Miscellaneous News


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Not quite true.
The big reason why they use all these custom parts is that Tim Cook has supreme confidence in his Chinese manufacturing partners’ abilities.

Rather than design around a standard “parts bin”, the parts cater to the design. So there have been things like weird L-shaped batteries rather than a standard rectangle.

When Apple tried to make the trash can Mac Pro in America, it was a failure because American companies could not manufacture at the speed/scale or tolerances required even for screws.
Whatever the reason, it makes Apple difficult to pull out of China, because the downstream manufacturers, such as those that make the screws, have to be build up from scratch.

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Trip likely to be in April
He better comes to China for help.

Today's fine example of Western value:


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Once unleashed, Hindutva forces had powerful momentum, a potential that Savarkar recognized in the 1920s. The political power of Hindutva stems from the friend-enemy relationship, a theme developed by the German legal theorist Carl Schmitt a few years after Savarkar emphasised that pointing an antagonistic finger at an enemy helps sustain a politically potent group identity.
Exhibit A:


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Moderator - World Affairs
So even in his memoir Mike is still smearing China with nonsense like China was delaying info sharing and spreading disinformation. Fuck you Pompeo.
Pompeo has ambitions for presidency, hence he is trying to paint himself as "more anti-China than Trump". Seriously, he would be a nightmare as President, but the good thing is he has zero charisma and totally unlikeable. This overweight fat toad has Zero chance.