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Because he hold a dual passport...
I often realise it's a common feature with these transient migrant types...always keen on others doing the fighting for their ideology while they cower from the safety within their basements. Very similar to taiwan greenies clamouring so hard for independence while extremely allergic to the idea of a lengthy conscription to defend said ideals lol

From the looks of it, Zhao Lijian wasn’t demoted at all.
I certainly hope so...or at least wish this is CPC giving him an out to 容易下台. Tbh, I think his blunder last Nov really left a stain on his image and with tensions between US-China relations at an all time high, China simply cannot afford to make any mistakes in a game of inches. I also found global audiences to be much more receptive toward Hua Chunying's
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, which is really a form of "wolf warrior" diplomacy albeit with a creative flair (no one beats Chen Weihua tho).

Hopefully Zhao is well-settled in his new post.
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I often realise it's a common feature with these transient migrant types...always keen on others doing the fighting for their ideology while they cower from the safety within their basements. Very similar to taiwan greenies clamouring so hard for independence while extremely allergic to the idea of a lengthy conscription period to defend said ideals lol

I certainly hope so...or at least wish this is CPC giving him an out to 容易下台. Tbh, I think his blunder last Nov really left a stain on his image and with tensions between US-China relations at an all time high, China simply cannot afford to make any mistakes in a game of inches. I also found global audiences to be much more receptive toward Hua Chunying's
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, which is really a form of "wolf warrior" diplomacy albeit with a creative flair (no one beats Chen Weihua tho).

Hopefully Zhao is well-settled in his new post.
I’d argue that Zhao Lijian is in a critical role as well since he can influence policies that can influence other bordering nations to submit to, cooperate with, or fight against China. That is huge since China’s treatment of their neighbors can play a role in influencing non-bordering country’s policies towards China. Imagine if China was unable to at the very least establish maritime border mechanisms with the ASEAN nations. That would create a lot of trouble for China since they would have to deal with much more confrontational nations that the US can take advantage of.

In regards to Hua Chunying, in my opinion, I can’t tell given how the West doesn’t report on her much, but I do know that they are definitely obsessed with Zhao. Based on that, Hua Chunying seems to be less influential than you think she is unless you have something that proves otherwise.
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Indonesia finally gets serious about reconciling with China, by coming to terms with the pogroms against ethnic Chinese communities in the past (often at the behest of Washington)
Isn’t this just maximum cope:
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From the looks of it, Zhao Lijian wasn’t demoted at all. He got assigned to a position in which he plays a huge role in developing the policies for all border disputes, which include the Sino-Indian border issue AND the Diaoyu Islands dispute. That means the Wolf Warrior diplomacy is actually going to be implemented rather than be talked about.
Journalists in the West tend to be scions of the rich Elites of the West or come from the CIA; their whole schtick is to do the whole 'mean girls' passive aggressive bullying towards journalists like the staff at RT.


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Because he hold a dual passport, he can leave ASAP when trouble do arrive. ;) When you see people parroting Western propaganda here in the Philippine , you bet even your wife that they have an escape plan ready. A prime example aside from him is Maria Ressa the so called Nobel Price winner, she hold a US passport and is an American citizen, what right does she have to criticize and participate in our politics when she isn't even a citizen. :rolleyes:

And a reminder, their audience are not the pure locals cause they communicate in Pretty English...lol Heydarian speak broken Tagalog so people correlate him as part of the oligarch, that is his audience. ;) So most of the Western stooge are worst propagandist and are ineffective, they were fleecing their Western Master...lol They campaign openly for Pinklawan candidates and their credibility suffered a lot after Leni massive lost and yet they have the temerity to give their opinions as fact. What a bunch of losers.
I remembered Heydarian from my baby geopolitical years. Ooh to be so naive to think Heydarian and Peter zeihan are geopolitical experts.

I think I saw a debate between Heydarian and Sass Rogando Sasot about the Philippines and the South China sea. She definitely beat his ass in that debate. That must have been 7 years ago or so after I saw that debate I pretty much wrote off Heydarian as someone that wants the best of the Philippines.


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I’d argue that Zhao Lijian is in a critical role as well since he can influence policies that can influence other bordering nations to submit to, cooperate with, or fight against China. That is huge since China’s treatment of their neighbors can play a role in influencing non-bordering country’s policies towards China.

In regards to Hua Chunying, in my opinion, I can’t tell given how the West doesn’t report on her much, but I do know that they are definitely obsessed with Zhao. Based on that, Hua Chunying seems to be less influential than you think she is unless you have something that proves otherwise.
Again, I wish nothing but the best for Zhao. As for Hua, perhaps the reason why you think she's not as influential is because she wasn't in the spotlight as often. With Mao Ning in the wings, perhaps Hua will finally be given more opportunities to cover foreign media.


Registered Member
I often realise it's a common feature with these transient migrant types...always keen on others doing the fighting for their ideology while they cower from the safety within their basements. Very similar to taiwan greenies clamouring so hard for independence while extremely allergic to the idea of a lengthy conscription to defend said ideals lol
Well bro they need to earn a living that will pay them handsomely, what employment do they have when their only assets are their mestizo looks (Heydarian) and good English grammar (Ressa), They are a mouthpiece, they don't do research and mostly plagiarized pro western view and works. So who will pay top Peso for their services, well the obvious answer is the US. The Oligarchy knows that good looks sell, that is why they're funding former actor like Isko Moreno to run for higher office. All of that change when Duterte enter office, the masses had been awaken, now being a pure blood Filipino is a plus and Pretty English speaker is being look upon suspiciously....lol See the Duterte effect and why the oligarch and the American hate him so much and vow not to repeat a second Duterte coming. ;) Their narratives had been shattered and their audiences are almost non existence, look from Heydarian tweet I bet you the one who retorted him is a fellow Filipino and that will surprises him. His credibility among us here are low and he is afraid that it may affect his international standing as his paymaster are watching...lol He will be thrown out of the bus and will be queueing for job employment.;)


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US, Japan boost security, military cooperation​

WASHINGTON — The United States and Japan plan to boost military and security cooperation as their top national security officials hold talks on Wednesday.
The U.S. and Japanese foreign and defense ministers are set to agree to adjust the American troop presence on the island of Okinawa. And, as they prepared to meet, Japan’s defense ministry announced it was ready to start construction on an uninhabited island where the two militaries will hold joint military exercises.

The two nations are revising their joint defense posture as they confront rising threats from North Korea and increasing aggressiveness from China.
Wednesday’s discussions will be followed by a meeting on Friday between President Joe Biden and Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida at which they will underscore the importance of the relationship.

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to visit allies in Europe and North America,
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with British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak on Wednesday that strengthens military ties between their two counties, also in response to China’s increasing military assertiveness.
Following their talks, Secretary of State Antony Blinken, Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin and their Japanese counterparts, Yoshimasa Hayashi and Yasukazu Hamada, plan to issue a joint statement that will adjust, but not increase, the American troop presence on Okinawa.
The statement also will add a formal mention of space in the longstanding security treaty, in a nod to the Pentagon’s creation of the Space Force and Space Command. According to an administration fact sheet, that means that “attacks to, from and within space” could trigger the mutual defense provisions of the treaty, something that had previously been outside the scope of the agreement.

And, earlier Wednesday, Japan said it would soon begin constructing a pair of runways on the small southern island of Mageshima where the two militaries are to conduct joint exercises, including those of F-35B stealth fighters, amphibious operations and missile interception beginning around 2027.
The construction could start as early as Thursday, it said. The island, off the southwestern coast of Kagoshima on the southernmost main island of Kyushu, will be a hub for troop deployment and munition supply in case of a conflict like a Taiwan emergency.
Japan and the United States are moving one of their key flight exercise sites to the southern island, which is much closer to the U.S. air base of Iwakuni, home to an F-35B fleet, than the current training site on Iwo Jima, where one of the bloodiest and most iconic battles of World War II was fought.

The changes in the deployment on Okinawa will transform the 12th Marine Regiment into a smaller, more rapidly mobile unit — the 12th Marine Littoral Regiment, which will be designed to be better able and equipped to fight an adversary and defend the U.S. and its allies in the region, U.S. officials said.
The regiment “will bolster deterrence and provide a stand-in force that is able to defend Japan and quickly respond to contingencies,” the administration fact sheet said.
The officials said the decision will not increase the number of Marines on the island and does not come with any significant change in weapons capability.
Reinforcement of military capability or troops is a sensitive issue for Okinawa, site of one of the bloodiest ground battles at the end of World War II. The island hosts more than half of the U.S. troops based in Japan, and Okinawans want that number reduced.

A senior administration official, who requested anonymity to discuss negotiations with the Japanese, said historically negotiations involving U.S. force posture in Okinawa have been “unbelievably fraught, incredibly challenging and difficult” and often took years to complete. But negotiations before this week’s 2+2 meeting were completed with striking speed, the official said.
The anticipated agreements follow Japan’s announcement last year that it would increase its defense spending to 2% of gross domestic product over five years. That would make its defense budget the world’s third-largest — a dramatic shift in Tokyo’s priorities that reflects growing concerns about potential Chinese military action against Taiwan and North Korea.
While there is a growing fear of a Taiwan emergency, many islands in the region are concerned that a defense buildup could increase the risks of getting embroiled in war.

The change in Okinawa is part of a broader shift being made across the Marine Corps to make the service better able to operate in contested areas, particularly within striking range of an enemy. That element is critical in the Indo-Pacific, where thousands of U.S. and allied forces are easily within missile — or even rocket — range of both China and North Korea.
One Marine littoral regiment has already been set up in Hawaii, the second would be in Okinawa and another is planned later this decade, with a possible location being Guam, according to officials. The officials spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss plans not publicly announced.
Details are still being worked out, but a littoral regiment is made up of roughly 2,000 Marines, and includes a combat team with an anti-ship missile battery, a logistics battalion and an air defense battalion. The current Marine regiment on Okinawa that it would essentially replace includes about 3,400 Marines and sailors. The overall number of Marines on Okinawa would remain about the same, officials said.

In their talks on Friday, Biden is expected to raise with Kishida the case of Lt. Ridge Alkonis, a U.S. Navy officer deployed to Japan who has been jailed after pleading guilty last year to the negligent driving deaths of two Japanese citizens in May 2021, according to the senior administration official.
Alkonis’ family says he suddenly fell unconscious behind the wheel during a family trip on Mt. Fuji. He was so out of it, they say, that neither his daughter’s screams to wake up nor the impact of the collision roused him.
Alkonis’ car veered into parked cars and pedestrians in a parking lot, striking an elderly woman and her son-in-law, both of whom later died. The Navy officer was sentenced to three years in prison in October, a sentence that the family and U.S. lawmakers have called unduly harsh considering the circumstances. Alkonis also agreed to pay the victims’ $1.65 million in restitution.
The official added that the administration was working “to find a compassionate resolution that’s consistent with the rule of law.”