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The reason why it's so effective is because they can't think of a comeback. They got nothing on China.

Chinese never invaded anyone. These former Europeans are literally living on the continents that they wiped the indigenous populations o

Which is why they had to resort to a 30 year old photo of the "tank man"! They have absolutely nothing but rage. How dare these Chinese preaches to us about human rights! It is our (whites) rights to preach the rest of the world on human rights. Lol

You know, even this "Tank man" attack is a weak one. I remember at the time thinking.

The West MSM propaganda was saying that Chinese are very barbaric, "killing and slaughter" their own citizens. They even went as far as suggesting the soldiers must have been given drugs, because the "barbarity" of their acts.

Yet, when the "tank man" appeared. The narratives was how brave this "Tank man" was. How much hope and inspiration he has given to all "freedom" loving people of the world.

BUT..... hang on, if the PLA was as brutal and inhumane as they were saying. How come the tank commander didn't simply fun him over. Further, when he claim on the tank, why didn't the commander simply shoot him where he stand?

So you can see the west really does want the cake and eat it.

And 30 years later, it's the same play book. When caught red handed. Deflect it onto big bad China.


Corruption call rejected on live air. Ducey should have picked it up, not told Trump he was being telecasted, and put it on speaker LOL
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Did Arizona’s Governor Just Hang Up on Trump While Certifying Biden’s Victory? (Video)
November 30, 2020

"Arizona Governor Doug Ducey’s phone starting ringing while he was certifying the state’s presidential election results on Monday morning, and his very unique ringtone appears to have identified the caller as Donald Trump."

"...Ducey reaches into his jacket pocket and quickly silences his phone as it plays “Hail to the Chief,” which can be heard very faintly at around the 7-second mark."


Registered Member
Sorry, but what is this elusive "olive branch" you are talking about?

And also what exactly is this "provocation"? Since when did the west become so sensitive. This looks absolutely saccharine compared to shit you see on Charlie Hebdo every day for fuck sakes.

He was replying to gadgetool.


Registered Member
Australia is unlikely to backdown. They can’t. Not like this.

But ultimately it’s in both countries’ interest to stabilize relations. China should leave a door or two open for Australia to normalize ties.
The door is always there and always open, it is totally up to Australia to walk that distance (very very very long and very very very face-loosing).

Remember how China rehabilitated relation with USSR? 1. Withdraw the million troops along Chinese border. 2. withdraw support to Vietnam's war effort in Cambodia. 3. withdraw from Afghanistan.

Remember how China re-normalized relationship with Vietnam? Vietnam to leave Cambodia.

Remember how China established relationship with USA? After the total defeat of US in Vietnam.

The door is open but with a lock, the key is in Australian hand, it is only their decision to use the key. I expect the conditions being
  1. Australia to roll back all anti-China legislation enacted in the past few years, whether they are overtly or covertly targeting China.
  2. Market access arrangement to compensate for Chinese company's loss to Australian market due to the legislation above in exchange for Australia to restore their position in China's market.
  3. A visit by the Australian PM to Beijing and joint statement, not only words of moving forward, but acknowledge of past "unfortunate". The wording can be face-saving without openly accept the fault, but the effect has to be. See the Norway case for reference, a "secret" letter through the foreign ministry accepting the fault, but not publicized in the joint statement.


Registered Member
The photo event is obvious to further spoil China-Australia relationship. No matter who's behind the event, he/she obviously want to make the bilateral relation no return point when Morrison tries to steer the relationship back to normal. This is political, I'd stop here.

Come on steelbird. The only reason Morrison is trying to steer back to "normal". It's because he had caused the massive car crash the first place. So please put the blame where it should be. Not as some western MSM is trying to blame China because China is being stubborn not accepting his "olive" branch. Gee.


Registered Member
I think it's well known by now that Australia is the most racist White nation on Earth, and unashamedly so.

Here is one of their senators:
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She is literally a white nationalist that calls for segregation and deportation of nonwhites.

Any Western sh1thole that allies with this country should be placed in the Axis of Evil.

Pauline Hanson, she some piece of work. And to think Aussies voted for her!