Miscellaneous News


You are correct if australia stays neutral and not actively trying to contain China, however australia went out of its way trying to undermine China, they have joined the quad an anti China alliance by definition and they went even further by signing a defence pact with japan allowing both countries to station troops in their territories, this is unprecendented, recently only the us who can station troops in japan
These are the actions of an enemy state, and the only way to defeat such an enemy short of war is to cripple it economically so that they cease to become a threat

I think more like Morrison than Australia ....... regarding Australia and Japan defence pact, who cares? means nothing

Australian people in general are good and nice people (New Zealand people are way better though), only the losers that racist and extremist


Well let face reality. Aussie products dont have much value for Anglo countrys and US. Let see: coal->nah too much pollute and the industry use coal of Anglo country dont need too much of coal->pass. Wines-> nah only fancy in eye of Asian or poor country-> French wines is obviously choices->pass. Beef-> well this whole beef industry in pocket of US-> any finger of Aussie dare to touch will be chop off real quick->pass. Conclusion: good luck in way go to hell, Aussie.

and NZ beef is better than Aussie ;)


Registered Member
Australian people in general are good and nice people (New Zealand people are way better though), only the losers that racist and extremist

I think that's true of everyone - you can say everyone is good and nice in general. They're implicit racists - which means deep down they believe in the superiority of their system and race. They're friendly to the extent they want to rescue you through the "superiority of Western civilization". It's like Singaporeans - sure they're nice and good, but privately they say all kinds of bad things about mainland Chinese and Indians. It's worse when competition for jobs get heated.


Senior Member
Registered Member
I think that's true of everyone - you can say everyone is good and nice in general. They're implicit racists - which means deep down they believe in the superiority of their system and race. They're friendly to the extent they want to rescue you through the "superiority of Western civilization". It's like Singaporeans - sure they're nice and good, but privately they say all kinds of bad things about mainland Chinese and Indians. It's worse when competition for jobs get heated.
100% this.
It's why white people will say shit like "i actually like chinese people, it's only the chinese communist party i hate"
"i'm not a racist, i have friends who are asian"
and they will mean it earnestly but when push comes to shove, they'll have no problem sending chinese to internment death camps.