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I'm also quite proud that I was able to call Trump and his kind racist 14 times in this page.

Because I'm not afraid to call out racism when I see it.

Yep, Trump and his kind are racist fascists who must be glassed and Denazified.

Once that happens the American people can liberate themselves from their oppressive authoritarian regime, overthrow their genocidal American government, execute Fauci and all his lot who may have created the Fauci virus that killed tens of millions, and then pay reparations to the rest of the world - starting of course with China and Russia. I hate the genocidal American regime but I absolutely definitely love the American people. All they have to do is to be bombed and the American people will definitely stop being brainwashed, overthrow their government, and grant Hawaii and Alaska their independence.

He is no more or less racist than the Democrats, who are arguably worse because they are closet racists who pretend to actually care.


Registered Member
US to allies: No more 'free' military support; terms, conditions apply
US is right on this one. Look at EU and US physical trade balance. basically Europeans have turned US into raw material suppliers that is damaging to US environment and health system.
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If there is US trade surplus in services it is entirely due to mass immigration. German as usual have played well to make sure rest of Europe got weakens and US depended on Germany. I am sure German will use Turkey and others to extract itself from Ukraine and still absorb Ukrainians for German business.
on top of that Germans have that business with Arabs that ensure Euro is stronger than dollar even with lower German interest rates. German have very identical approach to Gulf Arabs in implementing Atlanticism. Always get more in relationship. Germans have no problem MSC in Doha or Brookings Doha.
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And the USA in almost every conflict they have been in has pretty much ran away every time, two of those against China, yet the western world believes that the USA can face China. I am interested to know why they still support such a loser and Borrel is an idiot, everyone knows that


Registered Member
We have only 18 tanks but anyway. I guess getting rid of the token fleet was found reasonable. BTW we reaching the highest point of possible Western aid with tank and fighter jet deliveries. The West has no large stock of BMs. and JASSM and Tomahawks certainly won't be given to Ukraine.

Didn't we pretty much sold/rent our tanks to Germany?
And if the f-16 fails in Ukraine it will probably used as an excuse to buy more f-35.


Registered Member
Didn't we pretty much sold/rent our tanks to Germany?
And if the f-16 fails in Ukraine it will probably used as an excuse to buy more f-35.
Yes they serve under a German army unit but with Dutch crews.

The F-16AMs are modernized F-16As. They are almost equal to block 50/52. We don't have many of those either. The fleet is getting retired. There were talks about their sale to Bulgaria. Unless a fast retirement is desired restoring recently retired F-16AMs would be the best choice.


Registered Member
We have only 18 tanks but anyway. I guess getting rid of the token fleet was found reasonable. BTW we reaching the highest point of possible Western aid with tank and fighter jet deliveries. The West has no large stock of BMs. and JASSM and Tomahawks certainly won't be given to Ukraine.

Sir this is how you play Geopolitics with the US, agree with the US on Ukraine which for Brandon his number 1 priority BUT disagree on ASML total ban which will affect Dutch interest. Since the Netherlands is far away from Ukraine, donating a few 18 tanks is nothing compare to a lucrative trade with China. So hurrah to Rutte, he had masterfully played Brandon....lol


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Even if we look at GDP growth, which as I noted is a faulty measure of human welfare, we have a problem. Recall that GDP growth had slowed to between 3% and 4% in 2019, before Covid-19. That, I would say, is the best estimate we have of India’s potential growth. All current growth rates suffer from the base effect: if a number falls from 100 to one, that's a 99% decrease; but if it goes from one to two, that is a 100% increase. So, today’s GDP growth rates are meaningless. My best reading is that Indian GDP growth rates will fall to 4% once the dust of the base effects settles.