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Registered Member
If the relationship between Australia and China can be salvaged, then it wouldn't come down to this. It is not lack of trying. Let me remind people again what Australia has done over the past few years. First country to ban Huawei, first to request a criminal investigation of China over covid, first to enact a McCarthy era law to prosecute Chinese friendly Australians under the name of national security, first to expand law to grant the government authority to ban any acquisition and investment from China, most active member of Quad etc. The list can go on and on. If China let Australia off the hook just because its PM offers some olive branch, then what would the world thinks about China.

Understandably, many members would ask why China can't make compromise like it used to do in the last few decades. The answer is obvious. China is no longer a regional power. China can no longer hide behind the image of a developing nation. Most importantly, Chinese no longer want to be a pushover. Beside, the US and its allies would keep attacking China no matter what. Australia has already decided to join the US containment strategy to contain China.

To add, China is now seen as a threat, because it has become too big and influential.

I think the cartoon publication will work out for China:

1. It makes an example out of Australia.
2. There's no way Australia can escape from the attention it draws to its soldiers being out of control and committing war crimes.


I am not sure what you are trying to say.

You know that person who put the "photo" up in twitter is the speaker of Chinese foreign ministry. Who else can be behind? Xi Jingping himself perhaps.

Apparently the whole Chinese leadership does not want to return at this point of time before Australia has paid the due.

So there is no conspiracy of secret agenda by some sabotager if that is what you were trying to say.
You probably have said what I wanted to say. I know Zhao Lijian was the person who posted the picture (I don't call it a photo) but did he posted it by his own will or someone had instructed him to do so? No matter it's him or another person, they think Morrison is backing down but they don't accept it. So they send a message to Morrison "Hey, I don't accept your surrender, pick up your weapon and fight again!".


Come on steelbird. The only reason Morrison is trying to steer back to "normal". It's because he had caused the massive car crash the first place. So please put the blame where it should be. Not as some western MSM is trying to blame China because China is being stubborn not accepting his "olive" branch. Gee.
To say it frankly, after messing everything up, Morrison found himself in a bad position and his boss is losing power, he wanted to return back to a past time but this time China doesn't accept it. The picture event is to tell Morrison there's no way back to normal. I think many Chinese netizens think the same at this point.


Registered Member
I completely agree.

So far, Chinese foreign ministry has refrained from directly attacking any other nations.

It's time for the gloves to come off.
And what's smart is that they did it through a tweet through a spokesperson's Twitter account, which gives plausible deniability. They didn't attack through a formal statement from the Ministry.
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Senior Member
Maybe China can do russian method, offer a bounty to taliban fighters, 1 million for 1 head or something like that, i would imagine that after all of this, the taliban would be rather receptive if not enthusiastic to the offer lol


Registered Member
To say it frankly, after messing everything up, Morrison found himself in a bad position and his boss is losing power, he wanted to return back to a past time but this time China doesn't accept it. The picture event is to tell Morrison there's no way back to normal. I think many Chinese netizens think the same at this point.
I guess we may need to prepare for an age where being an Anglo Saxon is grounds to be discriminated against, simply because they have done this repeatedly and expected to be loved for it for the last century. Scomo tried to play the game of thrones and now he lost because he wasn't fighting a Cersei, but he was fighting Tyrion and unlike Cersei, his downfall is going to be a long and painful process that is going to be recorded in History as China's first real victim and the best part is that this is entirely self inflicted so Australia can complain all they want, but when the unemployment and the nations falls into a depression, they will learn the hard way, what it means to try to harm China and expect to get away with it. Just like in HK, they will lose, its just a matter of time

Maybe China can do russian method, offer a bounty to taliban fighters, 1 million for 1 head or something like that, i would imagine that after all of this, the taliban would be rather receptive if not enthusiastic to the offer lol
As bad as it is for Australia, so be it, any nation that goes into another country without a justified reason should be hunted down and given the highest penalty, that just because you can go to war in other countries and commit war crimes, doesn't mean that you are protected from the repercussions and also that no western law is going to protect you from justice since as we can see now, no one is really standing with Australia and justifying there deeds at all.
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