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Do you remember this post of me before?

This development and how it is marketed prove all of it

BTW comments are based

European independence is a farcical idea. Europe is already independent. It doesn't need the USA for anything. It is just led by an utterly incompetent and compromised EU bureaucracy. Until 2019 or so I was very pro-EU. Their handling of the Ukrainian crisis and Covid changed everything though. The EU should be stripped of all of its powers that aren't related to economics and cultural relations.

I am not concerned for China though. The EU bureaucracy is inept and European national governments are filled with status-quo politicians. Nothing will change.
Stupid woman doesn’t know when to quit. Is pushing Russia to the brink really a smart strategy for this woman, does she seek to become a radioactive specimen that badly. Seeking to be enemies of China and Russia at the same time is not smart, especially when the country of origin depends of both of these for survival and even running away to the USA for her survival isn’t going to help either given how the USA is equally vulnerable to hypersonic missiles as the EU and is lead by an equally stupid bunch of people. But then again, these beauracrats never cease to amaze me in how low they can sink and how stupid they really are. Thank goodness, I already went to Europe for a holiday because in the even something truly bad happens, I won’t miss going there but still for any members in Europe, in the event of a true crisis, please prepare in escape route because I don’t want anything bad happening to anyone here
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ISIS-K (CIA front) claims responsibility again. Quite interesting it just happened after China signed a 25 year oil extraction deal with Afghanistan.
Could we blame this one on another intelligence agency just for the variety? It could even be another American intelligence agency. The CIA is hogging all the spotlight and we should give others some shine every now and then so they don't feel bad.


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Some within the think-tankie land are more aware than others about the closed loop of ideas these social "scientists" are regurgitating out of Washington these days.
Look at this so-called "Professor" more like perpetual American seeking attention academic a.k.a. Richard Haydarian response to that tweet.



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That Heydarian dude probably jizzed his pants when he saw that the Philippines will be part of the US plan in Asia. He is such a pro western shitlib.
Because he hold a dual passport, he can leave ASAP when trouble do arrive. ;) When you see people parroting Western propaganda here in the Philippine , you bet even your wife that they have an escape plan ready. A prime example aside from him is Maria Ressa the so called Nobel Price winner, she hold a US passport and is an American citizen, what right does she have to criticize and participate in our politics when she isn't even a citizen. :rolleyes:

And a reminder, their audience are not the pure locals cause they communicate in Pretty English...lol Heydarian speak broken Tagalog so people correlate him as part of the oligarch, that is his audience. ;) So most of the Western stooge are worst propagandist and are ineffective, they were fleecing their Western Master...lol They campaign openly for Pinklawan candidates and their credibility suffered a lot after Leni massive lost and yet they have the temerity to give their opinions as fact. What a bunch of losers.
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Isn’t this just maximum cope:
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From the looks of it, Zhao Lijian wasn’t demoted at all. He got assigned to a position in which he plays a huge role in developing the policies for all border disputes, which include the Sino-Indian border issue AND the Diaoyu Islands dispute. That means the Wolf Warrior diplomacy is actually going to be implemented rather than be talked about.