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yes, manuka honey ;)

Hi antiterror13,

Yeah, it has health benefit too, I buy a lot when I bring a group tour to NZ, which was consign to me by my client ,family members and friends. As a measure of goodwill as typical of us Chinese , I don't accept their payments and refer them as a gift especially if its a pretty lady client :cool: hehehe, you know my drift...LOL.... I try to bring home NZ beef and sheep shank, but was stop at the airport security and had to donate it to the security personnel:(
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Another great line from Hua chung Ying.

"I can but you can't"

【#华春莹批澳方我可以你不可以心态傲慢虚伪#】 @人民日报 华春莹:我今天还看到一篇公众号的文章非常好,题目是《我可以、你不可以,凭什么?》,我想这句话说出了很多中国人的心声。的确是有一些人,他们总是抱着“我可以、你不可以”的心态对待中国,比如在科技上,我可以拥有武器,你不可以;经济上,我可以超过你,但你不可以;舆论上,我可以公开攻击你,公开地支持藏独、支持台独,公开地支持新疆分裂势力,公开地支持香港反对派和暴力违法分子打砸抢,但是你不可以。这种“我可以、你不可以”的心态其实说到底就是反映了一些人一种莫名其妙的、不可理喻的傲慢和虚伪,他们的真实目的也是要剥夺中国说出事实真相的权利,他们就是害怕有人大声说出来,“看!那个皇帝身上并没有衣服!”

Sorry. Guys you have to translate it yourself.


The western propaganda dept is going overdrive to deflect for OZ!



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Australia is fucked and ScoMo is digging an even deeper hole for himself
All the better, the world is running out of resources and technology hasnt caught up to solve fusion energy yet...

Maybe its better that India, Australia and all these places tank their own economies and screw their own people. Better for China


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Australia is not alone. It is supported by all Anglo Saxon countries. As for other white countries, they may not be the brothers of Australia, but they will support Australia if the conflict between China and Australia begins.

This diplomatic conflict could be avoided, if China kept quiet and pretended he didn't know everything. Extreme pragmatism is the key to China defeating the West. Skip the little things to look at the bigger picture
No, China and Australia will not be quiet, both sides will doubledown.
The best solution is for China and Australia to present their arguments to the Afghan people and let them, the Afghan people decide.


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No, China and Australia will not be quiet, both sides will doubledown.
The best solution is for China and Australia to present their arguments to the Afghan people and let them, the Afghan people decide.
Honestly I would give Australia to Afghans and African Americans. Afghanistan has been ransacked by Western countries after 20 years. Afghans and African Americans deserve to be treated better, treated as equal human beings


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No, China and Australia will not be quiet, both sides will doubledown.
The best solution is for China and Australia to present their arguments to the Afghan people and let them, the Afghan people decide.
FangYuan is taking same position as that one dude who advocates China never having more than 300 nukes in order not to upset America and break the balance... in fear of forcing America into an arms race when in fact the US already "turned" on China first and fired the opening salvos of the socalled new Cold War...

So now he advocates China needs to keep quiet, lay low, and basically kowtow to a junior two bit nothing Australia??? After Austrilia first attacked and instigated against China repeatedly and now is doubling down?

Usually as a junior two bit nothing nation you typically sing praise of your largest economic partner thats been propping you up for decades... failing that you at least remain nuetral... failing that as a smaller nation you hedge your bets and extract benefits from both hegemons like Philipines are doing... what you dont do is deliberately antagonize and sabetoge your #1 economic partner at ever turn and join sides with the US to contain said partner and expect there to be no meaningful reprecussions...

Why should China continue to support and prop up a nation that has actively choosen to side with the US, in fact happily volunteered to be the frontlines of US hegemonic aggression and containment against China... any superpower that long tolerates such active subversions and in fact rewards it is not fit as a rising power to challenge or unseat the declining power
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Pauline Hanson, leader of One Nation, a right wing political party in Australia calls for Australians to boycott Chinese goods this Christmas. This is one disgusting politician with a history of racism and Islamophobia. And she gets some attention on Australian MSM for 'standing up to China'.

Check out her tweet:

Well Hanson and any Australians who wanna participate in this boycott can kiss goodbye to all those: Santa hats, Elf hats, Reindeer dolls, TOYS, iPhones, laptops, mugs, snow globes, Mistletoes, Christmas Tree decors, Christmas lights, IKEAs made in China, glassware, and on and on and on....

Well I think China is more than entitled to say to Hanson and those China-hating Aussies. Hell yeah! Merry f**king Christmas to you! Ho-ho-ho!
Nice, now they stop buying from each other. Problems solved?