come forward and make all kinds of accusations against China. Some Australian soldiers have committed ferocious crimes in Afghanistan. The Australian Defense Department owned up to it in their inquiry report. The facts and evidence are undeniably damning. It is no longer a matter of the internal affairs of any country, and it should be strongly condemned by all people with conscience around the whole world. Do you think otherwise? Don't you think the crimes of these Australian soldiers should be condemned? Don't you think the lack of basic sense of right and wrong on this issue on the part of Prime Minister Morrison and the Australian government should be questioned? What is wrong with China strongly condemning such brutal crimes committed by some Australian soldiers in Afghanistan? This is about human rights, but what's it to do with internal affairs?


  BBC: I'm just a journalist and I'm just asking you questions. There is no implicit criticism in my question. Anybody who has seen these events and the evidence would know how horrible they are. I'm sure some people would welcome it for China on the world stage to speak about many events which are not directly involving China. It is a genuine question as to whether or not we might expect more of this from China given that it is not so usual to have the Chinese government vocally speak about events that don't directly involve China.


Hua Chunying: China always speaks out loud and clear and upholds justice when it comes to violations of human conscience and international fairness and justice.


If the BBC is not biased, it should also condemn the brutal crimes committed by some Australian soldiers in Afghanistan. This is what a truly just, objective, conscientious and socially responsible media outlet should do. I also hope that the media, including BBC, should not only zoom in their lenses on human rights issues in China to find quarrel in a straw, but also broaden their horizons to human rights violations committed in some western countries, instead of turning a blind eye to them or keeping silent on some of the violations, if not all of them.


Registered Member
Australia had better be careful because if the future is any indication, first the USA becomes a third world country from debt, pandemic and unemployment and then all holdings of the western world aka USA bases and allies strongholds will be targeted without mercy and then all of the 5eyes are going to get picked off one by one while they can do absolutely nothing about it. If there is one thing I noticed about australia, is that they lack geopolitical awareness of the consequences of seemingly small actions building up into something terrifying. Australia has angered both Russia and China at the same time, in the long term, this is going to be the most one sided fight ever.

Don't exaggerate.

The US has significant problems, but it is likely still to be one of the largest and richest countries in the world


Registered Member
Don't exaggerate.

The US has significant problems, but it is likely still to be one of the largest and richest countries in the world
Richest in terms of billionaires and millionaires, yes that is true, but the 99% of the population are all lower to middle lower class due to this crisis and pandemic still ongoing. Hundreds of thousands of people are losing jobs every week and more then 50+ million are on food stamps and they have to print money but the trillions to last this pandemic and recession. Hence the majority of this nation are going to be extremely poor going forward, which puts the 'largest and richest' country statement into question when we really look at the overall picture.

This is not a significant problem, it an existential problem that quite frankly didn't have to be this way if the crisis was handled properly. I may exaggerate somethings, I agree, but the truth is, is that the US is in a situation where there are no magical solutions or miracles nor is there any real way to bring the economy back to its previous highs before the pandemic with the problems currently increasing in intensity. Hence in all well and said, the USA is on a path of a collapse and nothing is going to stop it but wait and see if I am right or wrong. Either way, this will have dire consequences for the world at large