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I remembered Heydarian from my baby geopolitical years. Ooh to be so naive to think Heydarian and Peter zeihan are geopolitical experts.

I think I saw a debate between Heydarian and Sass Rogando Sasot about the Philippines and the South China sea. She definitely beat his ass in that debate. That must have been 7 years ago or so after I saw that debate I pretty much wrote off Heydarian as someone that wants the best of the Philippines.
Bro I remember that debate and his analysis are laughable, she destroy him completely (Sass is being demonized by MSM as a fake news contend provider), after that his TV appearance suddenly drop and he had go to Australia as a visiting fellow to learn and get more materials...lol It saddens me that my Alma Mater DLSU offer him a professor job, well being an Alumni himself maybe he had connections inside the university. :rolleyes:
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Registered Member
History tends to rhyme. ASEAN and the whole of Asia needs to wake up

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Well bro we have woken up, only Japan is asleep maybe the effect of nuclear fallout...lol In this region only Japan and Australia are gung ho, BUT lately the Aussie is dilly dallying and IF China and Indonesia had a strategic alliances and provide modern armaments, Australia will scream bloody murder and their focus will change as there is an immediate threat in her neighborhood. :cool:


Lieutenant General
Registered Member
China's counter sanctions on Australia vastly reduced the amount of purchases they made. This caused a major crisis in the Australian economy which started to shrink after a long period of continuous growth. The only remaining major import if iron ore, but China is continuing to increase its imports of iron ore from Brazil, Russia, and exploring further mines in Africa. If these countries expand their production then Australia might simply find itself not importing anything at all to China in the future.


Registered Member
China's counter sanctions on Australia vastly reduced the amount of purchases they made. This caused a major crisis in the Australian economy which started to shrink after a long period of continuous growth. The only remaining major import if iron ore, but China is continuing to increase its imports of iron ore from Brazil, Russia, and exploring further mines in Africa. If these countries expand their production then Australia might simply find itself not importing anything at all to China in the future.
Bro they accept YUAN payment so in a way they had sold part of their soul to China...lol I'm certain China will continue importing Australian ore at a cheaper price as China diversify with different suppliers, this is the way the Chinese dominate, we are a mercantile race not an ideologue and we never dither when there are profits to be made. :cool:


Registered Member
UK Transport Secretary Grantt Shapps erased Boris from this photo with the "British" American rocket:



Oh and the rocket failed:
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But everything else is going great in the UK though:
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Boris elbow is still visible in the edited picture.


Junior Member
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A massive hit-and-run incident occured yesterday evening at a busy Zhengjia Plaza intersection in Tianhe District in Guangzhou. Many pedestrians were crossing the road at the intersection when the suspect, driving a BMW SUV, ram through the pedestrians.

As of now, it is reported that 13 people has been injured, and tragically, 5 people have died from the incident.

The suspect has been apprehended by the police. Before the suspect was caught, he was seen throwing money out of the SUV.

The suspect could be suffering from mental illness, or this could be a terrorist attack. Truly horrifying.
Are police armed in China? I'm surprised that the guy wasn't shot dead while trying to flee and running people over.


Registered Member
Are police armed in China? I'm surprised that the guy wasn't shot dead while trying to flee and running people over.
By "armed", I suppose you are referring to firearms (pistol, shotgun, assault rifle, submachine gun etc).

Firearms aren't allowed to be carried by police officers of the People's Police (人民警察) when on-duty and doing normal patrols.

Only the People's Armed Police (人民武装警察 PAP) personnel are allowed to carry firearms at all times when on-duty.
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Registered Member
A massive hit-and-run incident occured yesterday evening at a busy Zhengjia Plaza intersection in Tianhe District in Guangzhou. Many pedestrians were crossing the road at the intersection when the suspect, driving a BMW SUV, ram through the pedestrians.

As of now, it is reported that 13 people has been injured, and tragically, 5 people have died from the incident.

The suspect has been apprehended by the police. Before the suspect was caught, he was seen throwing money out of the SUV.

The suspect could be suffering from mental illness, or this could be a terrorist attack. Truly horrifying.

I often realise it's a common feature with these transient migrant types...always keen on others doing the fighting for their ideology while they cower from the safety within their basements. Very similar to taiwan greenies clamouring so hard for independence while extremely allergic to the idea of a lengthy conscription to defend said ideals lol

I certainly hope so...or at least wish this is CPC giving him an out to 容易下台. Tbh, I think his blunder last Nov really left a stain on his image and with tensions between US-China relations at an all time high, China simply cannot afford to make any mistakes in a game of inches. I also found global audiences to be much more receptive toward Hua Chunying's critical approach toward hypocritical journalists, which is really a form of "wolf warrior" diplomacy albeit with a creative flair (no one beats Chen Weihua tho).

Hopefully Zhao is well-settled in his new post.

I remembered Heydarian from my baby geopolitical years. Ooh to be so naive to think Heydarian and Peter zeihan are geopolitical experts.

I think I saw a debate between Heydarian and Sass Rogando Sasot about the Philippines and the South China sea. She definitely beat his ass in that debate. That must have been 7 years ago or so after I saw that debate I pretty much wrote off Heydarian as someone that wants the best of the Philippines.
Is this the debate you're talking about? Can't be 7 years ago because that would mean the debate happened during then Aquino administration.



Registered Member
Isn’t this just maximum cope:
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From the looks of it, Zhao Lijian wasn’t demoted at all. He got assigned to a position in which he plays a huge role in developing the policies for all border disputes, which include the Sino-Indian border issue AND the Diaoyu Islands dispute. That means the Wolf Warrior diplomacy is actually going to be implemented rather than be talked about.
Zhao wasn't demoted. This move seems more of sideways (neither promotion or demotion) move to me. Btw it isn't unheard for this to happen and some years down the line to get promoted.

Nothing bad to gaining some extra experience on diplomacy, he is still young after all