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Oh boy, we got more comedic gold from the Aussies. They decided to find events from Chinese history 100 years ago to prove how evil China is.

They brought up the 1927 Shanghai massacre, and the 1938 Changsha fire. Both were started by the KMT, enemies of the CCP.

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Oh boy, we got more comedic gold from the Aussies. They decided to find events from Chinese history 100 years ago to prove how evil China is.

They brought up the 1927 Shanghai massacre, and the 1938 Changsha fire. Both were started by the KMT, enemies of the CCP.

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Chris Smith is a CPC agent, search your feelings


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View attachment 66170
Oh boy, we got more comedic gold from the Aussies. They decided to find events from Chinese history 100 years ago to prove how evil China is.

They brought up the 1927 Shanghai massacre, and the 1938 Changsha fire. Both were started by the KMT, enemies of the CCP.

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That would be a really stupid idea imagine others countries bringing out history of west hundreds of years ago, up until now west could defend and reject responsibility by saying it's history and should be treated as such it was bs but still had a plausible deniability now this argument will come back along with its extended family to bite you in the ass, I hope they double down *grabs popcorn*