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Why is he still digging himself deeper? Why?

Scomo's framed this meme as an insult on the Diggers. What better way to show solidarity with the Diggers than to keep on digging?

But instead of asking why, you should be asking why not?
Give an applause to Scomo for doing the world a solid! Aussie aussie aussie, OI OI OI!
Keep on pulling on that bloody thread and unravel the entire sordid affair for the world to see! Let the whole world know what sort of hellish nightmare your boys have created in the middle east!
There are mountains of bodies, cables from Wikileaks, thousands of witnesses and a web of money trails covered in blood that has been hidden for a good part of the century. Nothing will delight me more than to have all of it hit the mainstream, even if its only in China.

The world has been put to sleep under the illusion of Pax America. It's time for more of us to wake up to smell the blood and hear the screams.

Because if we don't, we might be next under the butcher's knives.


Registered Member
Scomo's framed this meme as an insult on the Diggers. What better way to show solidarity with the Diggers than to keep on digging?

But instead of asking why, you should be asking why not?
Give an applause to Scomo for doing the world a solid! Aussie aussie aussie, OI OI OI!
Keep on pulling on that bloody thread and unravel the entire sordid affair for the world to see! Let the whole world know what sort of hellish nightmare your boys have created in the middle east!
There are mountains of bodies, cables from Wikileaks, thousands of witnesses and a web of money trails covered in blood that has been hidden for a good part of the century. Nothing will delight me more than to have all of it hit the mainstream, even if its only in China.

The world has been put to sleep under the illusion of Pax America. It's time for more of us to wake up to smell the blood and hear the screams.

Because if we don't, we might be next under the butcher's knives.

It's because no colored (inferiors) has ever called them out before. They don't know how to handle it.

It's like accusation of racism, but worse.


Registered Member
You probably have said what I wanted to say. I know Zhao Lijian was the person who posted the picture (I don't call it a photo) but did he posted it by his own will or someone had instructed him to do so? No matter it's him or another person, they think Morrison is backing down but they don't accept it. So they send a message to Morrison "Hey, I don't accept your surrender, pick up your weapon and fight again!".
It does not matter if Zhao is instructed to do it or his own will, he is a FM official, there is no such thing as personal will when he is in public domain. What ever that account posted is the words from the state but in the cloth of a person.

I like your analogue at the end. :D


Registered Member
100% this.
It's why white people will say shit like "i actually like chinese people, it's only the chinese communist party i hate"
"i'm not a racist, i have friends who are asian"
and they will mean it earnestly but when push comes to shove, they'll have no problem sending chinese to internment death camps.

I've posted this before. But it's still quite appropriate here.



Registered Member
Nice, now they stop buying from each other. Problems solved?

Pauline Hanson. If Australia is full of people like her, god help them.

This is a quote from her Facebook page:

In her Facebook video, Ms Hanson said it “absolutely disgusts me”. “This is why I am so anti-China – they are a country that says they want to grow to a stage where they will control and that’s exactly what they’re doing,” she said.

Any coloured people disgust her. She is so anti-China because she is a plain racist. Pure and simple.