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It appears the US considers the Ukrainian-Russian war a success according to US Gen. Bierman. So, they're moving on to East Asia to "set the theater" for China. o_O

China better move more quickly than Russia at the beginning of their SMO in Ukraine; otherwise it's going to be a long war. I have a feeling that Beijing will be forced into action like Russia have. They probably got up to 2024 to get ready. I also expect the US next move will be against Iran once both Russia and China have their hands full. You'll know it's coming once we hear of Netanyahu barking again.

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"Why have we achieved the level of success we’ve achieved in Ukraine? A big part of that has been because after Russian aggression in 2014 and 2015, we earnestly got after preparing for future conflict: training for the Ukrainians, pre-positioning of supplies, identification of sites from which we could operate support, sustain operations.

“We call that setting the theatre. And we are setting the theatre in Japan, in the Philippines, in other locations.”


Registered Member
Seriously this stupid bit@h doesn’t remember what happened in Libya to simply name one. Honestly, I cannot see this person having any brain cells, she seriously is a liability to the EU and sooner or later will become one to the USA once the EU has fallen into chaos.

It appears the US considers the Ukrainian-Russian war a success according to US Gen. Bierman. So, they're moving on to East Asia to "set the theater" for China. o_O

China better move more quickly than Russia at the beginning of their SMO in Ukraine; otherwise it's going to be a long war. I have a feeling that Beijing will be forced into action like Russia have. They probably got up to 2024 to get ready. I also expect the US next move will be against Iran once both Russia and China have their hands full. You'll know it's coming once we hear of Netanyahu barking again.

Hmmm, lol to that one, almost a decade and the Russian's have pretty much forced the USA and the rest of NATO to cover for the fact that the Ukrainians have been getting such a severe beating that they cannot hide the fact the Soledar has pretty much fallen with such high casualties that there collective minds have broke and that not to mention how Bukmut is going to fall very soon, meaning the worse kind of loss is coming in hot for the west.

China has plenty of time to ruin the USA economically if the USA could only manage this much in Ukraine and still fail. They will need a lot longer to do the same to China (which they simply do not have more then a year before their supply chain along with there infrastructure goes completely to hell, if that whole episode in regards to all the flights being ground for a few days being an small taste of things to come).

China is not letting them get away with it scott free given how the dollar is getting pounded along with the USA suffering problems after problems without any help from China just from the start of this year alone, the USA would be stupid to try and arm Taiwan when it already has trouble doing the same for Ukraine when they are trying to force Europe to cover for them and the Taiwanese have already demonstrated that they do not want to being blown to pieces as shown recently with Ukraine.
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Senior Member
It appears the US considers the Ukrainian-Russian war a success according to US Gen. Bierman. So, they're moving on to East Asia to "set the theater" for China. o_O

China better move more quickly than Russia at the beginning of their SMO in Ukraine; otherwise it's going to be a long war. I have a feeling that Beijing will be forced into action like Russia have. They probably got up to 2024 to get ready. I also expect the US next move will be against Iran once both Russia and China have their hands full. You'll know it's coming once we hear of Netanyahu barking again.
So many ways to break up that alliance bro, China can put pressure on japan by conducting more naval and air exercise with Russia along miyako strait, or even joint exercises on sakhalin island, China can also give incentives to NK to launch more missiles towards japan, make them feel they will be fighting 3 front war

philipines by itself is not a military threat, with australia just like bro @ansy said China can arm indonesia with advanced weaponry like ballistic missiles, a weapon that tni ad has been wanting for decades but no one willing to sell them, this will make australia suffer an epileptic fit and forget about China faster than biden dementia

i truly believe taiwan armed reunification war if it were to happen will engulf all of east asia, when it comes down to it i find it hard to believe NK will stay static, i suspect Kim massive nuke build up unprecendented for a country NK size and economy is to prepare for this big war


Registered Member
So many ways to break up that alliance bro, China can put pressure on japan by conducting more naval and air exercise with Russia along miyako strait, or even joint exercises on sakhalin island, China can also give incentives to NK to launch more missiles towards japan, make them feel they will be fighting 3 front war

philipines by itself is not a military threat, with australia just like bro @ansy said China can arm indonesia with advanced weaponry like ballistic missiles, a weapon that tni ad has been wanting for decades but no one willing to sell them, this will make australia suffer an epileptic fit and forget about China faster than biden dementia

i truly believe taiwan armed reunification war if it were to happen will engulf all of east asia, when it comes down to it i find it hard to believe NK will stay static, i suspect Kim massive nuke build up unprecendented for a country NK size and economy is to prepare for this big war
Bro @horse explain it very well, the American need a win badly, they lost the trade war and may even lost the tech war. BUT in the projection war they may succeed ..lol And top people in the Asian region knows the trend even with Japan and SK, they need to toe the line cause the US is a occupying force in their country. Both of them have Confucian Values and part of the Sinosphere, so we understand each other, not an ideologue and can do business.

You can see the American desperation cause the Chinese aren't biting, just look how calm the Chinese are, they know what is happening on the ground and the US policy makers are not. :rolleyes: In SK case Seoul is within artillery range and China is a stabilization force in the Korean peninsula not the US. With Japan it's the economy stupid...lol the projected increase in military spending hardly cover the cost of inflation. The Philippine a major missile strike in critical infrastructure will render the US capability inoperable just look at the mess at the airport and how it affect the WHOLE COUNTRY. So each of those country had major problem of their own and all look at China for possible solution and many see the American as a destabilizer, which is a major turn around and also we have a NIMBY attitude in this region which is good. The American can cajole all of them and may see a meek respond as an affirmation BUT in actuality they are not.
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More copium from the West

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It wasn't too long ago that some of them were saying that they needed more money because China is kicking their asses in their wargames.

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They can't make up their mind anymore. Whether China can be defeated or is unstoppable.

Maybe the situation in Ukraine have gotten quite ugly for them. So the imperial warmongers had to adjust their wargames to bring some 'good news'. So they must have gamed China doing X stupid stuff. Just like how they did the same for the Russians before.

The PLAN is not without it's weaknesses, but so as the USN. The bottom line is, the USN cannot be expecting to shoot at the PLAN without getting shot back. Couple that with the local force superiority of the PLAN. The USN can suffer far higher losses than their wargames would predict.

There are no easy victories for the US against Russia or China. Those only existed in Tom Clancy fantasy books. In reality, even the PLA of the 1950s gave the US a much more serious fight than they've bargained for.
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More copium from the West

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It wasn't too long ago that some of them were saying that they needed more money because China is kicking their asses in their wargames.

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They can't make up their mind anymore. Whether China can be defeated or is unstoppable.

Maybe the situation in Ukraine have gotten quite ugly for them. So the imperial warmongers had to adjust their wargames to bring some 'good news'. So they must have gamed China doing X stupid stuff. Just like how they did the same for the Russians before.

The PLAN is not without it's weaknesses, but so as the USN. The bottom line is, the USN cannot be expecting to shoot at the PLAN without getting shot back. Couple that with the local force superiority of the PLAN. The USN can suffer far higher losses than their wargames would predict.

There are no easy victories for the US against Russia or China. Those only existed in Tom Clancy fantasy books. In reality, even the PLA of the 1950s gave the US a much more serious fight than they've bargained for.
About the latest wargame report, 3 of the 4 conditions for success are borderline unrealistic, rendering the conclusion very doubtful IMO.

The 4 conditions are:
Taiwanese forces must hold the line.
I wouldn't bet on it and don't underestimate the potential sabotaging from within Taiwan.

There is no "Ukraine model" for Taiwan. (As the US must fight directly.)
Fair enough as they must.

The US must be able to use its bases in Japan for combat operations.
I would imagine once the war has started, it wouldn't take much effort for China to destroy the bases via missiles.

The US must be able to strike the Chinese fleet rapidly and en masse from outside the Chinese defensive zone.
This is all about weaponry ranges and the amount of assets available. I think this is 50/50 at best for the US.