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Didn't Trump appoint Bolton and Pompeo? Like... he knew what he was getting himself into... He even appointed the Peter Navarro guy, author of "Death by China" as Trade Director..... that's like appointing Gordon Chang as your chief policy guy on China.
I have a feeling he chose those people not because he really knew what they were, but because he's an idiot who got scammed into thinking they were capable


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Trump was a racist through and through.

For instance, Navarro was appointed because Trump was looking for the most anti-China racist he could find. His son-in-law did a Google search for racists who wrote anti-China books, and then they found Navarro.

Trump could easily have told his son-in-law not to look online for the most anti-China racist he could find. He could easily have not appointed Navarro or skipped him. But he kept Navarro around for four years. Trump would always choose the most racist, fascist underlings. Some of those underlings are now writing books pretending Trump had secret conversations where he was moderate.

But in reality Trump never blocked a single one of their fascist actions. And he was the one who appointed them and kept them. And he always publicly and repeatedly spouted the same racist, fascist anti-China hate his underlings did. Remember China virus?

Imagine if you have a hotel where all the management hate black people and repeatedly call them n*ggers. Imagine if that hotel repeatedly enacts racist policies that target blacks. Imagine if the owner of that hotel also repeatedly says racist things about black people and often calls them niggas in front of massive crowds. Before becoming owner, said person also consistently made speeches about how he was going to make black people pay.

Now, is that owner a secret moderate because his management calls black people n*ggers but he only calls black people niggas? No, he's a racist.

Trump was and remains a racist, fat, fascist racist who needs to be Uvalded.
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I'm also quite proud that I was able to call Trump and his kind racist 14 times in this page.

Because I'm not afraid to call out racism when I see it.

Yep, Trump and his kind are racist fascists who must be glassed and Denazified.

Once that happens the American people can liberate themselves from their oppressive authoritarian regime, overthrow their genocidal American government, execute Fauci and all his lot who may have created the Fauci virus that killed tens of millions, and then pay reparations to the rest of the world - starting of course with China and Russia. I hate the genocidal American regime but I absolutely definitely love the American people. All they have to do is to be bombed and the American people will definitely stop being brainwashed, overthrow their government, and grant Hawaii and Alaska their independence.
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