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USA now wants its vassals to pay for the privelege of being enslaved?
Well Abe did it and look what happen to him :( instead the leash had been tighten and Kishida had to suffer the consequences. Many members had some issue with Edrogan BUT for me he had perfected the formula of emancipation from the US, well he had the advantage of geography BUT the same can be said of Japan, Taiwan and the Philippines.


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Macron needs to act since the Germans stole a march on him with the state visit late last year.
This is how you play the west against each other and away from your walls, as previous imperial dynasties did with barbarian hordes, be it Roman, Byzantine or Chinese. But the Americans really did most of the heavy lifting, in their greed to steal European market share, the rest of Europe had decided enough was enough.

Also, you know inflation is bad when you come across no less than several TikToks about how unaffordable everything is now:
Hmmm, the USA is doing a very good job in destroying its reputation amongst the younger generation with their de-industrialisation bullshit and how they literally ensured that Europe has no future. I don’t think the WEF is going to have much of a future if they keep on going with these unrealistic NWO crap if they cannot handle the basics. I believe in the next decade, many of these so called leaders like Klaus Schwarb, Ursula, Biden, and Baerbock to name a few are going to end up losing power and then perishing in disgrace and be remembered in the history books by the new generation as the b@st@rds that brought an end to the western world in the name of their own greed and China didn’t have to do squat. China will have plenty of time to win over the world once these Davis folk are out of the picture

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US to allies: No more 'free' military support; terms, conditions apply
Hmmm, if that is the case, then they shouldn’t expect loyalty from other nations when it comes to confronting China because their U.S. literally no upside in doing so. If the USA cannot pay its upkeep in keeping up its military, they should go bankrupt instead
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Add those with Twitter, Meta... this year certainly doesn't sound good for American tech companies.

What happened to all those companies they have stolen from Europe, I thought they are supposed to be secure and it doesn’t seem that TSMCs future in the USA (plant built in Arizonia, a frighten desert with low water qualities and power issues, cough cough) are all that certain either so really, only China can come out the winner here with a near endless supply of energy (Russia and Middle East) and having a collective that is obviously more intelligent then those who study in the USA and believe t entitled to salaries far above what they deserve which lead to the firing of all those people in those tech companies to save cost….. oh dear….. this is a problem that feeds into itself

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face it, those American companies have lost the innovation long ago.


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Add those with Twitter, Meta... this year certainly doesn't sound good for American tech companies.

No good for affected employees. With cost cutting, stock price supposed to bounce, especially after a bad 2022, therefore good for the management (who are also employees but I've met enough who think they are sovereigns), and of course what's good for management will be spun as good for the company.


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Up next in America's craziest fanfic

In new memoir, Mike Pompeo says Trump told him to ‘shut the hell up’ about China
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Trump could have had great relations with China. All he wanted was a bit of showmanship and trade deals

But it got poisoned by the career imperialists in Washington DC such as Pompeo and Bolton


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Moderator - World Affairs
Trump could have had great relations with China. All he wanted was a bit of showmanship and trade deals

But it got poisoned by the career imperialists in Washington DC such as Pompeo and Bolton
Didn't Trump appoint Bolton and Pompeo? Like... he knew what he was getting himself into... He even appointed the Peter Navarro guy, author of "Death by China" as Trade Director..... that's like appointing Gordon Chang as your chief policy guy on China.